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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Some interesting movement on Betfair...
Cold Sweat Luke A, Adam, Lauren and Deana have shortened across the board so far today: [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Originally Posted by erinp: What does that mean to people who dont understand odds ,cheers It means that those who gamble on Betfair think that - based on tonight's show - Deana is now more likely to win than before, and Connor and Lydia are less likely. (Lydia's odds of 113-1 mean that if you bet a £1 and she wins, you win £113 - those are extraordinary odds...) thankyou [ more ]
strike means as you would expect after tonights show, Deanna's odds have come in because she was the victim and Connor's odds have drifted because he was the scumbag aggressor and those type of people rarely win bb Lydia was already an outsider but because she's up for eveiction her odds have drifted more. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rule break booze ban
*~TeePee~* Most pathetic punishment ever. [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by kattymieoww: They don't bloody care,put them up for eviction if they rule break.That's the only thing that will stop them. I meant to post exactly this after I had done the clips they dont care and it sounded as if they would be put out more if they were put up so.... BB put the talkers up ... a group punishment isnt working in there anyway [ more ]
kattymieoww They don't bloody care,put them up for eviction if they rule break.That's the only thing that will stop them. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No alchohol now for talking noms.
~Sparkling Summer~ Can I just say; Hahahahahahaha! I'm not interested in bitchy young folk getting drunk and arguing, I think bb should scrap the alcohol as a punishment [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by ~Lee~: There was a very important BB meeting to decide the punishment,options were beat them with a straw or a lettuce leaf. [ more ]
~Lee~ There was a very important BB meeting to decide the punishment,options were beat them with a straw or a lettuce leaf. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
11.13pm: Deana and Arron are bickering, again. Deana warns him "Don't f******g mess with me this week
Senora Reyes Deana should eff with the lot of them..I want her to eff with Tracy Turnblad and Trolldoll especially.. [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by erinp: Deana has told Luke S that Aron knew about the curry powder ,Luke S was not pleased.God for her . I read he told her he knew that ,next he stormed to the DR slamming the door,let me see if I can find it. but we know he didn't Lee. I know,his mind will be in overdrive [ more ]
justafriend Originally Posted by erinp: 12.07am: Adam says he is going to plant a seed and let it fester. Game plan/ Hope he is on to that sly little git Aron . hope adam does something to stir them up. as long as it dont back fire on him lol [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 9pm Monday 25/6/2012
Former Member Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Is it my imagination or has Becky gotten larger ? also Shievonne needs STFU..Can't stand her anymore.. By the day how come she's allowed can then? eh? So glad your confused to SR [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Is it my imagination or has Becky gotten larger ? also Shievonne needs STFU..Can't stand her anymore.. By the day how come she's allowed can then? eh? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Is it my imagination or has Becky gotten larger ? also Shievonne needs STFU..Can't stand her anymore.. By the day how come she's allowed can then? eh? [ more ]
See all 442 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nomination spoiler
kattymieoww Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Send in Sherman! and the wonky buggy.... I'll get Sherman ready to go,the wonky buggy needs fumigated thank's to leaking FM's Wisnae me!...looks to the East... [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by Aimee: can anyone who knows me on FB see my comments, don't know if it's gone through or not where did you comment and I will have a look [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by kattymieoww: It's Lydia and Deana....oh what a surprise...not! voting lines are open on CH5 site.Pah In the light of tonight's disgraceful shower, that's totally ridiculous [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Did someone say the 'N' word?
Former Member Big Brother housemate Deana Uppal has complained about feeling "bullied" in the house, while Conor McIntyre has been warned by Big Brother about aggressive behaviour. Following the 'Confusing Cuisine' task, Deana came in for heavy criticism from some of her co-stars and was accused of faking her strong reaction to having to eat tinned ham and hot sauce. © Channel 5 Arron Lowe shouted during the challenge: "It's time for your Oscar, the cameras are rolling!" Meanwhile, Caroline Wharrum... [ more ]
jacksonb now im going to have watch the show tonight! and tolerate that mincing plank, doing his 'oooer matron face' to the crowd every 3 minutes.. ffs! and connor should be kicked out if what was posted is true. [ more ]
Former Member After the announcement the rest of Luke A group should walk ,pointless being in that house taking abuse and being intimidated. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tennis Watchers....
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing God, I'm exhausted after that. It's all in the Wimbledon thread in the Sports forum. [ more ]
Katerina Heather's been great tonight! Very calm on Centre Court. Fantastic shot placement, too. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I'm watching on the red button. It's shaping up to be a good match. Watson has just broken Benesova to take the 1st set 6 - 2 [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Falling off the waggon
Katerina Sorry Col, have just read all the replies in the thread and realise Amythist mentioned the local groups. [ more ]
Katerina Originally Posted by cologne 1: I wish they had an AA for not smoking. I really enjoyed that rolly and now I want another one. I feel like a loser. They do, sort of. The local NHS quit smoking group worked for my late mum. The support of others giving up was important in her success, as was the weekly check up on carbon monoxide levels(they test your breath/lungs to make sure you're not having a sneaky fag now and then). But not everyone can get to these groups...there might be support in... [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by cologne 1: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Tread carefully Don't blow the months of willpower I was told that I had not long to go, so I felt 'sod it'. Oh Cologne... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Shievonn and Ashleigh play cupid.
Scotty Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Scotty: Sheivonne is so insincere, it`s quite sickening to watch her in action. She's off again regarding Lydia giving her daggers.Arons reply is just full of swearing . Just watched it erin. She`s gone full pelt today to ingratiate herself with in crowd. Can`t bear her or the rest of those nasties. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Never has a housemate made such a 360 degree turn around As Shiv(can't be arsed to look at how it's spelled) I though she would be okay at first,now........ Charley all over again . [ more ]
kattymieoww Never has a housemate made such a 360 degree turn around As Shiv(can't be arsed to look at how it's spelled) I though she would be okay at first,now........ [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are they talking about/Is it code
~Lee~ Originally Posted by Ells: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Please BB put everyone up! i wanna see the smug grins wiped off their faces! I would love to see Ashleigh evicted before any of the rest of them. Me too,...they really scraped the barrel with some of this lot including her, thoroughly dislikeable shower of specimens. [ more ]
Soozy Woo i think the producers are taking note (a bit) of what's being said on various fan sites etc. Let's hope they'll pick up on this - TBH - they've chosen to put the video out there - maybe there's a reason for that. I can hope - can't I? [ more ]
Former Member There has certainly been plenty of response to this clip on this site and others .Most are saying put them all up . [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Get out of my personal space
Former Member Originally Posted by Baz: I have to admit , much as I dislike Lydia, she is the only one left with the gumption to sock it to the plastics !! She needs to stay.One of the plastics need to be up and out ,that will shake the cool gang up. [ more ]
Baz I have to admit , much as I dislike Lydia, she is the only one left with the gumption to sock it to the plastics !! [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by jacksonb: im liking her more and more. me too and will be gutted if she is up and goes this week [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lydia's Logarithm
Former Member BBUKLive: 5.37pm: Lydia hates it when she and her famous fiance go to a restaurant. Diners go silent and listen to their conversations. #bbuklive [ more ]
jacksonb shoves lydia up a bit. [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Funny isn't it? I'm not feeling all protective of my fave and agitated against others this year. So far it has been very affable on here. Not sure why it's not stirring up really strong emotions - wonder if it'll last. It's rather like the football game on the Western Front - Christmas Day WW1 1914. The goodwill didn't last long though Yeah it does seem relatively cordial here. I'm under doctor's orders not to feel agitated,... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Arron`s advice for Deana
Former Member 6.07pm: Arron says Lydia has had nothing interesting to say since coming into the House [ more ]
Former Member He spends more time checking out the mirror or making sure the cameras are on him that was definitely him saying who he was nomming [ more ]
Baz Exactly JAF Nom day used to be quite exciting ... Now it's so predictable ! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Not BB related, this made me lol
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by jacksonb: and that's where i also have a problem, religion and faith to me are entirely different to the church. no one needs a church to have a faith. you can be a christian without being part of a church. so if the church doesn't like or accept you, then why bother with it at all? Well, of course, anyone can leave and still have their faith, but the question is, why should they? The 'church' is meant to be the community, not the building, or the institution. If... [ more ]
jacksonb and that's where i also have a problem, religion and faith to me are entirely different to the church. no one needs a church to have a faith. you can be a christian without being part of a church. so if the church doesn't like or accept you, then why bother with it at all? [ more ]
Blizz'ard Originally Posted by jacksonb: it's probably because i'm an atheist, that i have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to join a club where they fundamentally disagree with the premise that the club is built on. Yes, probably. The thing is, some gay people have been brought up in a religion, sincerely believe in it and don't believe that God is against them. So, it's not a case of them joining the club, but, rather, not feeling that they should be chucked out. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sit back and watch them all crumble
Soozy Woo cheers for that Scotty I'm beginning to get a bit torn about watching all the clips though. We just get the same stuff on the highlight show or BOTS - there's never much that's new. - there must be more than what they;re choosing to feed us. not a dig at you - it's just that Ch5 circulate the same old stuff - it's a bit lazy - there are 24 hours in a day [ more ]
See 1 reply...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fruity stuff
Former Member Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: I thought that Becky was still a floater? I suppose we will know for sure when her noms are revealed! Not a chance ,she is a sheep and will nom accordingly .Deana/ Lydia It's a bit depressing seeing how tight she appears to be with Caroline again - just a couple of days after that nomination discussion rule break It keeps her head off the chopping block,remember they were gunning for her some days ago. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: I thought that Becky was still a floater? I suppose we will know for sure when her noms are revealed! Not a chance ,she is a sheep and will nom accordingly .Deana/ Lydia It's a bit depressing seeing how tight she appears to be with Caroline again - just a couple of days after that nomination discussion rule break [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Yogi19: FYI Caroline, horseradish is a plant belonging to the same group of brassicaceae as broccoli, cabbage, wasabi and mustard. She is thick ,all that money spent trying to educate her wasted. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aron speaking about Deana.BBBOTS
Former Member Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Once again, it;s the Pub Quiz later in that clip that's comic gold; e.g. Rebecca being so confident that Michael McIntryre used to be leader of the Conservative Party... I know [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Once again, it;s the Pub Quiz later in that clip that's comic gold; e.g. Rebecca being so confident that Michael McIntryre used to be leader of the Conservative Party... [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Matt Lapinskas and Jodie Marsh for DOI.
Soozy Woo I also think Jodie Marsh could be very good. I really don't like her but's not a personality contest. Could be interesting. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Personally I won't miss Matt when he leaves EE, totally bored with the storylines of him and his brother. If he's any good on DOI though I wish him well, Jodie too [ more ]
Former Member Have no idea who he is but I think Jodie Marsh could be really good she is very athletic. [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do you think Luke A hates
Amythist I dont think Luke S accepts Luke A as a man. Apart from that Luke A cooks the most but isnt allowed a say in the shopping list.....that makes Luke A feel impotent.Luke S is the diametric opposite of Luke A as a man....insensitive,arrogant,controlling,all muscle no brain. Luke S has hitched his star to Ashleigh,that speaks volumes about him. I loathe Luke S. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Clumsycat: cause he is an arrogant pompous bully perhaps? This There`s an unfeeling look in his eyes, that blank stare where you don`t know what he`s thinking but you know it`s not good. He`s intimidating. I agree with all the above but I think he's all kick and bollox as they say down here. If someone turned round and said "Boo" he'd wet himself, imo. He had plenty of chance to chase Benedict up the steps... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: From Angel: on DS they reckon Luke A is actually jealous of Luke S because Luke S is the man Luke A will never be and he knows it 'apparently' I hope Luke A never aspires to be someone like Luke S. Luke A should stay as he is from what I've observed [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do we know about Jersey?
suzybean Went to Jersey with my family when I was about 10 or 11. We went there because some of my family were in between passports and it felt like we were going abroad without needing them. I remember going on a tiny BA plane and being really disappointed with the miles flown when they were logged in my Junior Jet Club log book by one of the pilots. It was a lovely place when we got there. Remember walking somewhere at one of those places that disappear when the tide comes in, driving round the... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Reading some of the posts above - Jersey appears to have been a popular Honeymoon destination! [ more ]
Carnelian It's the largest of the channel islands and also my place of birth. It is a tax haven and a leach on the UK economy in that it doesn't really produce anything of great value yet its money filtering (and laundering) operations make its residents on average vastly richer than the normal UK citizens, who it leaches from. It has its own language Jersias (sp?) which is dying out but resembles French more than English but is not a French dialect. It's very expensive for essentials like bread and... [ more ]
See all 36 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 9pm Sunday 24/6/2012
Former Member Odds up date. New Update: Adam: 7.6 Luke A: 8.4 Lauren: 9.8 Arron: 10.5 Caroline: 12.5 Becky: 14 Conor: 14.5 Luke S: 17.5 Shievonne: 17.5 Sara: 18.5 Scott: 19 Ashleigh: 24 Deana: 25 Lydia: 65 Shievonne takes a massive hit after tonights highlights. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by kattymieoww: If she thinks Luks S has a great heart and is a gentleman she must have been out with some right divots previously. maybe she meant great fart and genitalman ? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Stop it Arron.... don't make me soften toward you See?! ! [ more ]
See all 219 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bit on the side - Lydia and Luke A
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Oh gawd If only Deanna had picked Conor and Luke S along side Arron on the first night. Yes if only, apart from Luke A I don't like any of the men in there [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh gawd If only Deanna had picked Conor and Luke S along side Arron on the first night. [ more ]
Yellow Rose So far I like Luke A. As for Lydia she's a snake in the grass. Last 2 weeks she's nominated Deana even though she's been trying to get her onside. Don't remember but maybe she nominated her in the first week because she was annoyed with Deana being forced on first night to choose 3 people for eviction and Lydia was one. She may be an interesting HM to watch for however many weeks but not my choice as the winner though [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Coleen Nolan for CBB.
Cosmopolitan Re: Coleen Nolan for CBB. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Qote. "She also appeals to women" Not to me she doesn't That statement surprised me too. Alright, not all women hate her, but I wasn't aware of this great appeal. Yes Fluffy there will be women who like her, personally when it comes to chat shows I prefer to listen to her sister Bernie if I have to listen to any of them lol...well of course I don't have to listen to any of them but I'm more likely to tune... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Qote. "She also appeals to women" Not to me she doesn't That statement surprised me too. Alright, not all women hate her, but I wasn't aware of this great appeal. [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Favourite supermarket foods
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Rexi: Ohhh, I love chuck out time at Waitrose ... next weekend we have a big family party and we are going to cook the turkey that we manhandled home at 5 pm on Christmas eve. Full price over 50 pounds ... we paid 13 pounds Velvet ... tesco used to do a fabulous Value spinach and ricotta cannelloni. It was really tasty and dead cheap. They don't do it anymore - I think someone must have twigged that there isn't a lot of difference between finest and value vegetarian... [ more ]
Rexi Ohhh, I love chuck out time at Waitrose ... next weekend we have a big family party and we are going to cook the turkey that we manhandled home at 5 pm on Christmas eve. Full price over 50 pounds ... we paid 13 pounds Velvet ... tesco used to do a fabulous Value spinach and ricotta cannelloni. It was really tasty and dead cheap. They don't do it anymore - I think someone must have twigged that there isn't a lot of difference between finest and value vegetarian stuff. [ more ]
Garage Joe Today at a Morrison's somewhere in the north of England, a Morrison's with a chuckout consistently cheaper than any other of their branches, mrs Jer and I discovered many of their famous takeaway range at 49p each, that's a saving of three poond a time. We returned home festooned with jalfrezi, vindaloo, and rogan josh. A dozen in fact. One is reminded of an anecdote concerning David Livingstone. Someone in his party observed him pick up stones and then throw them away. He was asked later... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It all Deana's fault.
kattymieoww I feckin' hate that arsehole Conor! [ more ]
Baz Lol... I'm not falling out Cologne I don't even like Deanna much ... it just annoys me that the plastics seem to be having it all their own way ... It is so predictable that it spoils the programme IMO ... [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Baz: Becky is a snake in the grass But I think Deanna will be up this week and if she is then I think she will be gone .... which will be another win for the plastics OK, we are NOT falling out!!. I agree with Becky being a snake in the grass, but I don't rate Deana. She's not offensive and she's not putting herself out. Why not have some spunk and be who you are? [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HMS TUGboat Benedict
Former Member Benedict Garrett ‏@BenedictGarrett Hey Twitter Fans, If you would like to send me fan mail you can send it to my email address: . [ more ]
Xochi Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Originally Posted by Moomin: So - is there anything left from the wreckage? Benedict going is seriously going to damage BB for me. Yawn just Xochi's bongo's. Get your oily mitts off my bongos! [ more ]
~Lee~ Sorry for your loss Rawky,I know you were extremely proud of your vessel,let's hope it doesn't sink without a trace there is salvageable material to be had. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can they stoop any lower?....
jacksonb heres another. question - how does asheligh turn the lights out when she's having sex? answer - she shuts the car door. [ more ]
jacksonb question - how can you tell when ashleigh comes? answer - she drops her chips. [ more ]
Clumsycat Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by justafriend: i see it too stonks, sure she was helping out someone said it was his pants he used to clean her up. Oh thats even worse..I've been married 28yrs and if mr stonks tried to come near me with his grinders I duff him, I can't even pick them up with bare hands.... Grinders?,do you mean his doo dah's or boxers?. We call en Grundies in out house.. and yes i pick them up with tips of fingers when washing [ more ]
See all 67 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Latest Betting Odds: 24/6/12
Aimee Originally Posted by strike: i've only had one bet and that was Lauren to be evicted on Friday might look for a price on "any other housemate "i still think the winner may not be in the house, i im hoping your right, cause this lot aren't very nice [ more ]
Cold Sweat Lauren is the first female to survive a head-to-head eviction against a male hm since week 10 of BB9 when Rachel survived against Stuart. I think her odds will shorten further. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Luke A and Adam are the only worthy HM's but hardly entertaining enough If Lauren ups her game she could just win SCARILY . . . Lydia could win cos she's soooo mental (and funny) Like a female JohnMcCririck !!! Luke A and Adam: Hardly entertaining enough yet . I think that once the numbers have thinned a bit, we'll see a lot more of those two - particularly Adam... Lauren: I agree. In particular I think - even on current odds - she's looking a good... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Least favourite/most liked on DS
Aimee Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: My most liked are the same as DS's, Deana and Lauren . Least liked are Conor and Caroline at the moment! Well that was an interesting alliance to emerge out of the post-eviction meltdown on Friday night. I cannot decide whether to call this new group The Outsiders... or The Un-mean girls! How strange is that they have decided to stick together and they are the fav 2 on DS [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Most like Adam, least like Lydia & Scott [ more ]
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: My most liked are the same as DS's, Deana and Lauren . Least liked are Conor and Caroline at the moment! Well that was an interesting alliance to emerge out of the post-eviction meltdown on Friday night. I cannot decide whether to call this new group The Outsiders... or The Un-mean girls! [ more ]
See all 18 replies...

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