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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The new co-host of Bake Off is
Lori Thanks, El Loro! I get a message that says it can't be viewed outside of Canada. I'm going to have Mr. Lori see if the show is available to us on whatever channel we used to watch it... [ more ]
El Loro Lori, it seems that the CBC cut out the technical challenge when being shown on television so that the programme ran for an hour (to allow for adverts). When the BBC originally ran Bake Off there were no adverts. Once it moved to Channel 4 there were adverts but in the UK, the programme fits a 1 hour 15 minute slot. CBC say that they have the full programme online: I cannot check that link as we are in the UK and CBC prevents us from seeing anything there. [ more ]
Lori I wonder if we can still GET the British version. I shall put my best man on the job. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother
Eugene's Lair "Live", eh? Well, that can't possibly go wrong... [ more ]
El Loro They are to be told this evening in a live special after consultation with their relatives: [ more ]
Amythist I wasn't aware of the USA thing...horrible. This is different in that they are all safely cocooned from it all and watching them getting on with the usual shenanigans might be therapeutic to watch as all everyone is talking about is the virus .However probably unethical just to leave them in there uninformed for much longer. If given the choice they may decide to stay put.....seeing as a lot of filming has ground to a halt (peaky blinders has been stopped ) we need all the entertainment we... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I dont know what happened Madiline Mcann.
Carnelian Well, the mostly rightie press is preoccupied with Coronavirus, Brexit and hating on Meghan. Diana and Madeline McCann are parked for the foreseeable future. They will return on a slow news day. They will return, you can count on it! Considering the Mirror saw fit to bang on about Lord Lucan a few months ago. Like, anyone under 55 gives the slightest crap about him! [ more ]
machel There are so many unanswered questions that I find it difficult to believe them and who leaves their children alone at night [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Bake Off : Stand up to Cancer
Baz Sorry El ...I’m going to watch back in time ....don’t think I can face stand up to cancer right now ! [ more ]
El Loro First episode tonight. Contestants are Louis Theroux, Jenny Eclair, Russell Howard and athlete Ovie Soko. First challenge is a giant biscuit. After the technical challenge, the showstopper is a choux creation representing the contestants' perfect day. [ more ]
Baz Thanks El does clash with Back in Time , but we might watch it on plus 1 feel free to post your usual blurb [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dancing on Ice
Kaytee Thanks for the company ladies throughout the whole series....night night,I'm off for a Tudor Fest 😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose well that was a shocker but fantastic company night [ more ]
Baz Oh well it wasn’t quite how I envisaged watching it ...and it certainly wasn’t the result I predicted ...but as always , it’s been a real blast over the last few weeks ...great company ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I was sooooo smug yesterday ...
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing We don't even advocate greater hygiene all that much. Yes there is a background mention of hygiene, but it's not really pushed. [ more ]
Baz Exactly Rexi ....people die from flu in this country every year ....but we don’t close things down [ more ]
Baz But a) no one has died here yet , and b) that won’t mean it’s gone away cos the majority of people recover ....and there have been suggestions in China that even after people recover it may come back again [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Apprentice 2019 :: THE FINAL
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities @Carnelian I work in digital forensics, so having pictures of scantily clad/nude individuals on screen is an everyday thing. We also have to do online research, so it's quite easy to view Lotti Lion pics without drawing suspicion. [ more ]
Carnelian Ha ha EC, what type of job do you do where you spend your time looking at Lottie Lion bikini pictures online? I'd get the sack if I said to my boss I'd been searching for Lottie Lion bikini pics online in work hours! I'm very envious of whatever you do for a living! [ more ]
Baz Re: The Apprentice 2019 :: THE FINAL [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Random Topic 2
Baz Good for Mr Roxan [ more ]
Former Member I have said things but it just bounces off them. They are just unbelievable! My husband has told them to go f*** themselves on more than one occasion! Intelligent people have open minds willing to change opinions when new information comes to light. These people are full on morons! [ more ]
Carnelian That's outrageous Roxan! I'd be livid if I had such liberty taking, sanctimonious idiots on my street. You must be so tempted to give them a piece of your mind. I think I would! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
We are genuiaily the only idiots in the room.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing The UK is "well prepared" to deal with coronavirus cases and the risk to individuals "remains low", the government has said. Downing Street said 99% of those tested in the UK had come back negative. The total number of cases in the UK has risen to 13 after four cruise ship passengers flown back to Britain on Saturday tested positive for the virus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More 'planes and busses to be... [ more ]
Baz Isn’t it just Roxan ! [ more ]
Carnelian I only vaguely remember the 70s series, I read the book quite a long time after that series ended. The 2000s version wasn't the best. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
David Schwimmer
Lori I love that the real David Schwimmer played along with his own take. [ more ]
El Loro Yes, that David Schwimmer He was in the news in this country back in October 2018: And a follow up article in January 2019: [ more ]
Lori You mean David Schwimmer from "Friends"?? Wow! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Caroline Flack has killed herself. That's pretty big.
Saint Seems she hung herself How desperate must she have been to think that was her best option? Poor soul - it's heartbreaking . . . and she's never coming back [ more ]
Saint She thought she needed to - she thought her reputation and career was over. People have done far worse and still prospered She didn't need to - poor soul [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Re: Caroline Flack has killed herself. That's pretty big. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saint Agreed but rivers can suddenly overflow when they haven't in years Some can change over time - that's what global warming is saying - a rarity is becoming the norm I think the main argument is that inner city flooding can be managed better by sluice gates and upper farmland being flooded instead of at risk homes just being left to constant damage [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Looking at some of these pictures you'd think you were seeing a road crossing a lake rather than looking at a road going through a town! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing But rivers and flood plains were there long before houses! I remember being 'informed' of such things as dredging (controversial these days) and having plenty of trees helping with water management, in primary school but I read an article which talked about tree planting to help with water management and the tone was coming across as though this was a recent discovery! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
machel This is from the same author of Safe, another excellent series ( Harlan Coben) [ more ]
Carnelian I watched the whole series of The Stranger, I'd recommend that as a suspense drama of twists and well-detailed characters of the kind the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 often do very well! It has all the production quality and writing that you'd expect of a high profile British drama from the usual terrestrial channels but on Netflix. I can see why the BBC's days as a license fee-funded broadcaster are probably numbered. [ more ]
Amythist Breaking Bad and the spin off Better Call Saul Narcos The Irishman RuPaul I too love Scandi Noir and there is a bit of that,,,yes enjoyed Bordertown Parks and Recreation and it goes on...great documentaries too [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Carnelian I put a similar view to a hardcore SNP worker one time but he said the SNP aren't a nationalist party but a communal party. That they don't hate the English but just want to go it alone and that the original union was supposed to be a partnership of equals but it hasn't worked out that way. Right or wrong, considering the population and GDP of England vastly outweighs Scotland, that is how many Scottish people see it. It's further exasperated by English people who regard Scotland as having... [ more ]
Carnelian How right-wingers think "Those loony wimmin' feminists call all men 'potential rapists', I'm offended by that slur" "Those Muslim male immigrants need to be kept out of the UK because they want to groom white girls" (I'm ok with that slur) [ more ]
Carnelian There is 'good racism' and 'bad racism' in this country. It's seen as for the popularist right to smear Muslims as would-be terrorists, wanting a caliphate and as would be groomers. That's the 'good racism', that's 'racism' that typical brits should all empathise with accoring to our prevailing cultural bias. That's the racism we shouldn't condemn. We should 'seek to understand the left-behind white working class' - "victims" of culturally 'alien' Muslims. But if you suggest that The Labour... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Random Topic 1
Former Member I love you for this comment. My sisters ex husband came out after ten years of marriage and two children too. It knocked the stuffing out of her and made her feel like her whole life was a fraud. She didn’t trust her own judgement for a long time. Still affects her ten year later. She actually was on radio 1 newsbeat yesterday giving an interview from the Partners’s perspective. [ more ]
Yogi19 I truly hope Phillip finds peace now that he is able to “be himself”. My sympathy goes to his wife who has, unwittingly, been forced to live a lie until Phil felt able to come out. IMO, if someone is conflicted about their sexuality or afraid of coming out as gay, the last thing they should do is start a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. It seems like a selfish act to me and can only lead to heartache for the other person. [ more ]
Eugene's Lair I haven't been following the details particularly closely: has there been any indication as to how long he's considered himself to be gay, and how long his wife has known? By way of comparison, I've found myself thinking about the cyclist Graeme Obree a lot today. He's only a little younger than Schofield, and was also married with two children (although I don't think he'd been married as long as Phillip has). I saw an interview with him after he came out publicly (he'd told his family 6... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Eugene's Lair Thanks for that insight, EL. I hadn't had a fake email for a little while, and then - like you - got one a couple of days ago. I didn't initially think too much about it, but I've just checked and it is indeed impersonating a friend's yahoo address... FWIW, the "real" second part of the address appears to be from Russia (though who really knows?) [ more ]
Baz I think it’s probably my old yahoo contacts list that they are working from El ....but I could be wrong ....I frequently am [ more ]
Eugene's Lair ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What do we make of this debacle?
Carnelian Arguably it stopped him becoming Prime Minister as he was pilloried by the Tory rags at the time for his dress sense. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Just so. And that's why I refer to it as a debacle! [ more ]
Saint It probably made him unelectable - true, and the donkey jacket look was not good But ... it did not stop him rising to the top and becoming Labour leader [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nicholas Parsons: 'Broadcasting legend' dies aged 96 after short illness
Baz Thanks El [ more ]
El Loro "Do Not Adjust Your Set" - the first available episode. Originally broadcast on 4 January 1968. Not good quality video but effectively the debut appearance of David Jason, the late Terry Jones, Eric Idle and Michael Palin. [ more ]
Cold Sweat O/T I was surprised to read that David Jason turned 80 today. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Britain Divided Over Future of Monarchy
Baz I agree Renton [ more ]
Carnelian As a lefty, I'm instinctively anti-monarchy as I just can't morally or ethically support privilege by birth. That said, I'm in a minority and in a democracy, you have to go with the majority view on such matters where human rights aren't compromised. To me, the old argument of president Thatcher, president Blair, president Richard Branson or president Piers Morgan doesn't cut it. It would at least be democratically elected so even though they might be worse and more polarising, they would be... [ more ]
Saint I like the idea of a modern Monarchy - they are great figureheads for our country. Better than some 'Mayor' Extended family should be more involved not less [ more ]
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