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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
50 shades of gay
SazBomb Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Seriously? Don't you remember a few threads ago (can't remember the actual one) and someone said it was like an episode of Scooby-Doo and you asked to be Daphne and there were jokes about it and suggestions you should be Velma 'cos she was cleverer? oooooooooh yeah. wow, good memory there fluffster. Gawd, I'd forgotten about that too! [ more ]
Saint You - asked - to - be - Daphne You absolute puff [ more ]
Rawky-Roo Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Shush yer pie hole Sprout !! ^^^ now that was worded funny !!! Yeah, I can take that as a joke but some of the other things you've come out with.....have you ever stopped to think that some people might not Yeah i do... [ more ]
See all 53 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soozy Woo I'm always a bit sad on the Monday after Wimbledon It is a lovely fortnight. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Katerina: Well in the end, it looks like the rain favoured Roger!! Aww, it was like the Aussie Open Final all over again, Fed beat him there two years ago(he cried then too) least this time he won a set, Andy's getting closer and he will hold a Grand Slam title very soon. What a Wimbledon!! Absolutely brilliant, I've loved every moment . I have to agree with this - some very enjoyable tennis over the fortnight. [ more ]
Katerina Well in the end, it looks like the rain favoured Roger!! Aww, it was like the Aussie Open Final all over again, Fed beat him there two years ago(he cried then too) least this time he won a set, Andy's getting closer and he will hold a Grand Slam title very soon. What a Wimbledon!! Absolutely brilliant, I've loved every moment. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Luke A.
Yellow Rose I'm also not sure now about Luke A even though from the start I liked him as he seemed one of the most normal, grounded, and unpretentious of HM's. Lately he's been confusing me, may or may not be related to editing. Who knows apart from BB Production team what's really happening or being said between HM's. We the viewer can only make decisions from the 1 hour edited show!!!! [ more ]
Saint if sara starts to have fun and be a laugh - she cud win [ more ]
Bethni Those are the four i would choose. Even though i wasn't very sure of Luke A i still prefer him to the other lot. Adam first, then Lauren,...... then Sara and Luke in any order [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Diary Room result Spoiler (that you won't be able to resist : ))
MrsH Day 34: Turf Wars - Who won the Diary Room? 4 hours ago The results are in and we can reveal that Green team have won control of the Diary Room –though not through prevailing in the task. The Blue Team chose Luke A and the Green Team chose Adam to represent them in the epic final of Turf Wars. The only thing that stood in their way of nomination glory was a few puzzles and a clock timer – no pressure there then. Blue representative, Luke A, was the first to complete the task by working out... [ more ]
kimota In a FB vid that's not been loaded to YouTube, it is obvious that Luke is upset at winning and relieved when BB step in and switch the result! [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by erinp: So glad the Green are the group to nom . There was something about Luke A that never sat with me .I am not surprised he fail to throw the task.Luke A no longer get my support he can leave anytime . Ditto I agreed with you both til i saw the clip.... i'm prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt, he looked like he was stalling but was afraid to make it too obvious, even when Conor was shouting the answers to him he was trying... [ more ]
See all 42 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dear Kimota....You want a bet? Re resisting spoiler thread.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing But...isn't the DR challenge today? So it will be shown in tomorrow's HLs. Also didn't we agree that only the current HL show (and any previous stuff) was to be discussed in the HLs thread? [ more ]
kimota Well done Fluffy. We will have to remember not to announce the result of the DR challenge in the highlights thread tomorrow! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Jenstar: i couldn't and i aint even watching it!! I think the challenge of resisting only applies to watchers. Non-watchers are absolved. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've got a laptop dog...
Clumsycat awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what asweetie [ more ]
Jen-Star he does look like he quite easily start talking to you, in a very intelligent voice and say something profound! lol Every time i've looked at that pic it's reminded me, I will have to get a pic of my toddler using eldest's Cello case as a sleeping bag [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Jenstar: Awww very cute doggy. I agree he looks wise! He does doesn't he. Honestly he's sometimes so human it just wouldn't take you by surprise if he suddenly started talking to you. Where the other one, well what can I say. Dopey Dawg. [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Grunting should be banned in tennis.
Soozy Woo And although I don't fancy him I do simply adore Boris Becker - he is the spitting image of my grand dad as a young man. My mum was here today and never watches tennis - when I pointed out Boris and said doesn't he look like grand dad (her father) she was knocked for six. Wish I had a pic to post. [ more ]
cologne 1 You and me both, soozy. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Here's another hottie but my all time fave ooooooooooooooooh a bit big sorry! [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've just heard.
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Bethni: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Originally Posted by Rosgirl: Originally Posted by Skylark24: My anger towards Caroline gets worse daily and mine hi skylark - hope you are OK Fine thanks, and you too. x Worrying in advance about my phone bill when Caroline is up for eviction!!! Oh me too.... i think my hubby has twigged why our phone bill always 'goes astray' every summer Who would do such a thing?. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: What is the context of them constantly calling Lauren the spoon ? It has been noticed that Caroline has code names for Deana- Spam Spoon- Lauren Eve- Adam. We will certainly need to listen out for the Eve name being used . [ more ]
Former Member Noooo! Aims!!!!! Seek help! [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
10.18pm: New task alert! Blue Team can choose a Green Team member who BB will question in the Diary Room while they listen in
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Baz: Sounds dodgy to me too Erinp! Everything about this BB sounds dodgy to me. It feels like a Mike Leigh film where people are given the basic script and work around it. [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Coming into this late: sorry.. Originally Posted by erinp: Who in the house is not to be trusted .....Caroline/Shievonne Well, he got that bang-on, didn't he? What was brilliant about that clip is that it's obvious from their reactions that - deep down - they know it's true too... He was bang on the money and yes they knew it,Faffaline and her sniggery laugh ,gawd she is such a nasty nasty person. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by jacksonb: well watching all that I think the blues got the sticky end of the outcome,lol. "O wad some Power the giftie gie us, to see oursels as ithers see us!" [ more ]
See all 87 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carnelian Originally Posted by Garage Joe: What means summer months/hot weather? It's more likely to be hot from May to August than August to May! The football season! [ more ]
Garage Joe What means summer months/hot weather? [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Tell me. Are you missing football? Does the very mention of Giggs make you long for August? Was the sudden interest in tennis scoring nomenclature a cry for help? I'm struggling. ha ha, I like the Tennis but have never really understood it! To be honest, I'm a summer person. I prefer the summer months, hot weather, light nights and the lack of footie doesn't bother me. Norwich are in for a tough time next season as they really can't compete against the big... [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Brit wins championship at Wimbledon!
Former Member Re: Brit wins championship at Wimbledon! [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Sprout: s you wonder if the signs are looking good for the Brits Pengy, Jubilee year too Yeah, I think I heard, last time a Brit won was Silver Jubilee (Ginny). Golden Jubilee.............. she did, bet Bette Stove in three sets, I was that viewer [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: Originally Posted by Pengy: Make it quick Pam...he's 31 they were talking about him yesterday and how well he was doing with his partner and that it looked like for once someone would win the Bryan brothers makes you wonder if the signs are looking good for the Brits Pengy, Jubilee year too Yeah, I think I heard, last time a Brit won was Silver Jubilee (Ginny). Golden Jubilee.............. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 9pm Friday 6/7/2012
Former Member It certainly sent a message back to the HMS . [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Normally on occasions when there are more than 3 up they have only announced who got the most votes and who is evicted. But last night they told us who was 1st AND who was second. Was this in order to stick it to the boys? [ more ]
Former Member Deana is saved first. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vote for your favourite HM .
Former Member And here's our updated #BBUK Pop Poll graph - Deana and Lauren are on the up, Caroline's crashed and burned: [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eviction speculation Vid
Kaffs hahah... shiv saying if she thought she'd get a reception like lydia she'd refuse to go out the front. Better start planning an alternative then, bitch. [ more ]
Baz ... Well I would happily shove him over it ... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Baz: Well don't let us stop him! In fact I will happily hold the ladder for him! Ladder ! I'll pull the wall down [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Plan to save Adam and sabotage the task.
Xochi Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: I'm guessing that whoever decided to pair Adam and Becky in the same boat was also up to some sabotage? I'd been thinking the same thing. But Luke S probably had some superb idea that their equal weight would keep the boatlet steady enough to bail! Or he wanted them to crash and drown and be the Big Man! I think Luke S was still seething having just lost to arch-nemesis Luke A... he may well... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: I'm guessing that whoever decided to pair Adam and Becky in the same boat was also up to some sabotage? I'd been thinking the same thing. But Luke S probably had some superb idea that their equal weight would keep the boatlet steady enough to bail! Or he wanted them to crash and drown and be the Big Man! I think Luke S was still seething having just lost to arch-nemesis Luke A... he may well have made a tactile miscalculation. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Or it might be a head to head; 1 versus 1. Get back in the speculation thread! NO I like spreading the spec far and wide [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Red Alert of Rain in Plymouth (for tonight)
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: I don't mention such things, Slinks They're unmentionable ! [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: I am not going to comment that there's more in the rucksack than those pants. No I'm not Nor me really but just a bit,a little bit like the little bit dressed to the left in those pants, [ more ]
Cosmopolitan I don't mention such things, Slinks [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
POLL: who do you want out
Former Member Re: POLL: who do you want out [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Baz: I would really love it if not only were both girls saved , but also if they read their names out first ... Leaving Connor and Aaron to swear it out ! Go and buy a lottery ticket [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Yogi19: I want Conor to go and wish it was a double so he could take Arron with him. I am worried that Becky might go instead of Conor as she doesn't seem to have a lot of fans. This has been really worrying me too. At the start of the week, I regarded this week's eviction as win-win (as I think we can safely assume Deana will stay). However, as things have gone on (and especially after last night's BotS ), it would be a crying shame if it's not Arron or Conor who's... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rude awakening! (Good one)
~Lee~ Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by Scotty: I disagree with Velvet - THIS ^^^^^ is the best pic I'm dying to see what a big cowardly, snidey wimp this fool will prove to be if he stays another week. *Tries not to laugh* Oh dear,if he is as he claims a cage fighter whoever his opponent is at his next bout should have placards with this pic all around the room. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Scotty: I disagree with Velvet - THIS ^^^^^ is the best pic I'm dying to see what a big cowardly, snidey wimp this fool will prove to be if he stays another week. [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Cinds: I managed to watch it. Adam I love you!!!!!! Arron you spineless little dick. Notice he ran off to tell BB, I bet his reaction would have been very different had it been one of the girls that did it. yes to all of that! Adam was brilliant there. Even more reason for Conor to go over Arron now, because he's in everyone's bad books now. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ra Ra Rasputin
Cinds Re: Ra Ra Rasputin [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Cinds: Yeah I know. I don't think I'll ever be so excited to come home from a holiday as I will this time. A lovely holiday and then returning to a new kitchen - that's the way to do it, Cinds. [ more ]
Cinds Yeah I know. I don't think I'll ever be so excited to come home from a holiday as I will this time. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Deana makes a stirring speech!
kimota Originally Posted by Supes: Nice speech, even 'though it was clearly for the cameras Of course, but she pitched it just right. Becky could do this , but it would be overblown and annoying! [ more ]
Scotty ❤️
~Lee~ Deana where was the 21st century woman when you and Becky sat on the floor at the feet of Bum and Bummer in the DR,I'd have stood rather than do that,not a darn chance. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We're all guilty of saying some nasty stuff
Former Member Originally Posted by Clumsycat: I dont think anyone here is that OTT... well unless its about connoe, ashleigh, aaron, caroline, luke s or sheivonne which is justified Everyone on here seems to pretty much like/dislike the same people this BB! [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by kattymieoww: I only play games on facebook... Katty I know you never would have said the things that were posted,there were sectarian xenophobic and some of the most filthy accusations and comments imaginable posted,nice comments from nice people,not. [ more ]
kattymieoww I only play games on facebook... [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 10pm Thursday 5/7/2012
MrsH just a reminder for tonights schedule 9.00-10.00pm normal show CH5 10.00-10.30pm LIVE FEED CH5* 11.00-11.30pm evictee interview CH5 11.30-12.15am BOTS CH5 [ more ]
Former Member When are we going to get that bitch up and out . [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by erinp: She also mocked him for asking about a bed being free, hinting she thought he was being too nice, in a fake way . It takes one to know one....they say. [ more ]
See all 365 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Arron .....
~Lee~ Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Have to say I did laugh at his VT where it shows him demonstrating his * Cage fighter* moves,it reminded me more of Andrew Stone throwing a few dance shapes. Cage fighter my arse,his nose would be on the side of his face if he was one of them. Katty he looked more like a ballet dancer to me,I did laugh ,really. [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Have to say I did laugh at his VT where it shows him demonstrating his * Cage fighter* moves,it reminded me more of Andrew Stone throwing a few dance shapes. Cage fighter my arse,his nose would be on the side of his face if he was one of them. [ more ]
~Lee~ Have to say I did laugh at his VT where it shows him demonstrating his * Cage fighter* moves,it reminded me more of Andrew Stone throwing a few dance shapes. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Scenario for Friday
Aimee Is the secret house tonight then? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Housemates gather on sofa - bedroom is out of bounds They are told its a DOUBLE EVICTION - even though its NOT Hopefully CONNOR is evicted Next the second (fake) evictee get to go into the SECOND HOUSE Let's hope that will be DEANA !!! Let's hope she reaks havoc That would be good Another good scenario would be: Conor evicted. Then... BBOTS drop him TOTALLY so he won't even get a week of fame like the other evictees [ more ]
Baz Now listen here Renton ! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Blazing row and tears .
~Sparkling Summer~ I can't wait for the weeds to get evicted, I might actually want to start tuning in again after [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by stonks: Gawd if I could have one wish it would be for Conor to go.... I'm brewing as fast as I can! Stonksssssssssssssssssssssssy Cosiiiiiiiiii.... [ more ]
Former Member Becky was brilliant in the second vid, (taking on Arron) [ more ]
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