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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's not a double eviction
Cold Sweat More than a double ... Friday afternoon wishful thinking/daydreaming/ running the office clock down! [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Well I'll look forward to that. I'd love to see a surprise double eviction especially if it mimics a Katreya moment Conor's been saying for weeks it will be a double and he's been wrong lol. BB need to do something that catches them all by surprise when they're least expecting it lol [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Well I'll look forward to that. I'd love to see a surprise double eviction especially if it mimics a Katreya moment [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Twitter Spat - Danielle Lloyd, Leon Knight and...
~Sparkling Summer~ Lovely well, she does have a bit of a reputation but he should keep his trumpet shut, there's no need for that kind of trash talk [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by jacksonb: is it just me katty, or did people in the past not sprinkle f*****, this and f****** that liberally in amongst sexual insults alluding to other peple's M***** and D****, in every conversation? f*** I can guess at, but I'm not sure what M*** and D*** is supposed to be. [ more ]
Garage Joe Alas no. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
They've ballsed it up already - Olympics...
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: I did say I was in a bad mood cos of being hot and sticky. . plus I wanted to say something about all this independence/rivalry stuff for ages cos it gets on my norks a lot. . ideal opportunity to vent I thought Vive la difference I say. I really like it that there is a good mix of FM's throughout Britain and the UK on here. I've never really noticed it getting nasty but perhaps I'm not very observant. [ more ]
Garage Joe Indeed. [ more ]
Former Member Meh! Paltry anyway Joe Just wait till we get down to the proper stuff on that ground [ more ]
See all 73 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Here's another fine hole you got yourself into Caroline!
stonks Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by jacksonb: I am fast coming to the conclusion that there's some thing not quite right about Caroline. and not in a nasty way, watching her respones to situations they seem very odd, regardless of who she is interacting with. i think she spends a lot of her life feeling really uncomfortable, and her laugh in those situations isn't a proper laugh , its nervous ,compulsive laugh, take the incident with sara, it... [ more ]
cologne 1 spot on. [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by jacksonb: I am fast coming to the conclusion that there's some thing not quite right about Caroline. and not in a nasty way, watching her respones to situations they seem very odd, regardless of who she is interacting with. i think she spends a lot of her life feeling really uncomfortable, and her laugh in those situations isn't a proper laugh , its nervous ,compulsive laugh, take the incident with sara, it was a very strange and powerful... [ more ]
See all 94 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 10pm Thursday 26/7/2012
Aimee Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Oh gawd I've got a bad feeling about this white room malarky,that knucklehead connor could win immunity to the end. you can be sure of that [ more ]
kattymieoww Oh gawd I've got a bad feeling about this white room malarky,that knucklehead connor could win immunity to the end. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by erinp: Conors birthday and no Party. Please let it stay that way. Until tomorrow mon braves mes [ more ]
See all 219 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Before they went in...
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Had Bendict been a news story at some point - teacher turned porn star? Blimey... he's quite shocking! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Lydia "famous boyfriend" But i wonder if that got her onto the show - or whether she would have made it anyway? I think she probably got on despite that! I would like to think so - but BB do love a gimmick/back story. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by cologne 1: Some of them may know each other from the proliminaries (sp). Yeah this is often the case - and i think i noticed it again at the BB13 launch. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Good Old Caroline has Ordered Chocolate
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: From Cosmo ...And Trash should take up the no fags issue with Caroline. Whatever Adam negociates for himself is nothing to do with her. Will Ash dare to take it up with one of her team I wonder, would like to see that I'm a smoker and I'd be going bat shit mental regardless of who it was Ash has already started slagging Caroline off to Scott and Becky, so the jolly good wheeze she thought it... [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Not only has it been done before, but it's often forgotten that Rex and Harry both ultimately suffered for pulling that stunt. Caroline is a coward: she's only done this because she's convinced she's going on Friday. If she stays (as seems likely), she'll be in big trouble next week... Let's all rush off and pile on the votes to save Caroline! That could be why she done it,thinking the viewers would keep... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by jacksonb: i thought she had £500 to spend? £800 actually. I believe. [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can BB just announce a double eviction at the last minute?
Former Member Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Confirmed on BotS: No double eviction tomorrow. Strong suggestions that there will be at least one before the end of the series, though... Gutted. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Confirmed on BotS: No double eviction tomorrow. Strong suggestions that there will be at least one before the end of the series, though... [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: i wouldn't object. Can't see why they would tbh - vote to save so surely the two with the lowest votes would go? *dreams of conor skipping down the stairs with Caroline* dreams with Kaffy - dream eviction [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Adam would be in my good books again if...
Videostar Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Think the two muscle men might have had probs in the past with this. But as we all know it's gonna be Indian, Thai, Chinese , and around the globe we go cuisine for the rest of the week. And whats really annoying Ashleigh just got her tobacco that she requested from BB. She was furious when Adam and LukeA had baccy and Adam wouldnt give her any.She laughed at what Caroline did with the shopping... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Think the two muscle men might have had probs in the past with this. But as we all know it's gonna be Indian, Thai, Chinese , and around the globe we go cuisine for the rest of the week. And whats really annoying Ashleigh just got her tobacco that she requested from BB. She was furious when Adam and LukeA had baccy and Adam wouldnt give her any.She laughed at what Caroline did with the shopping but got peed off when Adam... [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Think the two muscle men might have had probs in the past with this. But as we all know it's gonna be Indian, Thai, Chinese , and around the globe we go cuisine for the rest of the week. And whats really annoying Ashleigh just got her tobacco that she requested from BB. [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is it just me?
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Rexi: Think it must be Ducky - they've suddenly gone very quiet Shhhhhh - she's just up there ^^^ Oooooops, missing an apostrophe there. Good job she doesn't teach English!! Originally Posted by cologne 1: How do you do those upwards arrows? Shift and 6, Cologne And my randomer has just played Feuar ... any idea what one of those is? Yes. A Feuar is a person who owns land on which other people pay FEU duty. (All... [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: You lot are bloody jinxes.... Baz just won me by 150 points and Rexi's currently 113 points in front at least I use words you know...I never heard of some of the ones Rexi's opponents using and I think dzo can still be used on wordfued Jen High Fives Baz (don't get excited about my lead - she'll destroy that in one word ) [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: And that ghis is a kind of liquid butter made in India. I thought that was ghee? Or is ghis the plural [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Holy Cow!
Katerina Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Will I get the fox pox now? [ more ]
Xochi Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Just so you know Xoci Mr L thinks I've lost the plot,totally,,,,Got a piece of broken glass in my foot last night hence the quick departure,got it sorted went to bed and actually took a fit of laughing. Mr L woke ,none to pleased but he is no position to talk,asked me what was funny and I told him it's nothing just a little thing about ninja foxes trespassing in someone's house looking to nest and lay their eggs,he sat bolt upright in bed and said *Run that past... [ more ]
~Lee~ Just so you know Xoci Mr L thinks I've lost the plot,totally,,,,Got a piece of broken glass in my foot last night hence the quick departure,got it sorted went to bed and actually took a fit of laughing. Mr L woke ,none to pleased but he is no position to talk,asked me what was funny and I told him it's nothing just a little thing about ninja foxes trespassing in someone's house looking to nest and lay their eggs,he sat bolt upright in bed and said *Run that past me again* . [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've had that McAfee warning again
Former Member Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by Pengy: I've just suddenly started getting that message Did the forum page you were looking at look similar to the one Ells posted - the message at the top and a box with a red circle with a line through like a no entry sign where the Google ad usually appears? If so, then it will be because of the Google ad rather than this forum. yes it was El Loro - figured it would be something to do with Google [ more ]
El Loro Originally Posted by Pengy: I've just suddenly started getting that message Did the forum page you were looking at look similar to the one Ells posted - the message at the top and a box with a red circle with a line through like a no entry sign where the Google ad usually appears? If so, then it will be because of the Google ad rather than this forum. [ more ]
Former Member I've just suddenly started getting that message [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Conor contemplates eviction
Baz I'm contemplating his eviction too ... Sadly I don't think it's going to happen any time soon ! [ more ]
Aimee He says theres not many people that spend their birthday in the BB house, so lets make him one of them [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by MrsH: as its his Birthday tomorrow it would be a fitting present to see him evicted and let into the baying mobs to party but I dont think he will be going and the worry here is Wednesdays White Room Twist - he and LukeS are so competitive it is sure to be one of them that wins this and gets either the £25000 or a free place through to the final whichever way the twist is going to go [ maybe BB are still scripting it ] I feel we are stuck with him till finals week or the... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
My cats
Former Member Originally Posted by cologne 1: I throw water over mine if it happens out front or in the garden. Sorry katty, I didn't mean to upset you, I've never had a cat staying in, so find it difficult to imagine, mine would go stir crazy. ...and slinki, yes he was just guilt tripping me, there wasn't an injury on the little thing. he sounds like a right git! [ more ]
kattymieoww Don't be daft Cologne you didn't upset me in the least. [ more ]
cologne 1 I throw water over mine if it happens out front or in the garden. Sorry katty, I didn't mean to upset you, I've never had a cat staying in, so find it difficult to imagine, mine would go stir crazy. ...and slinki, yes he was just guilt tripping me, there wasn't an injury on the little thing. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I am good to my team
Ells I'm a Hob Nobber too I don't buy them very often because it's only me and the eldest who like them and we end up scoffing the lot. Out of custard creams and bourbons it has to be a bourbon. Mario and Lisa put me off custard creams for life. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Supes: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Jaffa cakes always go down well in the team. But don't last as long as the other types of biscuit. Are we talking how long it takes to eat, as in: do you separate; do you lick; do you nibble the choc first etc. or are we talking what's left at the end of the working day? We are most definitely talking about how long they last. The minute the pack is open they are gone. They have never lasted the day out. We... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Jaffa cakes always go down well in the team. But don't last as long as the other types of biscuit. Are we talking how long it takes to eat, as in: do you separate; do you lick; do you nibble the choc first etc. or are we talking what's left at the end of the working day? [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sim City Social (Facebook)
Ells I would Rawky but I'm already addicted to Sims 2 on my laptop and don't think I could handle any more simness in my life. How sad is that? [ more ]
MrsH they are all addictive - they draw you in by being very easy in the first stages and then they up their demands to conquer the goals and quests walk away while you can ...... have got your requests but am not clicking on any new games till the winter [ more ]
See all 2 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It feels like the series has finished already...
Cold Sweat Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: I don't know about "giving up", but it's been a real slog this year. Most of HMs are unlikeable (and a worryingly-high percentage downright loathsome), and until recently there's been precious little fun. Ultimately, though, it's RL that is the biggest problem. Not just the Olympics, but work commitments and holidays mean that I'll be struggling to keep up with the show over the final couple of weeks... As for the White Room: sorry if this sounds... [ more ]
justafriend Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: I don't know about "giving up", but it's been a real slog this year. Most of HMs are unlikeable (and a worryingly-high percentage downright loathsome), and until recently there's been precious little fun. Ultimately, though, it's RL that is the biggest problem. Not just the Olympics, but work commitments and holidays mean that I'll be struggling to keep up with the show over the final couple of weeks... thats not good for us, [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I don't know about "giving up", but it's been a real slog this year. Most of HMs are unlikeable (and a worryingly-high percentage downright loathsome), and until recently there's been precious little fun. Ultimately, though, it's RL that is the biggest problem. Not just the Olympics, but work commitments and holidays mean that I'll be struggling to keep up with the show over the final couple of weeks... As for the White Room: sorry if this sounds pessimistic, but based on past experience, I... [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lauren on BBUK Twitter answering your questions
Cold Sweat Lauren on Jersey evening news show yesterday: [ more ]
Cold Sweat Back on the farm. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by cologne 1: I'm a wee bit disappointed with Lauren. I thought she had the wherewhithall to be independant and now she's doing Nuts for a cheap buck. Money = independence… and there in lays the dilemma… I reckon the lure (for a student) is just too great I agree, good luck to her, i say [ more ]
See all 68 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 10pm Wednesday 25/7/2012
Cosmopolitan It's Chicken Stu and Bunny Boiler and so far past its sell by date Night x [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by erinp: Luke S and Ashleigh are making a cosy love den in the garden again. Probably just for a private chat, we're sure # bbuklive getting their "Love scene" ready for Thursday night HL show. Vomits.... [ more ]
~Lee~ Originally Posted by erinp: Luke S and Ashleigh are making a cosy love den in the garden again. Probably just for a private chat, we're sure # bbuklive getting their "Love scene" ready for Thursday night HL show. No shandies pls. [ more ]
See all 241 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Looking for Jesus
Cosmopolitan I missed the 1st two weeks too And you really ought to watch it - if only to see what a horror show it is! [ more ]
liverbird Hiya Cosi, I'm good thanks Haven't been watching BB cos I went on holiday just after it started and just couldn't be bothered with it So not had much to post here as lots of BB threads Sounds like I haven't missed much though [ more ]
Cosmopolitan 'Burd..! Haven't seen you in yonks. Hope all's good with you [ more ]
See all 1,535 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I missed this on the HL show.Caroline.
justafriend Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by justafriend: another thing just let go by bb Aimee, carolines a right little witch, I'd love to know how many times she has been called into the DR and spoken to thats something we will never know [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by justafriend: another thing just let go by bb Aimee, carolines a right little witch, I'd love to know how many times she has been called into the DR and spoken to [ more ]
justafriend another thing just let go by bb Aimee, carolines a right little witch, [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm just full of filthy lies!!
Former Member has he gone yet? [ more ]
Ducky If I ever see one THAT big in my garden....I'm definitely nailing myself into the shed! Unless the shed has big spiders of course. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Ducky: Ditty's a bit behind with her insect posts.....I'll start her off... Day 1. The Beetle of DEATH! ermmmm.. that's not that big!!! We have bigger ones here... quite literally here (where I live), we often see stag beetles. Mind you... the pincers on that thing look a bit savage! However, you are right Duckster, I was slacking... *goes off to research the Day 2 Korean Insect* [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Assuming it's a double eviction...
Aimee Caroline and Ashleigh but i would prefer Caroline and Conor [ more ]
Former Member If its a double Caroline and either Ash or Luke s (he so thinks he is going to win!) I so wanted Becky out, she is getting on my wick, and that voice [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: It is only a single eviction, right? Jamie East said on BBBOTS when a caller asked if it was a double "Wait and see" That's just a ruse to try and get people to ditch the Olympic Opening Ceremony and watch the great show [/sarcasm] that is BB on channel 5 It likely is but I live in hope Olly. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 9pm Monday 23/7/2012
Videostar Originally Posted by Amythist: Becky is filling the chair With sweaty arse. [ more ]
Amythist Becky is filling the chair [ more ]
Ells Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by Ells: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: That's Jamie dropping Ells in it again... I didn't watch it Kaffy....what happened? He spun the Conor's got all of Derry behind him claptrap Ells. That's because the idiots who spam BB on fb and probably call into the show are only his friends and family and they keep saying it. The local businesses who were supporting him on launch night (on fb I might add...that's the only time I've seen any support for... [ more ]
See all 321 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Slumber party blunder,
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Deana looks totally bored and fed up there. not surprised lol, they're hardly people you'd invite to a dinner party, well the majority of them [ more ]
kattymieoww Deana looks totally bored and fed up there. [ more ]
Former Member Onion boy has been looking for an exit since "Mediagate" I used to laugh when it was said that Ash was more into him ,she was never into him ,and now she has ,like him admitted it . [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
1 Hour Live Feed and Revised Programme Times for Friday
Kaffs Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: I'm going to watch the Opening Ceremony I'm afraid. I'll catch up later I hope. I'm recording it so I can fast forward any crap bits. [ more ]
Xochi I'm going to watch the Opening Ceremony I'm afraid. I'll catch up later I hope. [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by MrsH: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Have they moved Spenny to 10.30 then? The Bachelor, Episode 5 Friday 27th July on Channel 5 from 10:30pm to 11:30pm Thanks Mrs H [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Only three up but BB changed it .Who nommed who and why.
kattymieoww Originally Posted by Bethni: So the conversation Luke S, Conor, Ashleigh and Becky had last night shows they were totally wrong. They all agreed that the 'outsiders' would have all voted for Luke S. Infact only Deana and Luke A nominated Conor. It was Scott and Sara who chose Luke S. Another rule break surely! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Baz: I have long resigned myself to Conor being there for the duration Erinp ...which is when I switched off . But it would have been nice to hear Caroline had gone ! I think it will be Sara or Ashleigh who goes.... Which won't really affect the nasties at all.... But it could be Luke A... which I think would have more of an effect on them . I think LukeS or Ash will go . [ more ]
Baz I won't yell fix .... But it is certainly manipulation [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Top Lauren moments
Cold Sweat Obligatory lads mag shoot this afternoon, BOTS this evening (I think) and home to Jersey tomorrow… [ more ]
Cold Sweat Evictee week then (C4)… Evictee week now (C5) Multiple Little Brother appearances – including the hour long Sunday lunchtime show dedicated to the latest evictee – plus several Big Mouth appearances. Also, other C4 appearances Friday Night Project, Richard & Judy, T4 – plus a wider media interest such as Radio One interviews, morning tv and VIP music festival, red carpet functions. A couple of appearances on BBBOTS a couch potatoes podcast, then… tumbleweed! I see Lauren is heading home... [ more ]
Cold Sweat Those face-to-face noms still look brutal over a week on... [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noms announced.
Former Member Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by MrsH: LukeS is just so peed off at being up ..... Isn't it great Brilliant! He and Connor thought they had this all sewn up. £33,333.33 Conor, LukeS, and ASH [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by MrsH: LukeS is just so peed off at being up ..... Isn't it great Brilliant! He and Connor thought they had this all sewn up. [ more ]
Cinds Oooooh that's brilliant that those 3 are up. I just wish I was at home watching [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB Couch Potatoes radio show last night.
kimota They were flirting a little on the show. She clearly adores Benedict! [ more ]
Cold Sweat Romance? [ more ]
kimota Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: kimota, I can't see how to join the site to visit the chat room. I keep being flung out signing in. You can open a 'chatango account at the bottom left of the chat or do what I do and just click 'set name' on the bottom right which opens a small box further up the page where you can create a temporary name. The only problem is if you need to refresh, you then have to set a new name. I usually just add a number to mine! Hope that helps! [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nomination (rumour spoiler)
Former Member BB eviction show on Friday is on 9pm-10.30pm I think it may be a double [ more ]
justafriend they now have all of the betting ash 11/10 caroline 9/4 luke s 3/1 conor 7/1 sara 12/1 luke a 20/1 adam 25/1 deana 33/1 [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Skylark24: Originally Posted by erinp: This site only had LukeA and conor up Where is Velvet/Saint when you need them i understand betting odds erin, too many times on racecourses ! What you want to know? edit will look and get back x why that Bookie only has two HMS up and not all eight?,Cheers The money is going on, at the moment... [ more ]
See all 83 replies...

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