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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cremation Ashes
Cosmopolitan My dog's ashes are going in with me when the time comes. Mr Cosi is having the other poochie in with him. Then......we're going to be mixed together and flung around somewhere out here. Probably over the valley and onto a load of golfers They'll thank me when they're teeing off on a perfect green. I really dislike the idea of the state owning me or mine's ashes. If I were German I think I'd refuse to be buried there at all. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Crikey I'm shocked at that, and completely disapprove! I am definitely wanting to be cremated, and scattered somewhere rural, peaceful and pretty I scattered my grandmothers ashes, I like to pass by the spot when I'm nearby My mum has requested a firework/rocket scattering of her ashes! [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Garage Joe: It seems morbid but we often have a walk around them, after paying homage at Kurt Schwitters stone. If you have a spare hour, you could do worse than having a wander around Cologne Melaten cemetry. It's beautiful. [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
geeky quiz help needed
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Garage Joe: He was on R5 talking football yesterday. I love this tune in app for iPhone. I have been able to listen to R2 R5 and my local radio discussing yesterday 's glorious win. Ooow i might have to look that one up. [ more ]
Garage Joe He was on R5 talking football yesterday. I love this tune in app for iPhone. I have been able to listen to R2 R5 and my local radio discussing yesterday 's glorious win. [ more ]
suzybean Aww Fluffs. Richard Osman must be off for the weekend. It must be killing you, but keep on believing you're right [ more ]
See all 345 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Daily Mail
suzybean Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Ells: Originally Posted by erinp: I read online the BB stuff and all the tv/showbiz info. Weddings ,who wore what ,who's going out with who .LOVE IT!! Me too. I read all that on the DM site too - it's my lunchtime guilty pleasure. I also love reading the comments - at least one smug git in every article writes 'Who ARE these people?' They obviously read about them as much as I do, you'd think they'd know. Usually the Krap Kardashians or... [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Ells: Originally Posted by erinp: I read online the BB stuff and all the tv/showbiz info. Weddings ,who wore what ,who's going out with who .LOVE IT!! Me too. I read all that on the DM site too - it's my lunchtime guilty pleasure. I also love reading the comments - at least one smug git in every article writes 'Who ARE these people?' They obviously read about them as much as I do, you'd think they'd know. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cinds: That's it Sprout, I did deliver it *shrugs hunched shoulder back up* I think there was also a Green if I'm not mistaken [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Corrie NOW
Garage Joe I will have about six episodes to catch up with! [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Mary's brilliant With Maria and Marcus I could see that coming weeks ago I can't see how it can go anywhere though lol Maria turned Marcus straight?? Wow there's hope for me to put Trollop back on the right bus yet? [ more ]
Aimee I hate Mary i think they are going way over the top with her [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've only just heard
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by suzybean: Another Mail Online romance that seems to have appeared from nowhere is Catherine Tate and Adrian Chiles looking all loved up in Los Angeles. I know, where did that come from In an odd sort of way - I can see them together. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by suzybean: Another Mail Online romance that seems to have appeared from nowhere is Catherine Tate and Adrian Chiles looking all loved up in Los Angeles. I know, where did that come from [ more ]
suzybean Another Mail Online romance that seems to have appeared from nowhere is Catherine Tate and Adrian Chiles looking all loved up in Los Angeles. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
suzybean You lil charmer Sainty [ more ]
Saint Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Saint: Call me SAINT first Oh you're Renton! Wishing Bannatyne better Now listen beanburger !!! Tis Saint ... but you can call me Sainty [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by Saint: Call me SAINT first Oh you're Renton! Wishing Bannatyne better [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What a comeback!
Former Member Another nice Jolly at whose expense? [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Did you watch the presentation and speeches? Alex Salmond really enjoyed saying "Golf is coming home [to Scotland]....and so is the Ryder Cup!" So it's going to be rather busy up here in 2014 - what with the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, then the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: "USA, USA, USA... US... eh?" ! [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jesus .........................
Kaffs Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Send them a rocket stating you travelled in high expectation etc. And don't under-egg the pudding I'm composing my letter right now! I may even send one direct to the Lord himself I don't think the Lord gives a stuff about his audience really. I know someone who asked for his autograph once after a performance - he just about knocked her over shoving her out of the way saying he was busy. edit... forgot to add... he used the... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Send them a rocket stating you travelled in high expectation etc. And don't under-egg the pudding I'm composing my letter right now! I may even send one direct to the Lord himself [ more ]
Former Member Send them a rocket stating you travelled in high expectation etc. And don't under-egg the pudding [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
An unusual girl :)
Cinds I finally got to see the link today (must have been the phone yesterday). It's not right, why would you want to look like a cartoon character unless you were going to a fancy dress party. There's obviously some deep rooted issues there, and more worrying her saying she will start on surgery to look more like them [ more ]
Blizz'ard Another one! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Very, very strange! [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
x factor tour 2013
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Garage Joe: As far as I can see, I'm not sure that we are the target audience. Well I'm definitely not. Don't watch it. I have never understood X-Factor. It looks like others are now seeing the light as audience figures seem to be dropping. [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Garage Joe: As far as I can see, I'm not sure that we are the target audience. Your telling me!!!! [ more ]
pirate1111 Originally Posted by Baz: No way Did you finally get rid of your visitors pirate? yeah i sat in the garden for a bit the went away eventually i dont trust people [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tubey clips that make you laugh a lot...
cologne 1 Re: Tubey clips that make you laugh a lot... [ more ]
cologne 1 Re: Tubey clips that make you laugh a lot... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Scotty that has made me laugh so much I have been there and done that and have had remarkable bruises to show for it. Mr Woo has a picture of my bum on his phone with a massive black (and I mean black) heart shaped bruise on it. Why didn't the person in the stripey top help her ? One for the family album Soozy Think the young lad was enjoying it too much to want to help her To funny [ more ]
See all 90 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I've got cold feet
~Sparkling Summer~ Oh those naughty people! You never know what a dog might be allergic to, they should not have fed her! I guess they were looking for affection Lovely name your friends chose mr summer came up with 3 and I liked Bramble the best out of them, we chose it a year before we actually got her. I do like Labradors too, I think they're lovely [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~: bramble wagged her tail and licked me when I told her that ^ Sweet I once had friends with a black labrador called Bramble. She got really fat even on a diet. They worked out the nursing home up the road was giving her scraps. So she got barred from the place. She was the loveliest dopiest dog and was always getting up on the sofa the minute their back was turned. When you called your pup Bramble it reminded me of her! [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ bramble wagged her tail and licked me when I told her that ^ [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Warning: Facebook settings change means all your private messages can now be seen
suzybean Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: I think a lot of users are getting a shock about what's up there: I barely use FB, and even I had to hide a few posts which I'd rather weren't visible to everyone ... I didn't bother. If I meant it in 2007 I still probably mean it now. Besides it's easier to be genuine with the group I chose to be friends with and network with. I have 2 accounts; real life and forum and don't do fall-outs in either. I'm more candid with my real life friends anyway, and... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by suzybean: Hang fire! It's stuff posted and commented on in the open anyway. I heard the rumour a few days ago and apparently it's a load of old pony. Correct. I heard about this a week ago, and it was already confirmed as a load of bollox. What's happened is that Timeline has meant that old Wall posts have been amalgumated under annual banners. Facebook didn't have "Comments" in the early years, so Wall posts were more common and tended to be more "personal". For those... [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: But don't some people have access to their wall set so that only selected people can see what's there? So even if it's just 'WALL' messages, I understand that this now may mean that these previously restricted messages can now be seen by all . You misunderstood. It's just a thing called a cover photo that is currently open to all. So put something innocuous and non-revealing and all should be well. Everything else is still for the audience... [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dr Who
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Due to general lack of interest, this thread will be unstickied soon. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: The downside for me is the inclusion of the song Amazing Grace, which I have never liked and not sure how it relates to Spock. It doesn't specifically. "Amazing Grace" is much more iconic in the States than in the UK. It was used for the film simply because it's a well-known tune generally associated with funerals and memorial services. (And of course it allowed the visual joke of the - *ahem* - "Scottish" member of the crew getting to... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Well. I'm a bit disappointed....I'm not really sure what I wanted/expected, but it didn't measure up. Yes, I felt that too. It feels a bit of a cop out that he can't use his Tardis to go collect them. I will remember that when he does it in the future. I was happy with it. I had a tear in my eye. I have to say that there is very little that gets me... [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Originally Posted by Baz: How are things with your neighbour ? Hi Baz she's still there. However things seem to be going in the right direction. The managing agents of this apartment building look like they'll take court action to evict her, finally [ I threatened to get a solicitor on them ]. I just put in earplugs when she starts Looks like they're finally taking action but don't let up on them - if you back off they'll think... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Jenstar: You could invite all the other neighbours Rosie! Celebrate together Pleased to see you getting somewhere finally. Ta Jenstar [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Originally Posted by Baz: How are things with your neighbour ? Hi Baz she's still there. However things seem to be going in the right direction. The managing agents of this apartment building look like they'll take court action to evict her, finally [ I threatened to get a solicitor on them ]. I just put in earplugs when she starts Looks like they're finally taking action but don't let up on them - if you back off they'll think it's OK to stop or that the... [ more ]
See all 41 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
1400 identities!
slimfern FECK! how ineffectual is our bliddy system! I know folk who kin barely walk due to proper illness etc...and are being taken off benefit only to be reinstated....what a waste of folks time & public resources! One despairs! [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I thought this was a thread about *Real* naughty sooz *waggles finger* [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I love the phrase too. When my dad died my mum wanted to take up a disabled blue badge parking permit so that we could get her nearer to the shops. You would not believe how they treated her. (She broke a vertebra when she was 80 and has fought back to walk with either a stick, or shopping trolley I do GJ. Words fail me, but it's reality. [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poisonous Twin on X Factor auditions this weekend?*SPOILERS*
Former Member The judges house [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: I didn't notice that it was steph from BB9 my daughter says that she has seen Nathan from BB hijack at concerts, he's been a support act for JLS and ~Olly Muirs she shown me a clip on youtube and it has over a million views Nathan is known as Starman [ more ]
Aimee I didn't notice that it was steph from BB9 my daughter says that she has seen Nathan from BB hijack at concerts, he's been a support act for JLS and ~Olly Muirs she shown me a clip on youtube and it has over a million views [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Don't use Internet Explorer for the next week due to a security bug
El Loro Thanks erinp for bringing this scam to people's attention Microsoft have a policy of not ringing people saying there's a problem with their computer so there is no doubt it is a scam. Some of the scammers are out and out criminals who are out to get your credit card details and to plant trojan viruses on your computer. Others are just unscruplous businesses (at least one is in the UK and used to be a Microsoft partner until Microsoft sacked them) who will try to convince you that there is a... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Baz: Rotters!! We get those calls too Erinp ...but luckily know that they scams. ( I think there have threads on here about them ). I play them at their own game now..tie them up in knots! But I guess they will fool quite a few people at the moment , given the problems with IE !!! Rotters is one word for them Baz [ more ]
Baz Rotters!! We get those calls too Erinp ...but luckily know that they scams. ( I think there have threads on here about them ). I play them at their own game now..tie them up in knots! But I guess they will fool quite a few people at the moment , given the problems with IE !!! [ more ]
See all 108 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Driver Thrown Through Windshield Survives Head-On Truck Collision
Former Member Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Duchess of Alba: Why is the person in the vehicle behind recording it? Is this usual to record as you drive or was this premeditated? Very spectacular footage anyway. Have to say that thought crossed my mind too - always does when you see videos like that (unless it's on one of those police chase shows) I am convinced its a stunt . [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Duchess of Alba: Why is the person in the vehicle behind recording it? Is this usual to record as you drive or was this premeditated? Very spectacular footage anyway. Have to say that thought crossed my mind too - always does when you see videos like that (unless it's on one of those police chase shows) [ more ]
Duchess of Alba Why is the person in the vehicle behind recording it? Is this usual to record as you drive or was this premeditated? Very spectacular footage anyway. [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cat question
Cariad Cats can cohabit even when there's no love lost col. We have 6 year old "twins", Mo and Beany. Had them from 12 weeks from a local refuge. 2 1/2 years ago we acquired Jess aka the Dowager Duchess - her previous owner had been given an ultimatum by her OH to get rid of her "or else". She's about 10 and has been maltreated previously. She craves attention yet expects rejection. She loathes the twins and they are very wary of her. That said, they jog along together. They'll never be friends but... [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I agree too, pop some food down and take it from there she might prefer a lovely cat friendly home to a life on the street.. Very best of luck to you, I hope your heart isn't broken any further [ more ]
Former Member I agree with Soozy try and coax her back and take it from there [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Opinions please
Former Member I would've salvaged what I thought I could and dinned the rest.....hard lines on me if it wasn't good [ more ]
Ells Ugh Ditty not cold chinese but hot chinese leftovers are often much better than the original meal. And yes, I heat up rice too but never more than 24 hours later. [ more ]
Dirtyprettygirlthing I'd have kept it... we've had power cuts for longer & nothing was evicted from the fridge or the freezer when the power came back on I have done the food handlers cert & all that jazz... (former careers in the pub trade & in the world of vending machines ) so I knew all the hype about cooked rice... you don't reheat it, you certainly don't let it sit around at a nice room temperature for a couple of days & then gently warm it through... so was a bit of a shock when I first... [ more ]
See all 93 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Andrew Marr's History of the world....
Baz I agree with GJ ...if *dumbing* down a bit means more people learn from the programme then I think it's a good thing. History was my field and, while I understand the constraints , I love watching programmes like Victorian/Edwardian/Wartime Farm , Time Team etc. History ( or any other subject) doesn't need to be *dry* to educate . [ more ]
Garage Joe It doesn't really matter about dumbing down, the main thing is that people might take an occasional interest in important things, as well as consuming bland pap like Downton. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Carnelian: I have to be honest, Marr slightly annoys me, only slightly. Having a show fronted by a lay person tells me that it's likely to be a bit dumbed down. I follow a lot of popular science programming and read articles. I am relatively well up on the type of a science that gets shown on TV. I don't really want to be told about 'a planet the size of Mars' hitting the Earth four billion years ago, for the umpteenth time or the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs. It... [ more ]
See all 34 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
"British Humour"
Saint When i worked in Sunderland they insisted on calling the piece of furniture a "Chester Draws". [ more ]
Soozy Woo I worked for the local newspaper once - the classic ad was when someone rang up to advertise Boxer Pups and my friend put it through as box of pups. I also got a call for the Lost and Found column - a woman had found a child's teddy outside her house - she said it's obviously well loved all dressed up in christmas clothes, I put it on the front garden wall to see if anyone claimed it but it kept blowing off. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Loved 'em. Nice post Yellow Rose. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Richard III
Cariad Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Not that familiar with the English "civil war" etc,but I'm sure I heard on Q.I.That both sides were rather mercenary and fought for whoever paid the most,nowt to do with roses etc. It was more of a feud between 2 families than a civil war tbh - we got that 200 years later when the king was openly executed rather than mad Henry VI (Team Lancaster) being done away with quietly by Edward IV (Team York) to ease his way into the crown. Royalty huh? I've just... [ more ]
Former Member I thought this was about Natalie Cassiday [ more ]
Garage Joe It is now. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can we have a bit of a laugh at Steps?
~Sparkling Summer~ Oh dear, surely they're stylist could do better! The bigger lass on glee is always dressed to look stunning [ more ]
Former Member It sure is not [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by erinp: Steps announce Christmas album 'Light Up The World', winter tour Published Monday, Sep 24 2012, 09:26 BST | By Mayer Nissim | 23 comments Steps have announced a Christmas album and six-date tour. The band release Light Up The World via their own Steps Recordings/Warner Music Artist & Label Services on November 12. Light Up The World - the group's first album of newly-recorded material for over ten years - is available to pre-order alongside tickets for the... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The big bang theory.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by jacksonb: Not of the biblical kind, sad to say, but the forum list. I keep clicking on it instead of the big brother forum, and i sit perplexed for about 40 seconds trying to work out why some one is aghast and has been so for quite some time. A shuffle would be nice. I think it's alphabetical, so it would just shuffle back again! [ more ]
kattymieoww I like that show.. [ more ]
jacksonb It's probably the heat.... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The real problem with Andrew Mitchell.
Carnelian It's his special wealth-creating basket. A basket of wealth creating measures. As a wealth creator, he likes nothing better than to cycle around London creating wealth with his wealth creating basket. It goes without saying that there's b****r all in the basket! [ more ]
Garage Joe The first thing to do with discarded receipts is enter the details into the Co-Op (corp) phone app. Points mean Dividends. [ more ]
Carnelian it's not the only basket on that particular bike! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sky/BT, etc. packages
scatterby There seem to be pros and cons with all of's a tricky one! [ more ]
scatterby Oh thanks all - very helpful, though I'm still undecided now [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: I have sky broadband and don't have a bad word to say about them, excellent service and help lines been next to none in my experience Scatts I had the complete opposite experience when I was with sky. It disconnected every time the phone rang despite all of the appropriate filters being in place. Sometimes it would take hours and hours to come back on. The help line had me on hold one night for well over 2 hours. BT who I am with now, it's ok but over... [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
At last - and i respect him more
jacksonb Originally Posted by noseyrosie: I felt it was more a PR damage limitation exercise than a genuine apology. Most politicians seem to be just all talk now, very few conviction politicians left. Clegg should move aside for Vince Cable. Not Vince, I like Vince, but as a leader, no way. But we don't have to worry, they'll be in the wilderness eating dirt for at least 2 decades [ more ]
Former Member I felt it was more a PR damage limitation exercise than a genuine apology. Most politicians seem to be just all talk now, very few conviction politicians left. Clegg should move aside for Vince Cable. [ more ]
jacksonb Tim Farron. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll Andrew Mitchell
Former Member Originally Posted by cologne 1: I'm not sure that I'm that concerned about the police officer, but Mitchell is one of the worst type of politicians. No regard for anyone. If he thinks a policeman is a pleb, what are the rest of us? I hate this Cabinet for it's Bullingdon Club connections, fagging and thrashing. We live in the real world, they live in an ivory tower. There's nothing 'being in it together' , as he said: do you know who I am? I didn't until this and, what's more, I couldn't... [ more ]
Garage Joe They discussed it on R2 Jeremy Vine! Lots of sweeping generalisations It really is a non story. Apparently him using the term "pleb" suggests that the cabinet are different to us. They are!!! [ more ]
jacksonb He could end it all, the fuss i mean, if instead of saying' i did not use the words attributed to me' he just told us which words he did use. course that could now show him up to be a liar as well as a prat.. win / win really... [ more ]
See all 86 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Poll about the stickies.
Yellow Rose I don't mind whether they're there or not although I don't watch Dr. Who or Dallas - although my sister suggested I start watching Dallas as she thinks it's good...and she's fussy about what she watches lol. Another way for me to look at it is some of us watch Corrie and/or EE but we don't have a stickie for them - and there's other soaps as well some watch. With soaps they are discussed on the main Forum if anyone wants to say something so the same could be for those who watch Dr. Who or ... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing I watched last Wednesday's episode of Dallas on 5* today. Apart from finding out who sent the e-mail, I could have managed without the rest. Not sure if I'll be bothering with it anymore. I too, had thought the Dallas thread would be really busy. [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair: Not that bothered about the Dr Who and Dallas threads being stickied. I'm having difficulty watching Dr Who "live" at them moment anyway, but even if I did, I'd probably find I'd be concentrating too much to be able to post during it! I had expected the Dallas thread to be busy "in show", but I was practically the only one posting for most of last week's episode. I'm guessing most FMs who watch it are recording it..., it's clashing with Mrs Biggs and... [ more ]
See all 37 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
John Terry
suzybean Originally Posted by cologne 1: Suzy, I whole heartedly agree. I know this is very late, but great news about your baby, I didn't know. Big fat Thanks so much Col He's a lovely little lad and he hasn't picked a football team yet [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by cologne 1: I might lose my rag tomorrow if it doesn't stop raining. You should have been here in Lanarkshire - lovely sunny day, was quite warm too. I was in the garden for several hours. However I believe it's to be quite wet here on Monday. [ more ]
Garage Joe Urban Dictionary: pleb )one who's inferior intelligence results in them making a complete titface out of themselves in public ... It's a fair cop. (See what I did there? Etc usw.) [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
LED Lightbulbs
suzybean Originally Posted by Cinds: Not if something terrible happened to it Suzy, like, say those twin scamps you have having a little bit of rough and tumble and something gets thrown high and accidentally breaks the light fitting, you know by accident and everything Just seen this Cinds...the twins are part of the problem. They saw this thing in some venue or catalogue or showroom and they colluded with their father to get it. I'll be living in some glitterville mini Las Vegas before they leave home! [ more ]
Cinds Oh right! I tend to use the counter lights more often than the ceiling lights. [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by Cinds: Used to be? Before those blooming lights! I never switch them on when I'm in there, it gives me a headache. Who needs to chop an onion with floodlights? [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What does this make you think of
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Thanks for the clip El Loro, I don't watch many adverts (I tend to avoid them). I find the young lady in the clip rather fetching . Still can't remember what they are selling - Her name is Camilla Simpson Thanks El Loro, I will google that to see what she has done. [ more ]
El Loro Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Thanks for the clip El Loro, I don't watch many adverts (I tend to avoid them). I find the young lady in the clip rather fetching . Still can't remember what they are selling - Her name is Camilla Simpson [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by El Loro: "I say Crabbies Ginger Beer!": Thanks for the clip El Loro, I don't watch many adverts (I tend to avoid them). I find the young lady in the clip rather fetching. Still can't remember what they are selling - [ more ]
See all 31 replies...

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