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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can you remember.....
cologne 1 On the up side: you, the unmentionable deegs, scotty, garage, fat dad of 1000 (can't remember his name ), donkey, cindi (who still ows me a crocheted washing machine) On the down side: mainly savannah. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by noseyrosie: As we're reminiscing... Fat Dad really made me laugh. I liked Fat Dad too. He was another of the first few with whom I conversed. He was a laugh Fluffy wasn't he? I keep hoping he'll turn up on a BB forum somewhere. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by noseyrosie: As we're reminiscing... Fat Dad really made me laugh. I liked Fat Dad too. He was another of the first few with whom I conversed. [ more ]
See all 165 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baby Bunny it's all your fault
Former Member Originally Posted by Baby Bunny: Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Dat Bunny ...Hoochie, noooo! Don't give her a sniff of that moolah $$$ she has an expensive diamond habit. Hello rosie. Hoochie will fund my diamond habit as it is err, in her interests to keep me sweet . Glad to see you back Bunny bribed with heaps of cash or not [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ~hoochie~: Originally Posted by Baby Bunny: Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Dat Bunny ...Hoochie, noooo! Don't give her a sniff of that moolah $$$ she has an expensive diamond habit. Hello rosie. Hoochie will fund my diamond habit as it is err, in her interests to keep me sweet . It was one moment of madness *asks no questions* [ more ]
Soozy Woo I do like that ad too but I love this one better. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Easter one and all..
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by nuts: Originally Posted by Aimee: Happy Easter everyone the mother has just told me off for washing today daughter needs her uniform for tomorrow so i had to wash My mam used to do that to me too Aims. I didn't take any notice i washed 4 times in the end, but don't tell the muvvver LOL! [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Aimee: Happy Easter everyone the mother has just told me off for washing today daughter needs her uniform for tomorrow so i had to wash My mum would never let us cut our nails on a Friday. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by nuts: Originally Posted by Aimee: Happy Easter everyone the mother has just told me off for washing today daughter needs her uniform for tomorrow so i had to wash My mam used to do that to me too Aims. I didn't take any notice i washed 4 times in the end, but don't tell the muvvver [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Smoking pipes
Former Member Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by noseyrosie: They can't resist your figure in that... what is it, a mumu? Probably! I call it my tent, but mumu sounds better. Homer called it a mumu Blizzie... And he is a sex god and fashion icon I like the look of it..., I might try one? *coff* for comfort [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: and... nice pipe Blizz Thank you. Bet you say that to all the boys. [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by noseyrosie: They can't resist your figure in that... what is it, a mumu? Probably! I call it my tent, but mumu sounds better. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm off the geegee's just now.
Garage Joe Good Friday! One of two none GG Days. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by ~Sweet Easter Bunny~: I don't get it, are you talking morse code? They might as well be, Sweet! Triggs and I are one; we're talking cup sizes I think..? Ahhhhh, clicks! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by Triggers: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Last evening was too emotional. I know, I've heard double Gs can get a guy a bit emotional Triggs! Yours is the only post I can understand in this fred..! You're one step ahead of me! [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who's got the getaway car?
Former Member You'd get a sausuage roll. [ more ]
Former Member Royal Worcester. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: C'mon then Travis; I'll be Cybil Shepherd to your Bobby De Niro. Where we going? What are we going in? What we listening to? And will we be home in time for tea? Ahh, see, he got there in the end with his seduction technique Treat 'em mean keep 'em keen! Well done Velvet (Will there be proper, proper china at tea?.....I would expect no less!) [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Weather !
Former Member Good day? Hope it was. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Renton: have you never heard of my thread "Weather update in your area" ??? *storms off* . . . and that's NOT a pun !!! Didn't mean to rain on your parade [ more ]
Saint have you never heard of my thread "Weather update in your area" ??? *storms off* . . . and that's NOT a pun !!! [ more ]
See all 54 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Would you......could you?
Former Member Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by ~hoochie~: Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: erm.... Star Trek? Like I said ....Life and death decisions .....they had to send crewmen to their deaths - I couldn't. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. I reckon Carnelian Some of those who 'think' that they would be the weakest in extreme adversity and impossibly difficult circumstances turn out to be the strongest and... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Carnelian: Cometh the hour, cometh the man. I always hope that this is how it will be. It's curtains otherwise. Lori [ more ]
Lori Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic: Get you off to the lakehouse and turn off your iphone alerts! BTW, ltns, hope all good with you and yours and you're enjoying those gorge juice babies I've been on holiday for two back in last weekend. And yes, don't get to see the babies often enough...and think I've forgotten what the lake house looks like, but I'll be going back soon!! Um, no, velvet. Hardly the Hamptons. [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rupert Murdoch... oh the irony.
Carnelian Originally Posted by Garage Joe: On the other hand the owners of other newspapers don't get to chose the Government and their policies. And all from the comfort of another country. Ironic that Sun readers like to moan about EU interference and the 'elf & safety Mafia' yet have no complaints about dancing to a plutocrat media mogul's tune who doesn't give a shit about this country. [ more ]
Former Member True. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Garage Joe: On the other hand the owners of other newspapers don't get to chose the Government and their policies. Yep [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Maintenance drinking now.
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by pirate1111: Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Tune errr.. you have to say CHOOON then u is darn wiv da kids innit or something like that It's all very well getting dahn wid da kidz innit - it's the gettin' on up (as recommended by Mr James Brown) that becomes the problem. And besides, I was talking in me bestest posh voice [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Tune errr.. you have to say CHOOON then u is darn wiv da kids innit or something like that [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Tune [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Karen Matthews release....
pirate1111 Originally Posted by barney: Originally Posted by zazz: Did any of you see them talking about this on this morning?! outrageous that ANYONE can feel sorry for that woman, or suggest somehow her involvement was less because her IQ wasnt high enough to pull it off on her own....and why was she given 8 years and only made to serve 4!!! Sometimes this country makes me wonder what it is all about!! it had me more outraged than that Samantha I look like I got battered with a house Brick ! what a... [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by zazz: Did any of you see them talking about this on this morning?! outrageous that ANYONE can feel sorry for that woman, or suggest somehow her involvement was less because her IQ wasnt high enough to pull it off on her own....and why was she given 8 years and only made to serve 4!!! Sometimes this country makes me wonder what it is all about!! it had me more outraged than that Samantha I look like I got battered with a house Brick! what a daft bint she is! Rant rant... [ more ]
Former Member I read in the papers a few weeks ago that she was due for parole and I couldn't believe she was eligible for it so soon This piece in the paper said that Shannon is still traumatised by what happened to her I think it highly unlikely that she will get any of her children back but I think it's a given that she'll breed more after all, she treated her children as nothing more than cash cows The biggest thing that this piece said was that she doesn't think she's done anything wrong and refuses... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've made a life changing decision!
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Take that woman's advice whatever you do She knows her onions I do! I am encyclopaedic when it comes to the allium family [ more ]
Former Member Take that woman's advice whatever you do She knows her onions [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Do NOT buy the Hyacinth scented Zoflora. It smells like stale wee when it dries The others are lovely though. [ more ]
See all 61 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
what is your biggest
Former Member A wee world of their own them two nutters [ more ]
zazz Mine is probably food! Gyps i thought you would have said shane tut**rage** [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Gypsie~: Ohhh dollys not a sheep, shes hilarious .... Im a bit addicted to her on a sunday night at our local cabaret club... when I say a bit... I mean ... im stalking her [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Can you not be choosy cos you're in a wheelchair? [ more ]
Soozy Woo I've just watched it ..............very enlightening and - is it wrong to say entertaining? i loved Richard and Luke - not so keen on Penny though - I agree she didn't take to the guy because he was in a wheelchair - I thought he seemed really nice. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by zazz: Richard was funny as was tourettes guy. didnt like the girl in the chair:0 [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Google AR
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Renton: Sorry Muf - didn't mean to be negative with your thread No worries Ol' bean [ more ]
Saint Sorry Muf - didn't mean to be negative with your thread [ more ]
Saint Some worthwhile points : Do you really want to give Google "that" much access into your world? Do you really need that much help to live your day? Do you really need directions via your mobile in a book store or is asking a human being soooo bad? And finally - remember when Tony Blair was running the country? Even he had time to hold a cuppa whilst talking to the media about Gov Policy Now tell me you don't !! [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Everybody's phone calls, emails and web use to be monitored under a new law
Former Member You can sign the petition: Stop Big Brother Law [ more ]
Garage Joe Originally Posted by ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ: No it's not just you. There are others who believe you should be prosecuted for listening to a song without paying. I do that all day It's a bit different to "downloading copyrighted material!" [ more ]
SpiderMonkey No it's not just you. There are others who believe you should be prosecuted for listening to a song without paying. [ more ]
See all 66 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Channel 5 have signed BB deal until 2014.
Syd It would make my day if they brought back live feed on old puter overheats and crashes when faced with to much [ more ]
Saint *gets a little pompous* Whilst i am pleased Channel 5 have saved BB i dislike intensely their handling of the programme. They trivislise the show by using ludicrous guests. Then they bite the hand that feeds by patronising the very contestants they themselves choose. They scoff at the viewers by flagrantly ignoring desperate requests for live feed. And then rub our noses in it by saying everything they are doing is great cos they are raking in the cash. Arrogance personified [ more ]
Saint Originally Posted by Yogi19: Good news. Now, will there be any live feed? If they are rolling in the cash they will see no need to change the format [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
TITANIC on ITV1. Did anyone see it?
Former Member Originally Posted by Yogi19: I stuck with it and watched the second episode, but it still isn't floating my boat. it's tanked in the ratings apparently - Silent Witness on BBC1 easily beat it major fail for Mr Fellows [ more ]
Yogi19 I stuck with it and watched the second episode, but it still isn't floating my boat. [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Pengy: I've got a bottle secreted about my person, we just need some ice hmmm.... dunno where we're gonna get that... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Worst Beatles song?
Rocking Ros Rose early beatles - i saw her standing there +loved fool on a hill+ Hey Jude + Eleanor rigby - - but worst was octopus's garden /yellow submarine - [ more ]
Garage Joe Originally Posted by Veggieburger: Octopus' Garden is truly dreadful - as is pretty much everything they let Ringo sing on. What possessed them? In using a vocalist who can't really sing the Beatles were ahead of their time. Without Ringo we probably wouldn't have had Jim Kerr, Girls Aloud, Lou Reed, X Factor etc. etc. [ more ]
Cinds Did anyone see Maccas son on Daybreak this morning? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Best of the worst of Phil Collins' or UB40's Motown, Reggae and 60s pastiches
Former Member Signing off and Present Arms In Dub Pants after the producer died. [ more ]
Cold Sweat As a kid groups such as UB40, Madness and The Specials ignited my interest in Reggae music; and specifically the early sound of Jamaican Ska and Rocksteady. I certainly heard – and liked the UB40 versions of “Johnny Too Bad” and “Red Red Wine” before discovering the originals. [ more ]
machel ub40 red wine and higher ground [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My poor friend
Dirtyprettygirlthing Her GP is the person that will sort out being treated at another hospital... the hospitals can't do that. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Tell her to book an appointment with her GP ASAP to discuss everything that has happened... and is going to happen Aims... Her GP is her best bet right now [ more ]
Former Member OMG in addition to the physical problems this has caused, this will also have traumatised her mentally. I agree that she should insist on being treated at another hospital. Don't let the hospital fob her off - this is a tried and tested trick by them in the hope that the matter will be allowed to drop - even though she is poorly now, she must not let her bad treatment go unpunished. I hope she gets better treatment soon [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
so who got april fooled?
zazz Originally Posted by Lori: Plus there's FOOD in the name--that's BOUND to throw them off, right? I like your thinking!! [ more ]
zazz Lets just say, Gypsie got me while my guard was down, there is NO way, I would have fallen for her childish pranks had I even remembered it was April 1st Though the I should have known to ignore her totally after her first prank, but no, I fell for her sh!t a second time too [ more ]
Katerina This is brilliant: [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member The one in our car is linked to the radio, and when we switched the car on last Sunday morn, it said the old time, then within about 20 seconds on switching on the radio, it flipped forward. I think it's set to the atomic clock or some shit like that, [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: The one in my car is still an hour behind. I was late for the petrol and pasty queues Did you make it for the queue for stamps?! [ more ]
Cinds I never ever change my going out watch. It makes no difference when I am out. I never look at the time, it'sonly on my wrist as decoration. [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Browser Problem
Carnelian Fine on Firefox, but I expect that doesn't really help! [ more ]
Saint I use IE8 too I'm having problems today with loading the internet and other pages are very reluctant i cleared cookies and temp files - so let's see . . . [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by El Loro: Try this to see if it helps: Clear temporary Internet files . To clear temporary Internet files, follow these steps: a. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options . b. On the General tab, click Delete under Browsing History c. Make sure that the Temporary Internet Files is chosen. Also as an option Cookies though make sure you know your passwords to sites before selecting. d. Click the Delete button - it will take time for the temporary internet files to be... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The clue's are out there.
Former Member Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Who want's to join the dots and make a spelling error? I've no trouble making spelling errors on my own Velvet [ more ]
Former Member Died in a cell. Best guitarist ever, [ more ]
Former Member Re: The clue's are out there. [ more ]
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