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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Alright m'luvvers?
~Sparkling Summer~ Great to hear from you Rawky, I'm pleased you like it there! Are you celebrating new year Korea style? [ more ]
Syd Great to hear your adventure is going well Rawky...*Grabs gold tie and plants a " [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by MrsH: live life to the full - you only get one - we will be here when you return oh crap... he's coming back? shusshh he might be lurking wanderers always return dont they not too soon I hope this experience is doing him good - is lovely to see/hear him so happy [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If you can see this ...
Cagney I deleted over 100 people from my FB the other week. I dithered afterwards but when I sobered up....I didn't miss them at all [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Originally Posted by Jenstar: I'm too nosy to block anyone. Mods shouldn't be blocking people anyway or they can't do their jobs properly can they? I've not tried it Olly, but I wouldn't imagine it would make life any easier! [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Originally Posted by Jenstar: I'm too nosy to block anyone. Mods shouldn't be blocking people anyway or they can't do their jobs properly can they? [ more ]
See all 118 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Police Taser blind man.
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: I saw this disgusting story on the News. How the caller to the Police, and the policeman who tasered him thought that his white stick was a Samurai sword beggars belief. The man can hardly walk, how could he be a serious threat to anyone. I hope he gets compensated big time. I don't think the caller to the police was mistaken, as they later apprehended a guy with a sword. How the... [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by cologne 1: It's a bit like a game of ping pong with the Police in the moment. Hillsborough - bad, Little April - good. Plebgate - good, tazer - bad. The inquest into the man who's death started the riots - dubious at best, Saville - bad. It really is Col. All that on the back of the 'unlawful' killings of Jean Charles de Menezes and Ian Tomlinson too. If policing is to remain by consent in this country then the police are going to have to sort themselves, their... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by erinp: Colin Farmer was 61 the guy arrested was 27 I know who needs the white stick! I didn't realise about the age difference, I just assumed that the general description fitted them both! Must have been a very loose general description then, [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
people losing benefits
squiggle Originally Posted by machel: i have epileptic seizures (daily) i don't always know when they will occur, but i have been declared fit for work (although i am appealing so any help would be much appreciated), i have a full time carer and when assessed for dla was told that i was "a substantial danger to myself and others" i also have depression and anxiety My sympathies machel, I had a brother who had epilepsy and I know the sheer misery it is to live with. He mostly had petit mal and you got... [ more ]
machel i have epileptic seizures (daily) i don't always know when they will occur, but i have been declared fit for work (although i am appealing so any help would be much appreciated), i have a full time carer and when assessed for dla was told that i was "a substantial danger to myself and others" i also have depression and anxiety [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average I think I heard scroungers mentioned at least 20 times last week.... not everyone is a bloody scrounger you tory gits.. that feels better [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday PeterCat!
Yogi19 Good to see you back with us, Peter. I was on holiday and missed this thread first time around. Glad you had a lovely birthday and hope things pick up soon re the business. [ more ]
PeterCat Sorry I haven't been back here in such a long time. Thank you so much for all my lovely birthday wishes. I had a great day. My mum bought me a Kindle and my boyfriend bought me a fabby new leather office chair, which is so comfortable I could sleep in it. The business is not going well, but I'm perservering. Still trying to finish the final coursework, which is taking me ages because I really don't want to do it! I hope you're all well and I'll try to be around a bit more, I promise. [ more ]
Rexi I missed this ... I hope you had a great day Peter, and that your business and life in general is treating you well xx [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
kattymieoww Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: Originally Posted by Blizz'ard: Originally Posted by suzybean: The Tea Party is a Republican organisation. I'm really digging the boldness of some of official GOP merchandising. Grand Old Prejudice! OMG, I never noticed this until Olly quoted it... I suppose Mitt's fake tan to make him appeal to Hispanics didn't fool them then...must have been the streak marks around his neck. That bloke is actually displaying what all the republicans are thinking. [ more ]
Garage Joe Au contraire! Out of all the subjects politics holds the most fascination. [ more ]
pirate1111 might aswell cos them politic people will always win [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Felix Baumgartner
suzybean The whole thing...the build up, everything was so exiting. One of my sons now wants to break the new records (and the free fall one) as one of his ambitions. I told him over my dead body and he said that he would do it and land on my grave! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities . Just watched BBC Breakfast and they had on the sofa a representative from the company who produced monitoring equipment for Felix's jump. I was very surprised at some of the early data. It sounds like the guy has "ice water" running through his veins given his low heart rate. Looking forward to the data from the spin. . [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Legend!!!!! [ more ]
See all 122 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cost "o" Coffee
Saint In StarBucks you can have your chosen name written on your cup. Next time in there i will ask for it to be "Costa" [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by erinp: McDonalds coffee is fab the rest of their food is shit ,but good coffee. I'll second that. I stop in on my way to work every morning for coffee. I love the coffee but hate it when the staff lean out of the window to give me the coffee and send a waft of grease towards me. [ more ]
Saint Yeah but the samosa is £1.89 [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Well done Theresa May!
cologne 1 Not a beep. [ more ]
Garage Joe (I still see large companies making attacks on my systems. They fill my FB with spam and so forth.) They can try him here by all means. It seems that any offence may have been committed here. What happened to the last bloke who was kidnapped, does anybody know? [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Good news it seems it's one way traffic only to America.It just shows them up for having naff security. Was it naff security or was this chap cleverly exploiting vulnerabilities in the software systems. Remember, things have moved on a great deal since this occurred and we still see very large companies suffering successful attacks on their systems. These attacks can be very disruptive and expensive for business. IMO he should still have to face the law in... [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bake off result!
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~: I can't disagree with that James was frequently better throughout the series too. Mary & Paul were on radio 2 this morning and said they judged it on the day, not the series and they were happy that the right person won I was fully expecting it to be Brendan [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I can't disagree with that James was frequently better throughout the series too. Mary & Paul were on radio 2 this morning and said they judged it on the day, not the series and they were happy that the right person won I was fully expecting it to be Brendan [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~: He was def a great, consistent baker and I really liked him at first, but by the latter part of the series his smugness made me want to smack him round the chops still, he was the better baker... some of Johns were tragic [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Moonbeams Originally Posted by slimfern: Does it do more harm than good ?? I know it is a hot topic for some.....Woe betide me! But as someone that has no religion...and as an 'Outsider' ....I just see it as a means to hurt folk! Religion shouldn't hurt folk. Folk hurt folk, folk use religion as a way to hurt folk. Religion can be used and is used for good. It brings comfort to people, it brings community and belonging to some people. It teachs people. So no, I don't believe Religion does more harm... [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by stonks: My mother died this year and I do not believe in religion, I actually think its just a massive money making racket but I organised a non religious funeral but had one prayer and one hymn put in for her friends, the rest was just about my mother and her life.... That was a really thoughtful thing to do IMO. I went to a humanist funeral earlier in the year with my daughter. Although I'm not overtly religious at all (although I do... [ more ]
Garage Joe I was baptised,and confirmed, low church C of E, I sang in the choir and rang the bells. Maybe religion hasn't kept up with science, I don't know. I do know that if one rejects religion then one needs to find something rather strong to fill the void, or one needs to be strong to go without a faith. Otherwise we replace our religion with even dafter beliefs. [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
If the Earth were flat ??
Cariad Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by slimfern: What would be over the edge do you think ? And would you be daring enough to step off & find out ? 4 large elephants standing on a gigantic turtle swimming through space I was about to say "Ask Rincewind". [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by El Loro: Originally Posted by slimfern: What would be over the edge do you think ? And would you be daring enough to step off & find out ? 4 large elephants standing on a gigantic turtle swimming through space ^^^^ [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Moonbeams: Oh a what's on the other side question. *ponders* now that's scary - I'll follow you while you find out [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cyber bullying ended in suicide
Soozy Woo That's truly shocking I know social networking sites are a lot of fun but it takes bullying to a whole new level. Poor girl [ more ]
Jen-Star Pengy i thought it shouldn't be for nothing, I watched this and aside from the shock and sadness i instantly thought of my own 10yr old in a few years time or my niece who is 13 as imo it could happen to anyone (the picture bit in particular) I know they try and educate young people now a days to the hidden dangers of the internet and social networking but i don't think its enough. I was so sad for her reading that video [ more ]
Former Member I was going to post something about this yesterday but to be honest I was too upset by what has happened to this girl. She made a very foolish mistake - one that a lot of girls these days are pressured into doing by young men. However, in the days of camera phones and the internet, this mistake has been sent round the world for all to see. As she said, she could never get that picture back Then obviously feeling low, she slept with someone she thought cared for her but who lied to her and... [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Justin Lee Collins found Guilty.
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: I know how hard it is to walk away from an abusive/unhealthy relationship. I watched my sister suffer for 22 years before she plucked up courage to leave. In saying that though she was very young, she had children and life was different then (sorry but it was). I can't get my head around this case at all TBH - she was only with him for seven months - he must have displayed the behaviour very early on - why was she with him. I know I'll get slated for this but... [ more ]
Blizz'ard Well done to Anna's dad! [ more ]
Former Member n her first television interview since Collins was convicted of harassment causing her fear of violence on at least two occasions Anna, from West London, revealed that although she left Collins over his behaviour it was actually her father who went to the police and convinced her to press charges. She said: 'I didn’t actually go to the police. When I left him on July 4, I just went home to my parents and slept in the spare room and for about two and half months I was just crying and looking... [ more ]
See all 45 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dirtyprettygirlthing Originally Posted by Bovrilking: Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing: *pops in* ello Bov Hope all is well in your world x Blimey you as well lol...hows you lass xxxx oh you know.. much the same blah de blah good to see you round here... what's up? did you log onto an old computer that had it bookmarked or something? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Bovrilking: Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Bovrilking: Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Bovrilking: And all the old names Mine's not >>coughs<< LOL! You might know me as onetoo Oh **** its threefour...Onetoo, how the hell are you Am fine ta You? [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Bovrilking: Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: Originally Posted by Bovrilking: Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: oh and smart phone and iphone applications Never heard of them, i still have my old Nokia that needs a key to wind it up the bricks come in handy for muggers haahaa damn right it does, i have to wear to harness to carry it around [ more ]
See all 57 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday Muf!
Cinds Happy Birthday MUF [ more ]
Baz Belated Happy Birthday Muf . Hope it was a good one [ more ]
slimfern Originally Posted by Lori: I'm not familiar with Henderson's Relish, so I'll try that. Henderson's Relish is made in Sheffield & is vegetarian friendly.. It doesn't have quite the bite that Lea & Perrins has...but is delish all the same...well worth a try! A bit like yeast extract as opposed to Marmite. Extra mature cheddar on toast with a sprinkling of Henderson's on top makes a great snack! As does Marmite with cheese on top [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Aimee Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Can't stand Richard, no suprise with Jonny, I thought it would be between Jonny and Jerry. Vids called it in the SCD thread.. Richard thinks he is more famous than he is i thought it might have been Jerry but people are probably voting for Anton rather than jerry [ more ]
Senora Reyes Can't stand Richard, no suprise with Jonny, I thought it would be between Jonny and Jerry. Vids called it in the SCD thread.. [ more ]
Aimee I agree but i don't like Richard either and that Jerry [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's bin a while....
Former Member Originally Posted by Yogi19: Crete was lovely, Soozy - beautiful sunshine, lovely food and really pleasant people. I'd happily go back again. Good to hear that you had a great time Yogi [ more ]
Yogi19 Crete was lovely, Soozy - beautiful sunshine, lovely food and really pleasant people. I'd happily go back again. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Yogi was Crete? I used to love this one [ more ]
See all 65 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Curry !
Former Member Originally Posted by Sezit: Originally Posted by Sprout: I wasn't aware there was a name for it Sez Anda masala! It's a vegitarian curry. Ah right [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Well just eaten mine (very small portion) not that hungry TBH added to which I'm dieting - it was nice though. Mr woo demolished a monster portion. I actually have to be in the mood for a Curry (which isn't that often) - I can't just eat one at the drop of a hat - I have to sort of prepare for it saying that if I cook a curry at home I rarely fancy it - if I smell it while it's cooking I sort of go off it. I guess I'm a bit weird when it comes to Curry. I... [ more ]
Sezit Originally Posted by Sprout: I wasn't aware there was a name for it Sez Anda masala! It's a vegitarian curry. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Tories!
Carnelian Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: and I don't think the socialists had a clue what to do about the mess so it suited them to hide in opposition. We've been hiding in opposition since at least the seventies. If it's any consolation, the Mail and the Telegraph think 'The Socialists' have Europe in their pockets! Can't say I've really noticed all the rampant socialism, but they seem to think so. [ more ]
Garage Joe Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: and I don't think the socialists had a clue what to do about the mess so it suited them to hide in opposition. We've been hiding in opposition since at least the seventies. [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: Originally Posted by Garage Joe: ... .... ..... ..... I'm not quite sure what you mean. So in order to get policies that will combat the wealth grab by the wealthy we mustn't be so 'tribal'. So a consensus right of centre politics will achieve this? How so? It's NOT being tribal and following the general Thatcherite consensus that has got us to where we are now... [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
British gas price hike AGAIN! All the other's expected to follow.
Former Member Originally Posted by Ells: Sky are also hiking their line rental by 18% in December. Robbing barstewards. I'm so annoyed with that - it's only 3 months since they increased their prices [ more ]
kattymieoww Once one hikes their prices the rest follow,bloody cartel bastards. [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Scotty: Hi Scotty All well in the but n ben Uller nippin at your toes Hi erin Aye, me and Pa Broon are huddled around the coal fire [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nothing to fear but fear
Cagney Originally Posted by Saint: We can let that one slide Anyone who is 'bouncy n happy' all the time <<< to be feared Cute dogs that can go to snarling brutes within the blink of an eye. Cars with stickers on. Any health practitioner who says, "This won't hurt" You'd hate me then. I bounce out of bed at an ungodly hour. Go for a run before anyone else is even awake, do my aerobics DVD, sort the house out and don't sit down till about lunchtime. I have too much energy. I shake and... [ more ]
Cagney Enchanted was a fab movie. I'm not usually into such cheese but it's got a comedy element. Not like Up or Home Alone but close [ more ]
squiggle Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~: I enjoyed the movie "Enchanted" Me too [ more ]
See all 91 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy B'day Will
Former Member Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: Originally Posted by Pengy: Meant to ask Muffles - what did Will buy for you? Borderlands 2 as it 'appens Penge [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Pengy: Meant to ask Muffles - what did Will buy for you? Borderlands 2 as it 'appens Penge [ more ]
Former Member Meant to ask Muffles - what did Will buy for you? [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Aww that's a sweet photo, you all look so happy Fluffy. Scanners are great for preserving old photos. I have ones of my grandparents from the 20's. Quite faded, but once I scanned them, I was able to darken and sharpen them on the pc! Thanks rosie. We had our fair share of spats and fallings-out, but in general we've always got along with each other - and still do. My sisters are coming up for a visit on the... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Thanks rosie. We had our fair share of spats and fallings-out, but in general we've always got along with each other - and still do. My sisters are coming up for a visit on the 9th November. Thats nice hope you all have a good reunion I have a brother and we've argued and that, but of course I adore him. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by noseyrosie: Aww that's a sweet photo, you all look so happy Fluffy. Scanners are great for preserving old photos. I have ones of my grandparents from the 20's. Quite faded, but once I scanned them, I was able to darken and sharpen them on the pc! Thanks rosie. We had our fair share of spats and fallings-out, but in general we've always got along with each other - and still do. My sisters are coming up for a visit on the 9th November. [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Jenny Craig diets
Clumsycat Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: For breakfast I've had Muller Greek Yoghurt (Lemon) and a banana Lunch - low fat melba toasts with low fat philadelphia, parma ham, canteloupe melon and apple. Tonight I'm having duck breast with steamed mange tout, baby corn, broccoli and carrots (if I fancy I'll have a couple of new potatoes). All that and not a sin in sight. It's all free food or healthy extras. Slimming World is great IMO. its been the making of me, tried for years to lose weight on my... [ more ]
Former Member When I was on crutches last year(I couldn't go to the gym or prepare food) so I went with Diet Chef and I was very impressed with them .You pick your own food and I can recommend the breakfast bars and their soups are delicious, the main meal is all about your own taste.I purchased one month and I am sure I got a week free .Have a peek and see if it's for you. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Cinds: Soozy I love slimming world and have lost weight before on their diet, but I'm feeling lazy and uninspired at the moment so like the idea of being told what I am eating and having it prepared for me. I know what you mean .....................your head has got to be in the right place. At the moment I'm really focused but I know from experience the 'vibe' can suddenly disappear. [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy Birthday Saz!
Yogi19 Re: Happy Birthday Saz! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by SazBomb: Thank you everyone who came in after I left I had a lovely day yesterday and was thoroughly spoiled Glad you had a lovely Birthday Saz Spoiling is good [ more ]
SazBomb Thank you everyone who came in after I left I had a lovely day yesterday and was thoroughly spoiled [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Love padlocks?
Garage Joe They are now from one side of the Rhine to the other. [ more ]
Garage Joe Re: Love padlocks? [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by SazBomb: Originally Posted by Cinds: I don't understand why people find the bears(ornaments) at Mother Shiptons creepy? It's just 'stuff' that has been hung there and because of a natural thing they have been made to look like they are stone. Just all those bears swinging there - by what looks like a noose It does look creepy. But, then again I'm not one for shrine type things. The first time I went to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem I had to be peeled out... [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Clever people wanted
Soozy Woo I read the OP and was like I read it again and thought .............I didn't know Ickle was doing hairdressing. I read burette as brunette - thought she'd made an error colouring someones hair. I'm not very scientific What's more I'm TT now so there really was no excuse [ more ]
Zaphod Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Zaphod: Don't know your exact application Ickle ..nor if this helps but... Google is your friend!!!! Z. Well hello there stranger. Hope all is well and Rufus is barking healthily too. Nice to see you. All is well Cinds.. Rufus too.. you? Z. [ more ]
Saint Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Saint: I have no idea what you even said. So - no i don't Ermmm Do you know what she is on about.... Mine hed hurtz [ more ]
See all 24 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The odds advert
Saint Originally Posted by Cinds: You know Renton, you're very lucky to walk out of it unscathed. It's a horrible horrible infection. Yes - i work with some disabled people who had the same infection as me - i'm very lucky indeed. [ more ]
Cinds Anyway, to lighten the tone, I once got stuck in a marshy bog. I lost my best red wellies [ more ]
Cinds You know Renton, you're very lucky to walk out of it unscathed. It's a horrible horrible infection. [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Broken HD TV
Former Member Well done Pengy that sounds hopeful. [ more ]
Former Member I've had someone from the CAB who deal with all types of stuff that Trading Standards use to deal with. Anyhoo a very helpful person said I should make a complaint to Argos who I bought my telly off and do a letter to my credit card company for joint liability as I paid on credit card as I am covered by Sale of Goods act although I'll probably have to pay for an engineers report which I can live with. I shall do that tomorrow [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Garage Joe: That reminds me of the time someone dumped a Bang & Olufsson gramophone system in the skip at work. I was on nights and took it in the lab later discovering that the problem was a small fuse. Otherwise I disagree with the telly theory. We have been very lucky and you can't tell the difference. I recently saw one in Binns costing 1.5 kilopounds. No difference really. Essentially people buy those because they are names and because it is Binns. Probably cost... [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Toptato needed!
slimfern Originally Posted by Saint: Hippy shite that's a nod toward "saving the world" but its more like turning up to a volcano with a dust pan and brush or feeding the five thousand with one loaf & two fish.... [ more ]
slimfern Ha! that actually looks very cool for the summer days ( note I only say days...cos we don't get months anymore [ more ]
Saint Sorry if that sounded negative - it was only a joke [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What harvest?
~Sparkling Summer~ Joe, you've gawn and left the northeast and its been glorious these last few days I love harvest festival, who wants some beans?! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by slimfern: Strange you should mention Chestnut trees GJ...was just thinking yesterday when walking home, that there aren't nearly as many conkers on the ground as previous years! I guess that could be considered a good thing by many Mums I watched a programme on American Beekeepers t'other night...their colonys were dying en mass in a matter of days! We Need our bees! Bees sip chocolate colors and make bizarre blue honey TNN Oct 6, 2012, 03.27PM IST (The village of... [ more ]
slimfern Strange you should mention Chestnut trees GJ...was just thinking yesterday when walking home, that there aren't nearly as many conkers on the ground as previous years! I guess that could be considered a good thing by many Mums I watched a programme on American Beekeepers t'other night...their colonys were dying en mass in a matter of days! We Need our bees! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Hotel GB.
Cinds Was Thomas the young Welsh lad? If so, I thought exactly the same thing Erin, everyone else got a mention apart from him. Thoroughly enjoyed the show. The 2 guys with baby Digby [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Good show i also hope we get to find out what jobs the others got I enjoyed it too.I wanted to see who went where I did feel sorry for Thomas as all the other trainees got a mention from the undercover guests. I was on Gordons side regarding Rory she needed a boot up the ass or better still shown the door. As for Emily [ more ]
Cinds I'm trying my best not to look at any of the posts in here as I have only just got around to watching it. I'm on Tuesday night now. [ more ]
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