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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Wild Card for BB .
Carnelian Originally Posted by velvet donkey: I liked Josh. He wasn't an idiot. Josh was a good character, especially when he told a few home truths to 'only gay in the village' Brian. [ more ]
Carnelian As long as they keep it interesting and not mind numbingly dull like the last BB. Hopefully C5 have learnt a few lessons that reality TV does need its characters and talking points, even if those 'characters' are contemptible. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: I only watched from BB3 onwards. BB2 was my fav but BB3 was a close second [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your legacy
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: At least you've got Dug. When I die people will just say 'WHO?' And I will reply, "Douglas"! Or Dugless [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: At least you've got Dug. When I die people will just say 'WHO?' And I will reply, "Douglas"! Or Dugless [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: At least you've got Dug. When I die people will just say 'WHO?' And I will reply, "Douglas"! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vidal Sassoon - dead
Cagney He wasn't the reason I got into hairdressing but he was certainly an inspiration once I'd started training. It's a skill that not many people can DIY. He inspired some of the greats [ more ]
Cagney Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~: Rest in peace Vidal, you inspired many generations of hairdressers and I love the bob! Agreed [ more ]
Garage Joe Just been reading his obit. Extra kudos for being a member of 43 group. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've just been panic buying
El Loro The Unite union has announced that the possible fuel tanker strike is off as the drivers have accepted the deal - very close though, 51% accepted. [ more ]
El Loro The Unite union has said that they have withdrawn the threat of striking over the Easter break whilst talks continue. They don't rule out striking after Easter. BBC article A woman has suffered 40% burns while decanting petrol in her kitchen BBC article [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by MrMincePie: Amazing isn't it... No water. No petrol. No jobs. No England manager. No England captain. I'd write a letter of complaint if I could afford a f*ckin' stamp [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What's supposed to be the matter with Zak Dingle?
Former Member Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Videostar: He's suffering from Script Writers Block Syndrome. There's a lot of that going around. I think he also suffers from the dreaded 'I'm an actor but can't really act' syndrome as well - tragic. Many suffer from it, especially notably Laurel also in Emmerdale who came in and found her husband (the vicar) beating his father recently and managed only a jaw drop and a gormless expression I agree, its been a... [ more ]
Former Member Hes got depression, and i hes having a nervous breakdown. He buried his dog under the rock, and the other day he buried his chicken after thinking something was wrong with both of them (when nothing was). Its depression, i saw him talking bout it on this morning [ more ]
cologne 1 To be fair to the soap actors/actresses, they have to remember their scripts day in and day out, I would never be able to do that and be in character. We all like to slate them, but they're Trojans for working as hard as they do. I think Emmerdale and Corrie are much better than EE. Tonight on Corrie Leslie (who does have Altzheimer's) shouted down to her husband and Eileen "Can I have my breakfast?" and her husband shouted back "You've just had egg and chips (pause) for your tea". Genius. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aww! have we lost Brisket's roses?
Baz Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~: I haven't seen the changes because the iPhone & mobile versions are plain white (which I like) so I'll go have a look.. Meanwhile, I loved the roses and I plan to change my avi to a rose again for brisket memorial week- anyone know when his anniversary is? That's a nice idea Sweet [ more ]
Former Member Never forget that [ more ]
Former Member The good is between the ears. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Patrick Moore
Garage Joe Mum enjoyed her trip toGermany muchly and was made very welcome. There is no denying that she interpreted everything with a WW2 subtext, and it was a sobering event when we took her to see the grave of someone who was in the same class as dad and her. The poor guy was killed in the last month of the war. As i said earlier, the war was a really big deal for their generation. Peeps on the mainland are now becoming concerned about the rise of fascism particularly in greece. I wouldn't want the... [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I passed by the upper one yesterday lunchtime! The padlocks are even further across the Hohenzollern bridge, and i see that it has also caught on in Hannover. Superb weather today btw! The germans don't have any bad feeling, they just get on with it. Their economic miracle seems to have benefitted everyone. A great success story. Mebbees if the thatcherites had had a plan B we would have been in the same situation. Thanks Garage. I'm very homesick and jealous. [ more ]
Garage Joe I passed by the upper one yesterday lunchtime! The padlocks are even further across the Hohenzollern bridge, and i see that it has also caught on in Hannover. Superb weather today btw! The germans don't have any bad feeling, they just get on with it. Their economic miracle seems to have benefitted everyone. A great success story. Mebbees if the thatcherites had had a plan B we would have been in the same situation. [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Darnies of the penthouse
Garage Joe Moin! It's not a holiday as such! After father died and we sorted everything out, we asked mum if she fancied a break. Surprisingly she chose germany. Apart from canada she has never been abroad. I think it was a success. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~: I'm locked out again! Couldn't even load the bus Heading to dreamland now, :hugs: to you all Sweet dreams Goodnight Sweet ... sleep well Goodnight Low.... enjoy [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by LowonIQ: Oo Germany, cultured. I'm fine Thanks xx Baz We had a nice anniversary meal at home and of course champers mmm Are you ok? Oooo very nice..... happy anniversary ...... any doggie bags going? [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a lovely day, I've done ...
Former Member Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by Supes: Green and Black's ice-cream OMG, chocolate heaven! Don't soops - I've just got home and have a severe case of the munchies ... [ more ]
Lori Originally Posted by Rexi: Do it ... do it now ... you really have not experienced chocolate till you've done the really, really dark Green and Blacks You are an evil woman, Rexi. Supes: yes, just a touch... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Lori: Originally Posted by Rexi: Once you taste this stuff you will never look at one of those Hershey Kisses yuck jobs again OMG!!! I just checked, and I can buy them within crawling distance of my house! I'm in serious trouble now... Originally Posted by Supes: Mushy peas will be a thing of the past! On the contrary. Mushy peas and chocolate sounds like the perfect meal! Mmmm, you may be on to something...with a touch of chilli perhaps? [ more ]
See all 59 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carnelian [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by Renton: DON'T stock Lord of the Rings to rent !!!! They said, "Its not a popular renter" !!!! Go ahead - ruin my evening It's a very old film in video rental shop terms. Video shops like to shift films that are gathering dust on their shelves and taking up the shelf space that more popular films could take. [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by Renton: TESCO do rentals!!! I don't get it, I've always hired films on a whim not faff about on a website and wait a day for it to be delivered. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Really worried about my niece ..
Moomin Have just read this thread which I'd not seen before - there was me moaning about my plight with my youngest, and not realising others on here were worried about young relatives too. Hope that your niece is ok, BF - I've had my Gall bladder removed and it isn't bad really - I was up and about looking after 2 small children after a couple of days, and the relief from the pain is wonderful!! Ducky - hope your son is ok now - maybe there is another thread with an update on *goes to look* [ more ]
Jen-Star Really hope they do her op today BEFORE they send her home! [ more ]
Bolton Fan Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Bolton Fan: really missing her baby, poor girl, but getting plenty of visits and pics. The latest is they are too busy at the moment (bank holiday) so will probably send her home tomorrow - again - and do the op in a few days! Poor girl Still, at least she won't have to wait until the end of the month Bolton Hopefully not! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Let me in too!!!
El Loro Scatterby and Lori off to do their troubleshooting: [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Lori: SHE'S ALIVE!!! I just heard from her, and we are gonna do some troubleshooting together. *straps on holster* yayyyyyyyyyy [ more ]
Lori SHE'S ALIVE!!! I just heard from her, and we are gonna do some troubleshooting together. *straps on holster* [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB start date...June .
Former Member FANS of Big Brother are in for double delight this year as they get to see inside two telly houses. Regular wannabes will live in one swish pad, while celebrities stay in complete luxury. BB returns next month with a series featuring members of the public. And just when we have waved goodbye to them, we will welcome a new batch of celeb housemates. As BB bosses want to make sure fans get the best of both worlds, the house will go into lockdown for 24 hours after the original series crowns... [ more ]
Saint I truly cannot stand tramp-man Jamie East, who Pam Anderson said "smelled dirty" And that hideous Lauren wots-her-name. Pete Burns has had his day too Time for a fresh start - c'mon Channel 5 lets be havin' you!!!! [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Scotty: Thanks erin. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm coming to the end.
Former Member Good stuff Ducky [ more ]
Ducky No idea what this thread is about .... but thanks for the message in the Darnies. My boy is doing well. He's still having the odd bit of pain here and there, and he's struggling to put back on the stone in weight he lost (despite my attempts to feed him up this weekend)... but he's SO much better thank you! [ more ]
cologne 1 I'm a wee bit steamboats. Sorry VD. Will go to sleep and emerge later. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Britain Beware
Former Member Oh Dear... wish I'd brought me brolly! [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I can remember Reginald too... Whooooooooops just seen this .............. great minds and all that eh Dame Couldn't have put it better myself Sooz [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: The coastguard one with with Joe and Petunia ....'Cooeee , luvly day for a swim i'ntit!' I can remember Reginald too... Whooooooooops just seen this ..............great minds and all that eh Dame [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Get your favourite record atm on here!
Rawky-Roo I just adore the sound of this. [ more ]
Former Member Bit of this when I can be bothered... I'm a sloth though [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by velvet donkey: This is the only one listen to doing my rounds. After this I am gone and forgotten. awwwwwwwwwwwgawd. Beautiful. A fecker of a song though when you're all nostalgic. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Thought for the day
Scotty Re: Thought for the day [ more ]
Former Member I could take her away and wrap her up. Place her next to my pillow. Next to Bear. [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Originally Posted by Scotty: I`ve got a bike with a shopping basket, 50`s style. My butcher thinks it`s cute. I get the best cuts. Nice does it have a big old fashioned bell, Scotty? Yes rosie, a tring tring sound. I ring it when I pass the cows in the field. They look up as if to say, don`t annoy me, I`m munching. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's deid.
Scotty Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Just watched Peter Cook too What did he cook? *groan* Michael Parkinson [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Just watched Peter Cook too What did he cook? *groan* Michael Parkinson [ more ]
Ells Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Aww Ells....Plink, plink, know it makes sense....and keep well hydrated. I'm all good Had lots of water and some anadin before bed so no hangover today! [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Your worst hairdo
Former Member I remember going for a trim at an Italian Barber in Shettleston. Oh you've got a double crown she said. Is that lucky I said dead pan. Sometimes you just know don't you? And the proof was in the pudding. (haircut) [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by lal: I popped in here hoping for pictures to laugh at.... I know it's very disappointing. I'm sure everyone has got bad haircut pics somewhere. I would post one, but my hairs always perfect [ more ]
~Lee~ I have it atm.My future DiL is a hairdresser and a good one but she changed the brand of tint and my hair is behaving very badly since she last done it.It's naturally curly,shoulder length and usually easy to mange but this past 2 weeks I'm sporting a sad sorry mess. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Funny things kids say
SazBomb Originally Posted by Carnelian: Mummy, does the postman have to go to your bedroom to deliver the post? [ more ]
Jen-Star My son made a up a rap the other day and recorded it on a dr who toy thing it went... I love my mum and i love to rap, I hate baby jake and postman pat, I love my mum like butter and jam..yeah on toast yeah! (Baby Jake is a baby tv prog) [ more ]
Carnelian Mummy, does the postman have to go to your bedroom to deliver the post? [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Northumbrian Water a disgrace!!!
Saint Thank you Katerina (((hug))) [ more ]
Katerina That's a disgrace, Renton! Glad it's finally sorted. Water rates are astronomical and when something like this happens, makes you wonder what you're paying for, eh?! [ more ]
Saint TWENTY EIGHT HOURS later and after paying top dollar to fat cats who probably live in Monaco. And without any info wot-so-ever ... The water is on and useable !!! . . . I know you care by the way you look at me [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
adobe shockwave player
El Loro Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by Renton: I had Adobe problems I was advised to delete ALL adobe and start again After every new installation you must close everything and "restart" your poota Worked for me - good luck And sometimes to get rid of all the files it's best to work in Safe Mode, good luck. And while in Safe Mode, it may be useful to run a full antivirus scan. It will take time for the scan to go through your computer - on mine 3+ hours during which time don't... [ more ]
squiggle Originally Posted by Renton: I had Adobe problems I was advised to delete ALL adobe and start again After every new installation you must close everything and "restart" your poota Worked for me - good luck And sometimes to get rid of all the files it's best to work in Safe Mode, good luck. [ more ]
Saint I had Adobe problems I was advised to delete ALL adobe and start again After every new installation you must close everything and "restart" your poota Worked for me - good luck [ more ]
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