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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
EFFT - lurking in the shaddows
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I must say, it's getting harder to find interesting things to watch. So I can empathise with you there. If it were not for the gardening programmes, Springwatch and Gogglebox, it would be quite easy to keep the tellybox switched off and go do something more interesting instead... [ more ]
Yogi19 Don’t you disappear on us! *ties Fluffy to the forum sofa* [ more ]
Lori ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jamie Oliver.........
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities The analysts were saying that JO was not fleet of foot, able to see where the market was going and have the foresight to make the necessary changes to the business to make it competitive. A number of food outlets have gone under of late, it would seem that the British public change their tastes a bit too rapidly these days. I suspect it may be a bit of the people behind businesses thinking that change is necessary very often and part of the public who constantly need change, possible driving... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Joking aside; I was actually thinking about Gordon Ramsay this afternoon in relation to this story, because Ramsay launched his "Kitchen Nightmares" series to help fellow restaurateurs after he was forced to close his own Glasgow restaurant. IIRC, the figure he quoted was that two-thirds of restaurants close within a year - it really can happen to the best of them... [ more ]
Saint From Twitter: "Hi @ jamieoliver Sorry to hear your restaurants are going through a tough patch, have you considered contacting @ GordonRamsay ? He does this show where he goes into failing restaurants and helps turn them around. Just a thought, best wishes n that xx" [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Microsoft have issued a security update for even old XP operating systems
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I'm still using MS-DOS 6.2. Extremely stable and bug free. Very fast on my new Intel i9 processor. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Thanks for the heads-up, El Loro: I’m on a “long weekend” at the moment, but I expect to be thrown into the thick of it when I return to work on Tuesday! We still use a lot of Win 7 computers and even a few XP laptops at work, because we’ve got several key S/W tools that we’ve been unable to update. The mainstay of our security policy is that they are NOT connected to the internet, but it remains a worry. [ more ]
El Loro Apparently the vulnerability is in Intel processors made from 2011. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So if Jeremy Corbyn is antisemtic for promoting Hobson's "Imperialism" is the Arch Bishop of Canterbury antisemitic for reading the New Testament?
Carnelian I frequently drift off topic Baz , it's the way I fly! I got flyer from the Labour Party and one from some English nationalist penises, England Pride or something along those lines. Suffice to say, it will be for Jezza and his very positive message to roll back the neoliberalism that has dragged thousands of the rich into increased wealth while screwing down the working class and making millions poorer. It's a no brainer, Jezza and a socialist new deal all the way. [ more ]
velvet donkey Let politics go. It'not wotth it. [ more ]
Baz Carnelian , you seem to be drifting off your topic , which was to do with the Bible and anti semitism compared with the Hobson book , so I think I’ll leave you to it . Ironically , an election flyer from that Tommy guy and one from the Labour Party popped through my door at the same time today ....I don’t know who I’m going to vote for yet , but it won’t be either of those , so both got binned [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Free speech.
Carnelian shouting 'fire' in a crowded theatre. When speaking to right wing racist types who feel their racism should be legitimate free speech. I always mention a concept of a Paedophile Party who advocate paedophilia and maybe the murder of victim children being allowed to advocate their abhorrent perversion under 'free speech'. Either you support free speech or you don't. [ more ]
Baz You’d not be alone Twickers [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My gut instinct tells me Assange is being fitted up.
Kaytee I always thought the charges were trumped up in order to get him to Sweden so the US could get its hands on him [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average It's dodgy all round Twickers, he should be tried for the sexual assault in his own country if they have evidence of which I have my doubts as the charges were dropped and now being investigated again. [ more ]
Baz I tend to be suspicious of it too Twickers [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Universal Credit.
Dame_Ann_Average I agree with most of what you said Baz and I think most people on here have made sweeping generalisations, I should have added in my personal experience... UC Austerity and Brexit are all down to the Conservatives and they have to own it. I can't see any coming together of parties as long as TM is in charge,,,she's not budging from her stance and even her own MP's aren't on the same page as her. Anyway, that's me avoiding political threads for awhile again [ more ]
Baz Dame I didn’t think you were particularly singling me out ....I was just trying to make the point that some sweeping generalisations are often made in these threads .....and I was using the pronoun “I “ because I am the only one I can truly speak for . While I can understand how fed up you get about some of the mud slung at JC supporters , I hope you can see that it’s equally galling to have to listen to the ‘all Tories are evil ‘ brigade . My position is ....and has always been .....that no... [ more ]
velvet donkey Sometimes I really wonder if people care for the unfortunate. Why the Sally Army gets the lot. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone ever shop at Glen & Davidsons or Bremners?
Baz I’ve never heard of it I’m afraid .....but welcome to the forum Granny Treasure [ more ]
Granny Treasure We used to take the train from Maybole up to Glasgow twice a year for visits to Glan &Davidson and then Bremners. We went for our summer clothes in the Spring, and for our winter clothes in the beginning of Autumn. Bremners was more modern and I got my first real 60s outfit there. An orange bloomer suit. It was a short shift dress with a zip front in a crepe material, with bell end sleeves and had little matching hotpants underneath with gold lace edging. I thought I was the bees knees... [ more ]
Granny Treasure ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
RIP Rankin' Roger of the Beat
Eugene's Lair You're not kidding, Baz. A stroke, two brain tumours and lung cancer - Jeez... What has struck me today is not just how young he was, but how young he was when The Beat started out: at an age when I was still at school studying for exams, he was having Top 10 hits and changing the world. And yet throughout it all he remained - by all accounts - a lovely bloke: the phrase that kept cropping up today was "absolute gentleman". As Carnelian says: toasting in heaven now... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair ❤️
Baz RIP age at all [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Johanna Lumley a national treasure?
Videostar yes, he speech at the Oscars was a bit...OTT. But she is nice and not preachy, unlike many other celebs. [ more ]
Carnelian Nah, she's a bit annoying to me. Up her own arse. A bit, "do you love me as much as I love me?". Her garden bridge arrangement with Bozo the Clown cost London tax payers £35m for a bridge that was never built. [ more ]
Yogi19 Hi Vids I rate Olivia as an actress but her speeches make me cringe [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
New Zealand.
Amythist A terrible terrible tragedy......but within a few days their Prime Minister is changing the gun laws......wake up USA ,assault rifles should not be available for civilians. She is an amazing leader. [ more ]
velvet donkey Re: New Zealand. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair "This guy was an Australian, in New Zealand, because he wanted to stop immigration. I'm not sure what the Maori word for 'irony' is, but I reckon it's being used a lot today." - Adam Hills (who's Australian) on "The Last Leg" [ more ]
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