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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lotto tickets to double in price...but not in prizes.
Saint I've never been so far out with my chosen numbers and won so little as i have over the last year Honestly it has to be fixed [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by velvet donkey: I doubt it'll happen Carnelian. They want out and Camelot know it. I'm not quite with you Velvet. Are you saying it is 'tax'? IMO, all gambling should be taxed, and quite heavily, because it is a social ill. I may sound like a hypocrite, as I often buy a scratch card or (much less often) a lottery ticket. However, when I do, it is money I can afford to lose. Others can't, and do so because they want the rush or are following a desperate pipe dream. Either... [ more ]
Former Member I doubt it'll happen Carnelian. They want out and Camelot know it. [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by Rosgirl: They are keeping BB going - they fascinate me a bit They did me for the firs week or so, pair of complete delusionals with the strangest and unhealthiest symbiotic relationship I've ever witnessed. Seen enough of it now, they bore me [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose They are keeping BB going - they fascinate me a bit [ more ]
Cosmopolitan They make me nauseous But, he can remain germ free cos I wouldn't touch him with a 10ft pole. Cue 10ft Pole joke.... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vid: Rylan`s grooming Steps
Yellow Rose Have just watched the vid, that's the funniest one so far for me this series, hilarious!! [ more ]
Soozy Woo I love it!! This is what I like to see - a bit of people having a laugh. I don't want nasty, plotting and scheming. Sick to death of those odious Speidi pair sitting glum faced in the diary room calling everyone names. They haven't amused me in the slightest's a day at the office for them sat there churning out stuff that they've done over and over on US reality shows. Do we need/want it here? I don't ..........all the focus has been on them and it's bored me to death TBH. GET... [ more ]
Jen-Star lmao @ the bloke from Lazy town could be either of these [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
No eviction crowd due to weather tonight...
~Sparkling Summer~ They could have ridden down the stairs on a sledge! I hope it's trisha leaving tonight [ more ]
kattymieoww Originally Posted by Yogi19: On a positive note, the evicted HM won't be subjected to the baying mob. Yea with loads of the idiots holding their banners etc upside down. [ more ]
Yogi19 On a positive note, the evicted HM won't be subjected to the baying mob. [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Vid: So who do Speidi think should be crowned winner of CBB?
prettycocoaeyes Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by prettycocoaeyes: Rylan is really annoying and I cannot understand how he is so loved when only a few months ago he was hated on the X-factor. The BBots show is literally his campaign machine. So far I dont see what he has done to win and why everyone is sucking up to him. I really just dont get it. I want Speidi to win its a stretch but what a result that would be He stayed longer than some others, the one who I thought should have gone... [ more ]
Videostar Im glad you asked me that scotty, my answer is...Speidi. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Originally Posted by Baz: I'd rather them than Rylan, cos at least they've made me smile Anyone but Rylan but i can't see anyone beating him at the moment..BB have made sure his nearest competition (Razor) is fitted up with being labelled a cheat.. How come Heidi wasn't punished for saying she was going to nom Frankie every week Cos Frankie's cannon... [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Really Scary Weather Here
Former Member Originally Posted by Amythist: Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: Hope everything's ok this morning Amy, I too would have felt a bit scared by unusual & extra bad weather Thanks yes all is ok, snow is melting as its wet cold and windy still but not as extreme as last night. I havent gone to work and feel a bit guilty as I probably could have got there. I'm in South Wales too Amythist. Luckily it seems to have calmed down. Sounds like it was really scary where you are You probably bore... [ more ]
Baz Hope it's a bit easier for you now Amythist [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ I'm pleased its calmed down for you As for work, well you weren't to know.. And it is friday [ more ]
See all 21 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Upholstery cleaner help....
Cinds Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by stonks: Its arrived woo hoo.. Congratulations on becoming a mother to George. Reminded me of this.. I can't see it. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by stonks: Thanks Rosie..I used that but with my couches being cream they need a deep clean and some muppet spilt grape Shloe on it at xmas . . [ more ]
stonks Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by stonks: Its arrived woo hoo.. Congratulations on becoming a mother to George. Reminded me of this.. [ more ]
See all 40 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lance Armstrong interview with Oprah
Garage Joe I am also a Yorkshire man and an s frequent visitor to one of he stage areas. My Dad's ashes are there. We are already arguing about the best places to watch. I honestly couldn't give a toss about Armstrong and his attempts to take up more media time. R5 gave it a higher billing than the dreadful news from Algeria. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Not a big shock, I think most of us found him guilty ages ago. One prefers to concentrate on the exciting TDF in Yorkshire news. Speaking as a Yorkshireman I am delighted that the TDF is coming through my county. I am not really a fan of cycling per se, but I have some work colleagues and friends who are completely nuts about it and are itching to volunteer in any way they can. Fingers crossed it is a massive success and another feather in the UK's cap of... [ more ]
Garage Joe Not a big shock, I think most of us found him guilty ages ago. One prefers to concentrate on the exciting TDF in Yorkshire news. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was going to start a thread.
jacksonb Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by jacksonb: My sexual prowess scares you doent it\/ It's one of many things, JB but strangely quite comforting too. So, no news and still buggered; we'll be worthy of CBB status at this rate. Bagsy you play the banjo, I'll do the out of key singing. I'm standing by a lampost... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by jacksonb: My sexual prowess scares you doent it\/ It's one of many things, JB but strangely quite comforting too. So, no news and still buggered; we'll be worthy of CBB status at this rate. Bagsy you play the banjo, I'll do the out of key singing. [ more ]
jacksonb Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by jacksonb: Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Originally Posted by jacksonb: Made up entirely of lies, just impress you. Then I decided I wasn't that funny. But. There isn't any news. So that's me buggered. Only if you get on that flight after Cos and MrC. But of course that may just have been a lie! I have dited thgis, becauyse I has said notninbg. Once I've found a Russian to translate this I'll get... [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Rexi I'm sure you look fabulous in it bubbles - the gold one worked wonders for our Rawky!! Good luck with the interview - let us know how it goes [ more ]
Garage Joe One has to agree with the Iranians. [ more ]
El Loro A Wiki article on the history of the tie: It's all because of Croatian mercenaries in the 30 years war (1618-1946) wearing them and ties became the fashion. At the end of the article is a bit about anti-tie views. In Iran, the authorities have denounced ties as a decadent symbol of European oppression. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Originally Posted by *bubbles*: ad of loved to watch it live on friday wen spidey came back in n rylan kicked off. its crap man bring back bb on channel 4 n e4 they never let us down I agree Bubbles [ more ]
*bubbles* ad of loved to watch it live on friday wen spidey came back in n rylan kicked off. its crap man bring back bb on channel 4 n e4 they never let us down [ more ]
Saint BB is defo getting worse BBBOTS is truly inane drivel I cannot see the point of having Lacey there - she aint even a Danica. I'm sure she's nice but she's 20-somethnig going on 12 Gillian - yawn Heart Beat woman - yawn Claire - yawn Sam - was yawn ... and £1/2m Speidi are totally disinterested [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
UK still has 13,000 black-and-white TVs
*bubbles* nar mate he lives in sedgefield believe it or not he does alot of business in the big city as well targets the student market [ more ]
Garage Joe Surely Ferryhill. [ more ]
*bubbles* am not ashamed am 1 of em. a hav a 15 inch lcd color in me livin room n a black n white 1 beside me bed got it off me mate for free he runs a tv buisness in sedgefield [ more ]
See all 20 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cynical? Moi?
Moonie Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by moonie: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by Sprout: Like.....if you visualize, it'll come true..........will it shite! if it's meant to happen it will! Yeah ...............when we're looking for a parking space Mr woo will say - you've just got to have the belief that you'll get one and you do. When we (eventually) get one he says .........see I told you Are we married to the same man? If you are,... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by velvet donkey: The medical "profession". Yes me too Velvet. Especially the NHS, which is going to hell i.m.o. After the recent Staffordshire hospital scandal, I read a comment that the system rewards a nurse who doesn't do the task but ticks the box - and punishes those who actually do it but forget to tick the box. [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: Originally Posted by Jenstar: Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: I had a cyclone vacuum cleaner once, I hated it with a passion I replaced it with a Henry I read that colon vacuum cleaner! I was for a second I couldn't be arsed with one of those TBH. [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OMG................Claire has walked......
Former Member Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Sprout: Oh, is that the expression now used? Do you never say that? I know I do, I am becoming more and more Geordie the longer I live in Newcastle, I can hear it. I honestly said recently 'aww divven be daft' and wanted to slap my own face. I've never heard divven be daft in ages.......let alone used it! [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Sprout: Oh, is that the expression now used? Do you never say that? I know I do, I am becoming more and more Geordie the longer I live in Newcastle, I can hear it. I honestly said recently 'aww divven be daft' and wanted to slap my own face. [ more ]
Former Member Oh, is that the expression now used? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Facebook UK loses 600,000 users in December
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Baz: I read that yesterday EC, and I have to tend to agree it some respects . However , for people who are either housebound , or whose relatives live a long way away it , together with forums and other Internet tools, can provide a lifeline . I tend to be more concerned about the negative affect of FB. For some it tends to become like breathing, something they must do, left everyone know... [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Baz: I wouldn't want any of my lot finding me here This is mine and mine alone You're scared they find out about the Speidi love eh? Nah.... they'd probably agree with me [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Baz: I wouldn't want any of my lot finding me here This is mine and mine alone You're scared they find out about the Speidi love eh? [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
A royal baby is on the way!
~Sparkling Summer~ They probably have had a super hi tech scan! I'm going to bet on July 17th and it's a... I wanna say girl, but I'm going to go for a boy! I'm thrilled all is well, I felt bad for Kate when it was announced before her 12 week scan! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by SazBomb: They won't be revealing the baby's gender at this time?! I thought you couldn't tell the gender until the 20 week scan.... the 12 week one always seems to look like an alien blob I wouldn't go there Saz [ more ]
SazBomb They won't be revealing the baby's gender at this time?! I thought you couldn't tell the gender until the 20 week scan.... the 12 week one always seems to look like an alien blob [ more ]
See all 108 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bin collections in your area.
Dame_Ann_Average 3 bins weekly..... paper, bottles and general waste one week, garden and general waste the next week and a different firm cleans them at a cost general waste is normally between 6 and 7am [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by SazBomb: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by SazBomb: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Two massive communal ones. Weekly. Same They empty them really noisily at about 6am on a Tuesday I'm fortunate that they seem to come between 8.30 - 9.00. 6am is a bit early me thinks... I wouldn't mind so much really, but there does seem to be a lot of crashing around and banging That's because they probably work on the... [ more ]
kimota Weekly collections, recycling bins for food, plastic, cardboard/ paper and tins/foil. The council have started charging for garden waste, so many people now just put it in their black bags! We just compost it, so no problem for us! [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who nommed who (Spoiler)
Former Member Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: It's a wind up in't it? They're going head to head surely? Anyway...the honeymoon to Burntisland is OFF. No for me it's not Don't start doing impressions ROFL Sorry Velvet.... the tea stuck Estonian assassins can make it look that way if the water pistol fails. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Scotty: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Scotty: Baz katty Scotty velvet donkey grannyg #TeamSpeidi I think we may need Velvet to ride shotgun! Here he comes! I tink he will need a bigger spear.... and we will need some armour [ more ]
Scotty Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Scotty: Baz katty Scotty velvet donkey grannyg #TeamSpeidi I think we may need Velvet to ride shotgun! Here he comes! [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What are you drinking right now?
Former Member Originally Posted by slimfern: Originally Posted by Pengy: hot chocolate with Finnish minttu peppermint liqueur yummers Sounds a bit yum Pengy...gizza slurp! nope it's all mine [ more ]
Jen-Star I don't think i could function without coffee i have at the very least 4 cups a day, it can be more. [ more ]
Ells Originally Posted by Jenstar: I'm with Ells on the creme egg!! Creme Eggs and coffee would bring me to tears. [ more ]
See all 102 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Milk delivery.
Former Member I used to get milk delivered (don't use it myself) and newspapers. The milk man was supposed to drop it off on arranged days but did it when he liked and half of it got nicked. He'd then not accept payment for ages and knock the door expecting to be paid upwards of £100 so I got rid of him. The papers became too expensive to have delivered so I get one everyday at the news agents. I do have the pop man every Friday because I drink a lot of pop and he's about 55p per bottle so can't complain [ more ]
Ensign Muf Forgot to say that I have a really nice milk lady who turns up at the same time every Friday night for her money [ more ]
Ensign Muf Get milk delivered and it costs 62p a pint. The price of milk at the supermarket is totally unsustainable unless we start factory farming our cattle like the Yanks do Not read a paper for years, I figure someone will let me know if something really important kicks off [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Baz Oh dear Bubbles. Never mind, stick with us , we'll keep you on the straight and narrow [ more ]
Xochi Don't fret bubbles. In this forum we will forgive any misdeeds. I like to think there may be an opportunity for you to develop these thoughts and perhaps think about asking a mentor to help you publish them! It would be a way for you to veer from the path of criminality. [ more ]
*bubbles* right a probaly gona sound like a cretin here considarin u all know av bin inside but here goes a dont realy class mesel as a criminal. all a was inside for was assault n illegaly ridin a motorbike n 1st off the assault was only a fgin push n 2ndly a didnt even know the motorbike was stolen. a didnt nick it sum1 else did n lent me it. me havin to lay low for a bit was also not down to me it was just a misundastandin that got me in the wrong crowds. a just hav bad luck sum times n get delt... [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB need to redress the balance Re: Speidi.
Aimee I also don't think it's fair that they are being allowed to sleep in the basement whenever they feel like it, on last nights show it was nearly lunchtime before they went into the main house and by the looks of things they are being given food down they as well, I think they are getting all this special treatment after they went off on one in the DR [ more ]
Former Member Where's Craig Revel Horwood when we need him? Deeesarrrsterr. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Temps: Speidi only started bitching about the others when they heard what was being said about them. Temps, Speidi were bitching about all of those in the house from the second that they entered the basement, (first time around) [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
cologne 1 Originally Posted by kattymieoww: Originally Posted by Kaytee: Originally Posted by Videostar: Rylan to go for me, but sadly theres no chance of that. We can hope, but there's no chance Yea that would be dream result,but not very likely.Gawd knows why some folk like the eeejit. When I was in my early 20s I had a friend exactly like Rylan. Most ppl thought he was always over the top, but he just wore his heart on his sleeve and he'd cry on my shoulder one minute and the next give me advice on... [ more ]
Yellow Rose I thought Razor would be up because of his snoring. Will be interesting to see why Lacey was chosen, so many boring ones to choose from it was hard to guess who would be up. [ more ]
*bubbles* hope speidi stay. claire can go [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The REAL Speidi
stonks Originally Posted by Saint: Team Spunktray !!! Hang that sounds dreadful ....makes me laugh him going on how rich he is but went bankrupt in 2010.. They are the worst people I've ever seen in BB.... [ more ]
Angel Originally Posted by Saint: whoa .... glad I've seen that .... interesting !!! [ more ]
Saint OMG she wanted her boobs to size H "for Heidi" <<< and that's a quote!!! [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Cinds: Cosi you need to see his appearance on A League of Their Own! Tell me more, Cinds Originally Posted by Aimee: <- H ow about this one Cos Well, I'd say it's hard to tell who's the glutton! Razor and his belly or you and your avi mania [ more ]
Aimee <- H ow about this one Cos [ more ]
Former Member For some reason he reminds me of Tony Soprano. In a good way. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Im really nervous for tomorrow!!
Former Member Re: Im really nervous for tomorrow!! [ more ]
PrawnCracker Hey guys , you will be glad to hear im sure that I felt much more relaxed in training yesterday also the barrier was up all day so avoided another token incident [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by PrawnCracker: I'm really worried about the token thing what if it happens again? Sure someone will show you Chicken [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
ich bin ein star holt mich hier raus..has a psycologist!!!!
Garage Joe Thanks Frau Col-og-nuh ! What do you need to know? [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by cologne 1: Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by moonie: Originally Posted by stonks: Why don't we have a psycologist?? Why dont we have a translator? We have our own in-house translator. [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by stonks: Originally Posted by moonie: Originally Posted by stonks: Why don't we have a psycologist?? Why dont we have a translator? [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
In the words of Jon Bon Jovi......
Soozy Woo In the words of the Pointer Sisters 'I'm So Excited' - off to see my sis this afternoon - staying over - Tower of London tomorrow - LES MIS tomorrow night - dinner out - hotel stay. Tuesday National Gallery and Portrait Gallery - journey home with a stop off at our favourite Rib Restaurant (bugger the diet). [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Sleep tight, Sprouty [ more ]
Syd Nite Sproooooooty xx [ more ]
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