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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Money Bet
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by Yogi19: Neither of the suggested they themselves would win, each suggested that the other would win. I don't see how thinking your friend might win can be seen as being overconfident. As for the "if I win, I'll give you £5,000", isn't that much the same as saying to a friend, if I win the lottery, I would give you x amount? Agreed! Well said.. [ more ]
Yogi19 Soozy and Baz, let's hope BB play fair when it comes to the editing. *crosses everything* [ more ]
Baz It's how it will be spun Yogi ... That's what worries me ... [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who nominated who (spoiler)
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Sara nom'd SCOTT !!! Hmmmm . . . Yes this is the same Sara who was comforting an upset Scott last week saying "I don't understand why mum nommed you, we're friends," ...Hopefully viewers will see how insincere she really is...Someone on here forget who, called her an empty vessel, very apt. 'Twas me..and she is. [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Sara nom'd SCOTT !!! Hmmmm . . . Yes this is the same Sara who was comforting an upset Scott last week saying "I don't understand why mum nommed you, we're friends," ...Hopefully viewers will see how insincere she really is...Someone on here forget who, called her an empty vessel, very apt. 'Twas me..and she is. [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Sara nom'd SCOTT !!! Hmmmm . . . She told him the other day she thinks he'll win, hmmm, maybe that's why she nommed him [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How is Ash gonna feel when her best bits include spreading herpes to half the house..
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Tonight on BBOTS they showed Ash washing her knickers, and scrubbing the gusset with what I presume is her own toothbrush....Classy chick... It's bad news if your knickers need 'scrubbing' with anything surely? That's exactly what I was thinking. She was doing that weeks ago with Shievonne in the garden - they had a bit of a production line thing going on Dip, dip, scrub, scrub - rinse. If it was... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Tonight on BBOTS they showed Ash washing her knickers, and scrubbing the gusset with what I presume is her own toothbrush....Classy chick... It's bad news if your knickers need 'scrubbing' with anything surely? That's exactly what I was thinking. Wire brush and dettol for her [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Tonight on BBOTS they showed Ash washing her knickers, and scrubbing the gusset with what I presume is her own toothbrush....Classy chick... It's bad news if your knickers need 'scrubbing' with anything surely? That's exactly what I was thinking. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 9pm Monday 6/8/2012
Videostar Bethni, how do you know we'll see a different Deana when she wins? I dont think we've seen someone who has shown any signs of acting up to camera or mask slipping, shes just more confident now that numbnuts has left. Even if she was different after leaving the house I promise you now ALL the HM's will be different after leaving the house one way or another. [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by cologne 1: Originally Posted by Bethni: Originally Posted by cologne 1: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Go Ais.. telling them about the praying thing. I don't believe her catholic guilt bit for one single second. I used to love Ais, but she just seems to have turned into a waste. With her talents, she should be well past visits to BB related programmes. The praying is just a silly gimmick, totally harmless. Perhaps , but it could also be construed as a way of talking to... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Errrrgh Ash washing her knickers, and scrubbing the gusset with what I presume is her own toothbrush... Not sure if I'll be brushing my teeth tonight! [ more ]
See all 219 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've only just caught up
Ells I haven't watched it since Friday. I'd like to pretend it's because I'm making a stand against the whole set up of the white room but it's just because I couldn't be arsed to watch it. [ more ]
Baz I think the closing ceremony is Sunday Soozy [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: I've watched more Olympics than BB for quite a few nights now. Yes - BB has certainly lost its allure to me, especially after the WR fiasco. Is final night the same night as the Closing Ceremony? If so - I know what I'll be watching. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noms (spoiler)
Aimee Surely they need to tell us if it's a double or not before people start voting [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Originally Posted by Aimee: well im shocked that Scott is there but not Sara I was hoping to get shot of Ashleigh and Sara on Friday! me too [ more ]
Cold Sweat Does Scott have any obvious support? Seems quite a few people find him "okay" but not necessarily their favourite. [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The final Big Brother 2012 nominations round up! [ Spoiler ]
MrsH Final Big Brother 2012 nomination details revealed AUGUST 7, 2012 08:30 BY JOSH DARVILL Big Brother’s Scott topped the votes in yesterday’s final round of nominations, meaning he’s up for the eviction for the first time this series. Scott received four nominations this week, the same amount that he had received throughout the entire series up until Sunday! He’ll be joined in the final eviction by Adam, Ashleigh and Deana, who all received three votes each. One of those who nominated Scott... [ more ]
MrsH 8.16pm: Ashleigh, Luke S and Deana have been told that they won't be attending tonight's party due to a nomination rule break. [ more ]
Baz Hi Kimota That was my thinking .... [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Speaking of Autumn TV Schedules......
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Carnelian: I like Dr Who but I hope there's more autumn stuff than that! The new doctor is good Amy Pond is an excellent character and it's a shame she's leaving the show. I've liked all the Dr Who companions except Catherine Tate (as she just seemed like a Catherine Tate character) but even she had some good episodes and moments of poignant acting. My criticism of Dr Who is that it's a bit cheesy and most episodes... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Carnelian: I like Dr Who but I hope there's more autumn stuff than that! The new doctor is good Amy Pond is an excellent character and it's a shame she's leaving the show. I've liked all the Dr Who companions except Catherine Tate (as she just seemed like a Catherine Tate character) but even she had some good episodes and moments of poignant acting. My criticism of Dr Who is that it's a bit cheesy and most episodes don't quite deliver on repeat viewing. One of the things... [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I love Matt Smith as the Doctor but I'm not a purist. I take it all at face value - a lot of it goes completely over my head - I just like it ^^^^ Agrees with Soozy. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ever Wonder ? :)
Baz Just noticed this thread YR [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities " You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?" The materials they use for the black box are not suitable to build planes. The black box is designed to withstand high pressures, heat, fire, explosions. Planes are made out of light materials such as aluminium. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Why is the third hand on your watch actually the second hand? Yep that's another one to wonder about lol [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dog people....I need help!
Ells Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: Upload a picture for us! Sorry Summer I went to do this last night then forgot Here she is: [ more ]
Ells Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Ells: Saint, I call her a Shits Zoo Yogi she's fine today. She settled well but I didn't get to bed til 2am coz she kept crying every time we put her in the kitchen and closed the door I just had to ignore it in the end and she was fine. She's still here but hopefully her owners will be back before 5pm. Has she gone yet? Yes, she went just after 5pm. By that time she had settled in nicely, stopped barking at my OH and claimed her place on the... [ more ]
Saint Originally Posted by velvet donkey: You won't go wrong with an Irish Setter. Called Chanel. Must admit the desire for an English Setter has always niggled in the back of my mind [ more ]
See all 51 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sorry for Luke S
Clumsycat I laughed when he cried, does that make me a bad person ? [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: I don't feel sorry for him. .he feels sorry enough for himself. .he was crying over being conned twice over money. .once by BB into thinking he was going to be signed up to agents and make a load of dosh [you could see the pound signs go ding in his eyes at that thought] and then by his 'mate' who was quicker to the buzzer.. Oh yes,this. [ more ]
Saint I think its the humiliation more than anything [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
When is Finals Night?
Saint Guess wot !!!??? I'm OFF WORK on Friday 10th AND Mon 13th [ more ]
Former Member Best ever #bbbots alert: Tue 14 Aug features this series' final 5 + celebs + ex-HMs. 18+s email , mad fun awaits. [ more ]
Saint I can watch BOTH dates - yay !!! Awww thanks so much Mrs H - you're a star [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BBOTS. Ian Lee gives home truths to Conor
Former Member Ian Lee is a tube. [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Aimee: Ian Lee is good on there and says it how it really is, loved his comparison between the olympics and BB Yes he was good and brought the sitch back down to earth I read somewhere that Ian had a hard time backstage afterwards from Conor and family and Becky and family. Perhaps they couldn't deal with the truth [ more ]
Aimee Ian Lee is good on there and says it how it really is, loved his comparison between the olympics and BB [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Emergency BB/BOTS thread!
Former Member Just watched last night's programme, so, Deana comments in the dr about how she's more comfortable now that Conor and Becky are not there and therefore she's not being constantly criticised or judged also that she's no longer in the minority. Then she engages in exactly the same behaviour towards others that she was subject to: the bullied becomes the bully. Well done Deana, a week more of that behaviour and you'll hopefully lose more and more support by final night [ more ]
Former Member On Iain's Fb: Fan:Loved you on Bit on the side!!! At last Conor knows how the public feel! Thank you! x Iain Lee :Yeah, last night was uncomfortable...the 4 of them pounced (Conor, Becky and Conor's girlfriend and Becky's sister) pounced on me in the green room. Very awkward. [ more ]
Aimee Conor on BBOTS said he didn't get on with Deana as he liked to have fun and all she did was sleep, yet when they shown Deana being more vocal, Becky piped up oh she was like that all the time, she must be very vocal in her sleep [ more ]
See all 151 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Weather alert everyone!
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: What?!! How very dare you not come and see me ! ( I was driving home from Motherwell in it too . scary weather ! ) Sorry Slinki I was in Witherspoons Saturday afternoon and an Italian restaurant Friday night, the name escapes me. We did bring decent weather though and apparently it left with us. Its currently p*ssing down in Cumbria That's pretty much what we saw Katty,and two or three little ones followed it [ more ]
kattymieoww The clip my niece has is better than that, much closer,however it was a video sent to her phone not on U Tube,I found this though. [ more ]
kattymieoww Re: Weather alert everyone! [ more ]
See all 39 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm looking forward to.. (not in the slightest bit related to Christmas in any way at all unless someone else mentions it in a post but don't blame me if they do)
Former Member Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Supes: I too like Autumn, but it would be rather nice to have a summer first But not too hot a one Hot would be fine by me..... but would settle for some sunshine and a bit of respite from this constant bloody rain [ more ]
Former Member Autumn - the wind down Winter - resolved Spring - hope Summer - live [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Supes: I too like Autumn, but it would be rather nice to have a summer first But not too hot a one [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sunday Star interview with Conor
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: It'll be all up against a tree in four months. A *Big* wedding costs 15/20k,much much more for anyone in a better financial position,all for one day but there's no talking to most of them on that front. I reckon his friends and family will be expecting some sort of party to be paid for by him for all their support - wonder if he'll repay this support? [ more ]
kattymieoww It's bloody pathetic that a dick like Conor got half the dosh,BB is laughing at the viewers and folk that spent money voting.I just knew him and Luke S would get into the white room.Total bollocks of a fix. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I'm still furious that BB chose that method of selection as to who went in the White Room. If the task team are so creative they could have come up with something other than that to give all the hm's an opportunity to win the money. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
She's only gone and done it!...
Aimee so pleased for her [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: I want her phone number Don't want to name drop, but she lives close to my friend. Will have a word and se what I can do... ...oh and until not long back worked in the gym he attends too. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by velvet donkey: I want her phone number Don't want to name drop, but she lives close to my friend. Will have a word and se what I can do... [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ok, I couldn't sleep
Former Member You're right everyone I guess [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Sprout: And just popped back in to say.....he/they make me sick! I have a mission to try and talk as many people into not having Sky as possible. I have never had it, never will, ever. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Saint (fka Renton): Sprout - VD gives good advice Don't get angry ... get a boat - one with a beautiful white sail And spend your days drifting from Genoa to Naples and stopping off at Sicily Sounds good to me! [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Becky smeared nutella over her face!
Former Member It may be ambiguous to some but don't think she was an innocent clown Remorse for nout post eviction. [ more ]
Former Member She was taking the p out of herself never going to be a beauty queen imho, could have been nutella, could have been milky bars, just what was to hand [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by ~Lee~: I thought the silly mare just had it all around her mouth and lower face,she'd that big pink hat on, I missed something obviously. TBH, I thought the same initially. However I made the mistake of assuming Becky was intelligent enough to know that there were two beauty queens in the house: Deana and Sara... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
i hate watching this coner crap
Tina Originally Posted by erinp: There was a break between the HL show and BBBOTS ,Conor has been accused of being racist so I am not surprised that he was coached to reply Adam when asked who he wanted to win .They must think we are daft!! Conor is eveything he accused others HMS of being .He is the liar ,he cant be trusted ,he loves the money and he had the biggest game plan but his violent and sexual rant ended his chance of winning . well said [ more ]
Tina Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Tina: i want Deana to win was Adam but not liking him as much now Can't we force them into giving the cash to charity??? if only we could [ more ]
Former Member There was a break between the HL show and BBBOTS ,Conor has been accused of being racist so I am not surprised that he was coached to reply Adam when asked who he wanted to win .They must think we are daft!! Conor is eveything he accused others HMS of being .He is the liar ,he cant be trusted ,he loves the money and he had the biggest game plan but his violent and sexual rant ended his chance of winning . [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LukeS deserved everything he got last night..
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by ~Lee~: I loathe racism and bigotry with a deep rooted vengeance ,do I think Conor is a penis of the highest order?, absolutely,do I think his problem with Deana stems from racism ?,no.Do I believe he'd like to see Adam win?,given the reasons he gave for that I actually do. I do actually agree with all of this. Although I'm suspicious of some of the other Insiders, I don't think (based on what I've seen) that Conor's dislike for Deana is down to racism. I do however... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by erinp: One Missssippi Two Mississippi Three Mississippi Wrong river - he's up the Swanee without a paddle. [ more ]
~Lee~ I loathe racism and bigotry with a deep rooted vengeance ,do I think Conor is a penis of the highest order?, absolutely,do I think his problem with Deana stems from racism ?,no.Do I believe he'd like to see Adam win?,given the reasons he gave for that I actually do.He explained him and Luke S were basically friends by association,Ash,imo he can emphasise somewhat with Adam and his background,that is his reason for wanting him to win and therefore get the other 50K....Luke S wanted the money... [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The White room 50k eviction.
Former Member Some have suggested that he should get a tattoo,he has red lips on one arm so he could get a red buzzer on the other [ more ]
Former Member Re: The White room 50k eviction. [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by ~Lee~: Sorry ,was struggling to climb over all the potatoes in my caravan,oh add to that we're all thick,the latest compliments on FB. As I always say Lee..while they're picking on me they're leaving some other poor bugger alone.... [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Becky rolling her eyes at Luke As
Aimee Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I noticed that Aimee - something about the way she said the word wife was all sneery. She did turn out to be an incredibly horrible person didn't she? I actually felt sorry for her when she first went in and Chris had a go at her. Still ..........just in case you didn't know - she is only 19 I'd better not dur talk about her then You'd better not dur or she'll be fuuuming Thats ... [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: I'm certain she did that Aimee. She'd done it in the house too. She just cannot hide her contempt. She screws her face up into a ball of sneery anger. Did you see my thread about the nutella btw? Poisonous bitch. i'll go and have a look now [ more ]
Xochi I'm certain she did that Aimee. She'd done it in the house too. She just cannot hide her contempt. She screws her face up into a ball of sneery anger. Did you see my thread about the nutella btw? Poisonous bitch. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Today's (Saturday 4th) Events at the Olympics
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Athletics x 12 Badminton x 3 Basketball x 1 Beach Volleyball x 2 Boxing x 3 Cycling x 3 Diving x 1 Equestrian x 2 Fencing x 1 Football x 1 Gymnastics x 1 Hockey x 1 Rowing x 4 Sailing x 7 Shooting x 2 Swimming x 4 Table Tennis x 4 Tennis x 4 Triathlon x 1 Volleyball x 1 Water Polo x 1 Weightlifting x 1 Is that our medal tally? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Lori: How many channels do you guys have for the Olympics. We have three (sometimes 4). Coverage is not that great for us, as you probably know (plus this making-a-living thing is putting a dent in my ability to watch it. ) Yeah, it's not doing much for me either! [ more ]
Former Member The BBC have got about 24 on Cable (HD) Lori, but there's not always something on every one. Less than that on Freeview [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ooo! It's got all narrow in 'ere!
Lori Well, I'm too late to see ANY of what happened, but my WAG* would be that one of the comments in the activity stream on the left had an unbreakable link in it and temporarily forced the left side to be to big, until it worked itself off the page. *Wild-Ass Guess. I don't have a clue what I'm talking about. [ more ]
Jen-Star Cool, glad it's back to normal for you [ more ]
Former Member It seems to be ok for the minute Jen ta. It's coming and going. Story of my life really [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Going, going.... almost gone.
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Hey all, But I will post my general nonsense and keep you all updated on my life in South Korea. Till then, next time i'll be speaking to you 8 hours in the future. Toodles Can you e mail me the lottery winning numbers please - promise I'll share [ more ]
Soozy Woo Bye bye Rawky - have a safe journey and a great time. Don't forget us and please pop in from time to time to let us know how you're doing. [ more ]
Yogi19 Have a safe journey, a wonderful time and take care of yourself, Rawky. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gone right off Sara
Clumsycat Originally Posted by Skylark24: Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Yes Skylark ,sara prattles on loud and rather incoherantly,when deana interjects she "doesn't want to talk about it!" Deana tried to speak about the poverty in India, Sara shut her down too, not a nice quality... I remember that, its all abot Sara [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Yes Skylark ,sara prattles on loud and rather incoherantly,when deana interjects she "doesn't want to talk about it!" Deana tried to speak about the poverty in India, Sara shut her down too, not a nice quality... [ more ]
kattymieoww Yes Skylark ,sara prattles on loud and rather incoherantly,when deana interjects she "doesn't want to talk about it!" [ more ]
See all 43 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother Highlights Show/BOTS Chat Thread - 9pm Friday 3/8/2012
Former Member Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by Pengy: so yet again Jamie East - you're a liar like your theatrical progeny Becky - there wasn't another twist on BOTS tonight There was another twist. The truth got twisted. Bloody disgrace .............I've had my moments with BB over the years but NOTHING tops this. I really am shell shocked! very true Soozy I stand corrected [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by erinp: Luke Marsden ‏ @ LukeMarsden We won't have time to grill the housemates. Gutted. Although as Conor walked out with the 50K, Nina whispered to me, "he's vile" # bbbots [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: I'll see this out to the (very) bitter end, but then that's it. No more general BB for me. I'm done with it. Where's the fun and laughs? I can't recall laughing at any of it in a good humoured way at all. That's been one of the biggies for me; it's been a real slog this year, The funny (i.e. odd) thing is that it might finally improve in the last week. Although a lot of people involved in the show ("Insiders", BotS audience) have suggested it'll be boring... [ more ]
See all 611 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How can I watch the Olympics in South Korea?
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: fanks Yella. I'll check it out... i'm a bit drunk at the moment.... Probably a few of us have had a drink tonight to get through the show lol. Whatever happens I hope you enjoy your time in Korea [ more ]
Rawky-Roo fanks Yella. I'll check it out... i'm a bit drunk at the moment.... [ more ]
Yellow Rose Bumping for Rawky in case the above link helps [ more ]
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