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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Lauren captivates the house with her singing debut (vid)
pirate1111 Originally Posted by cologne 1: Originally Posted by pirate1111: used to be a mad crazy little boy now hes a mad crazy little woman She and, apparently, always has been. I like her, she must be fighting bigotry every day of her life and yet retained a sense of fairness. i know we have our moments cologne but i stand by what i said she is a nutter & when she was a boy he was a nutter i dont like/trust her vile little thing [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Look out Rhianna! [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by pirate1111: used to be a mad crazy little boy now hes a mad crazy little woman She and, apparently, always has been. I like her, she must be fighting bigotry every day of her life and yet retained a sense of fairness. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CBB 2013:- Highlights Show Wednesday 28/8/2013 (9 pm) and BotS (11:05 pm)
Aimee I can't take to Lauren at all and I don't understand why's she's in there, she's not famous for anything and some of the things she said about people on BBBOTS were awful, why did she think it was so wrong of Ron to pick her, why does she think she shouldn't be nominated [ more ]
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Saint: Ron should have gone - like him but he aint entertaining Totally agree and could hardly believe that the BBOTS audience also agreed lol. And from comments from AJ and Rylan it sounded like they also agreed that Danielle shouldn't have left, she shouldn't have, far more interesting than Ron as a hm but as usual a woman is booted out [ more ]
justafriend i think danielle loves herself to much, she would have done this she would have done that, and we the audience were cheated [ more ]
See all 276 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is Barack Obama the biggest disappointment in living memory?
Garage Joe I'm not sure how you can disagree with part one. You weren't in our constituency in the nineties. In general I agree with Lord Sugar, in that history will be kind to Gordon Brown. He did a great job at that point, as you would expect from an economist. But don't forget that we all thought he was going to be a left wing saviour. [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I'm not so sure about Tony Blair. Disappointment? Those of us in the party could see it coming. I well remember electing a local teacher to be a prospective candidate. The decision was overturned and an approved candidate parachuted in. Mysterious men in suits appeared from nowhere, and families who had given years to the Labour/trade Union movement were suddenly branded as commies! My biggest disappointment was Gordon Brown. Have to disagree on both Garage... [ more ]
Garage Joe I think we have to understand that the last few administrations over here, and particularly over the pond are piss poor at Global Politics. The major mistakes seem to have been a) supporting Bin Laden against Russia and b) deliberately destabilising Iraq. Here comes the next one. [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
why has louie S been sleeping on the floor?
Aimee Didn't he ask Ron to share and I don't think Ron was to happy about it [ more ]
Cinds I was wondering too. And like Cosi said, I had decided he either has a back problem or didn't want to share a bed. TBH, if I went in the BB house and ended up having to share a bed, I would probably sleep on the floor too. But then again I'm a floor sitter when there are loads of people around. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Hi, I think it's because he has a back problem, but he's also got to share a bed. I can't remember who with though! [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Luther is back!
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Ells: Oh yeah, well on a totally non sleazy level....Alice Morgan is a brilliant character and the actress who plays her is captivating. I loved her relationship with Luther. Yeah - Ruth Wilson's terrific. The good news is that she's already been noticed by Hollywood: the bad news is that it was in "The Lone Ranger", which bombed badly. I hope she has more success with any Alice spin-off... [ more ]
Ells Oh yeah, well on a totally non sleazy level....Alice Morgan is a brilliant character and the actress who plays her is captivating. I loved her relationship with Luther. The cases they work on are also very good to watch, very interesting and quite creepy at times. I watched the 2nd episode of series 3 last night and actually had a creepy dream about the villain!! So, apart from the obvious eye candy, it really is worth watching. [ more ]
El Loro A clip from the first series where Luther meets Alice Morgan: [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saint WHOOOP !!! I'm off work that night so its a chinese and lager all round [ more ]
MrsH Celeb BB final to air on Friday 13th September Posted August 28 2013 by Matt Scott Channel 5 has confirmed that the live final of Celebrity Big Brother summer 2013 will air in two parts on Friday 13th September. The first show will air between 8.30pm and 10.00pm, with highlights of the housemates’ last day in the house, before presenter Emma Willis reveals where the first few finalists have placed. Its pre-watershed start time means the first half hour of the final will clash with juggernaut... [ more ]
Saint I'm here - i'm queer Hang on that's wrong . . . . I'm OFF WORK on Mon 19th - yay !!!! Thanx Mrs H [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone like Vicky?
Aimee I hope she stays and Danielle goes [ more ]
Yellow Rose I'm not having a problem with Vicky so far so hope she stays tomorrow. The fees they're all offered could play a big part in why they do the show, whether they regret doing it afterwards could be another story. [ more ]
Saint It may be - so why push it over the edge? Have they no common sense - they live in the spotlight long enough to realise image is everything, surely? [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT. I'm a bit skint
Ells I would if my measuring tape was anywhere to be found. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Ells: *sigh* I've just googled '13cm girth' hoping there would be a picture of like a circle or something as a reference but no, just dolls and dicks for some reason. I've been measuring things to give you an idea. But why not do what I did ^. See my post and all will become clear. [ more ]
Ells *sigh* I've just googled '13cm girth' hoping there would be a picture of like a circle or something as a reference but no, just dolls and dicks for some reason. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CBB 2013:- Highlights Show Monday 26/8/2013 (9 pm) and BotS (11 pm)
Videostar Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this..But I am outing Abs...He wears a wig!..In the shots of him prior to going into the house, he has a full head of hair that Justin Bieber would envy..In the house without his hat on, you can clearly see the front and middle of his head is completely bald..Only the sides of his head have hair roots.. Erin on TiBB has done a whole thread about it and... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this..But I am outing Abs...He wears a wig!..In the shots of him prior to going into the house, he has a full head of hair that Justin Bieber would envy..In the house without his hat on, you can clearly see the front and middle of his head is completely bald..Only the sides of his head have hair roots.. Erin on TiBB has done a whole thread about it and posted pics too. lol Really? [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this..But I am outing Abs...He wears a wig!..In the shots of him prior to going into the house, he has a full head of hair that Justin Bieber would envy..In the house without his hat on, you can clearly see the front and middle of his head is completely bald..Only the sides of his head have hair roots.. Erin on TiBB has done a whole thread about it and posted pics too. lol [ more ]
See all 199 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Sophie's Surgery
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Videostar: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Videostar: do I stop my arse cheek implants falling out? Thankyou. She knows this woman which you 'have' to meet. She 60 and looks 40. She looks incredible... But does her arse cheek implants keep falling out.? In a world first she has had arse cheek implants in her face, did I mention that she is 60 and looks 40? that's why you need to meet her because the... [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Videostar: do I stop my arse cheek implants falling out? Thankyou. She knows this woman which you 'have' to meet. She 60 and looks 40. She looks incredible... But does her arse cheek implants keep falling out.? [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Videostar: do I stop my arse cheek implants falling out? Thankyou. She knows this woman which you 'have' to meet. She 60 and looks 40. She looks incredible... [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Yogi, Fluffs, Velvet etc
Ells I went to Scotland last year to see the other Yogi (Yogi Bear from C4 forums) and loved it. The weather was gorgeous and the people were brilliant! The food was lovely except for the disgusting macaroni pie thing that Yogi got after our night out boozing [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: and because I hate to let EC down.... OUCH !!! Caught me by surprise there [ more ]
Kaffs and because I hate to let EC down.... [ more ]
See all 58 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CBB 2013:- Highlights Show Sunday 25/8/2013 (9 pm) and BotS (11 :45 am)
MrsH Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Kaytee: Originally Posted by prettycocoaeyes: Originally Posted by Supes: So, are these three doing all the nominations? I hope not. Someone is going on Wednesday , maybe they vote later for the Friday eviction When was that announced? Emma said at the end of Fridays show - Wednesday is a live eviction - the housemates have mentioned evictions Wednesday and Fridays Wednesday TV listing is Live Eviction 9-10 [ more ]
justafriend Originally Posted by BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN!: I've just watched the HL show cos I got held up tonight, and sorry if I'm behind with this thread n all - but.... RON RON RON why on earth would he say such a thing, I was all for giving the ol chap a chance, but the 'bomb' comment should have had him turfed out on the spot, I am stunned he would say such a thing i think its a shame, cos he seems like a nice ol bloke and the house seems to like him too. [ more ]
BARMYBRUMMIE - Slickman to WIN! I've just watched the HL show cos I got held up tonight, and sorry if I'm behind with this thread n all - but.... RON RON RON why on earth would he say such a thing, I was all for giving the ol chap a chance, but the 'bomb' comment should have had him turfed out on the spot, I am stunned he would say such a thing [ more ]
See all 257 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
HM Poll
kimota Courtney so far! Sweet and funny! [ more ]
justafriend i voted dustin, but like abz and courtney is harmless i think. im not so keen on lauren louie sophie charlotte shall i go on [ more ]
Kaytee Just looked at the list...not one I could say I liked, but solely for his acidic tongue and because he has mildly amused me a couple of times....I dislike Louis least....for now [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone else surprised by Abz
scatterby Yes, he's totally different to how I expected him to be - I'm liking him so far though... [ more ]
kimota Seems quieter and more laid-back than I thought he'd be. [ more ]
Yellow Rose I didn't know of him in the original band. Saw something of him in the prog when they reformed. I also saw him on the Philip Schofield show where celeb couples take part in a quiz to win money for their charity. He and his gf seemed really nice, he came across as unassuming and rather shy. He seems ok to me [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Do you think Ron deserves to be in the house?
Aimee Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Cinds: Ken Russell. He died a couple of years ago. That's him did he get excited or did he leave I can't remember Did he get excited? Possibly Just looked it up and he walked on day 5 after arguing with Jade and co. Bloody kindle picking words for me [ more ]
jacksonb Ken Russell is dead? You could have broken it to me gently. [ more ]
Saint Ron looks bored and uninterested. Wonder why he went in? Let's wait for a task or two to annoy him and i think he'll quit [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Why do you suppose BB pre-selected Louie, Lauren & Sophie for the twist?
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities It's more than likely part of the BB production and marketing teams plans to maximise income from the series. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Marmite factor Also, I think it's more likely that both Lauren and Sophie would have been up in the first round. Both are supposedly highly strung, prone to outbursts and hissy fits and therefore are 'good' tv from BB's point of view. Doubt they want them goaded too early and nor do they want them out or reacting to being 'hated' by their fellow HM's. Then again, perhaps their agents did a good deal and this is their reward? [ more ]
Kaytee I just think that of all the HMs, they are probs the most famous (which isn't that much) and they were paid the most to go in there. BB just want their moneys worth [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Skin cancer
cologne 1 My son has asked me to say thank you very much. You know who you are. [ more ]
Aimee Great news on your son getting the all clear [ more ]
cologne 1 Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Get ready with the plasters, Col..! Consider him sponsored (will drop by tomorrow). Thank you Cosmo. I told him, I'll still love him with frazzled feet. Thanks all, I know it's a chance to show off my family, but it's for a good cause. [ more ]
See all 9 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CBB 2013 - Launch Night Highlights and The Twist:Live! Friday 23/8/2013 (9 - 10:30 pm) and BotS (10:30-11:30 pm)
Videostar Is it Trans phobia if a Man doesn't want to have sex with someone who was once male? [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by prettycocoaeyes: Originally Posted by Kaytee: Originally Posted by prettycocoaeyes: Ron is like WTF did my life become? I can imagine your avvi saying that( yes I know it's a cat lol), while it's filing it's nails i can imagine that lol I can too! [ more ]
prettycocoaeyes Originally Posted by Kaytee: Originally Posted by prettycocoaeyes: Ron is like WTF did my life become? I can imagine your avvi saying that( yes I know it's a cat lol), while it's filing it's nails i can imagine that lol [ more ]
See all 398 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kaytee Don't know Family I'll just agree with you both [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Senora Reyes: Originally Posted by Kaytee: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Kaytee: I really disliked Louie Spence before he went in there...and I still don't like him, but he has amused me a couple of times with his acidic tongue, so he can stay and bitch for a while before he gets the boot. Do I actually like any of the others? No Not even Dustbin Diamond? Jury's still out on that one.....cant get past the nose and the lantern... [ more ]
Senora Reyes Originally Posted by Kaytee: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Kaytee: I really disliked Louie Spence before he went in there...and I still don't like him, but he has amused me a couple of times with his acidic tongue, so he can stay and bitch for a while before he gets the boot. Do I actually like any of the others? No Not even Dustbin Diamond? Jury's still out on that one.....cant get past the nose and the lantern jaw so far If he shaved the beard,... [ more ]
See all 18 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Is there any hope of Charlotte being selected to go tonight?
kattymieoww She's a horror,I've never watched any of the Towie /shore lot she has reinforced my reasons. [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Geordie Sure?! I thought mr summer was going to blow a gasket! We certainly won't be voting for her Ooh saint, check you out from the lovely Jesmond [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Can't. The Geordie Sure will back her all the way. No we won't! I'm not generalising Cinds. Just fearful the viewers of the show are likely also to be BB ones? I can't watch that show it makes me physically cringe I only ever watched part of one episode I didn't watch any more [ more ]
See all 27 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ultimate Hottest Housemates
kimota Originally Posted by Carnelian: Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: Results all in! Hmm, kind of spoiled by trolls, ain't it! Eh? Can't say I noticed any obvious trolling of the thread [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: Results all in! Hmm, kind of spoiled by trolls, ain't it! [ more ]
kimota Results all in! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Emma did a great job!
scatterby I am lovin Emma [ more ]
MrsH Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: ^ was that from today?! No Sweet - various comments he has made about his *teeth* - he likes them so cant see him getting anything done about them any time soon [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~: I've thoroughly enjoyed watching this years series and much of that is down to Emma- she did a cracking job and is a pleasure to watch. Not only is she good, but she's gorgeous, and a genuine BB fan yep, Emma is far better than Davina. More personable and naturally witty. Emma, as you say, did a cracking job! [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Gina and her boyfriend have now split
Saint Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by Aimee: Anyone else think this could be a PR stunt Yeah I think it's just supposed to start people guessing. Typical PR chinese whispers stuff. He's not Chinese - keep up [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by squiggle: Originally Posted by Aimee: Anyone else think this could be a PR stunt Yeah I think it's just supposed to start people guessing. Typical PR chinese whispers stuff. I'm starting to think so too, reading on DS they seem to think that Dexter has signed people to his PR company and the boyfriend will be back on the scene. With CBB starting so soon after BB they don't really get there time in the star light [ more ]
squiggle Originally Posted by Aimee: Anyone else think this could be a PR stunt Yeah I think it's just supposed to start people guessing. Typical PR chinese whispers stuff. [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dexter's Midnight Runners
Hyjean Dexter and Gina been meeting up a lot, since leaving BB, as friends, during day and going out for meals [ more ]
kattymieoww I loved Dexter, the winner in my eyes,that boring git Sam just got the sympathy vote in the end,he did bugger all in the house. Well done to Dexter as runner up,despite the rest of them still bad mouthing him at the end. [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose Originally Posted by Yogi19: Our boy was robbed! He was the best HM, by a country mile, and was the winner in my eyes. Way to go, Dexter! He sure was yogi Sam won by default - they didn't re-open the lines after ginas exit and obviously before that the vote was split [ more ]
See all 535 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CBB 2013 - The live Launch: Thursday 22/8/2013 (9 - 11 pm) and BotS (11 pm - Midnight)
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Jenstar: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... why did i think this launched tonight?! Because that is what any logical scheduler would do, but C5 decided to pick a school night (Thursday) !!!! Idiots. Do a quick catch-up TV before tonights show Jen. [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by pirate1111: dustin diamond! i might watch it now-he used to make me laugh in SBTB I'm just watching now and he is just on the way in, I loved Saved By The Bell too. But didn't he leak his own sex tape in the hope of reviving his career a few years back? [ more ]
Yogi19 Having read back, I'm relieved to see that I was not alone in my initial impression of Charlotte. What a shocker! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Our Grand daughter.
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Cinds: We went to meet her yesterday. She's divine. She is a wee beauty, Cinds. [ more ]
Xochi Cinds! Amelia is gorgeous! Honestly! And I can see proper rosebud lips on her. I've got a niece who had them at birth and she has them still at 14. Deffo got to be registered as Amelia Rose imo. [ more ]
Cinds Sweet, yes her nose was a talking point Master Cinds, being premature, was still covered in the lunago hair, which was quite dark, so he honestly looked like a spider monkey when he was born. At a year old I was still bald with only 2 teeth in my head. Very ugly. [ more ]
See all 55 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Daley has been arrested over the Hazel incident
Aimee Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Aimee: Judging by Twitter and FB they all do seem to be vying for who can get the best message out there today The Mayfair have tweeted Gina asking if she's enjoying her stay, Dexters doing something big tomorrow (BBBOTS) Dan's split with his partner, Hazels been papped at the airport, Daleys been arrested and Sam's gone home for a nap oh and the twins had a carvery, 20 big macs and a partridge in a pear tree (I might have made the last bit... [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Cinds: And all of this will only be reported in the Daily Star. So to add the biggest and most exciting headline today...... I HAD A POO Are you regular? [ more ]
Saint Was it soft formed or hardened? Follow this chart [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fat Fighters
Ells I have a personal trainer friend on facebook who posts a lot of advice on weight loss/training etc and he REALLY promotes the use of coconut oil and real butter over the 'diet' or healthier alternatives. I have no idea about the science of it all (I just like to see his before and after pics of clients and wow at them) but he has brilliant results with his clients using them. [ more ]
kimota Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: surely you have to change the way you cook Indian food - hasn't it got lots of oil in it? Yes and clarified butter. Butter and coconut oils are actually a lot healthier than a lot of their supposed healthy alternatives. It really depends on which alternatives you are talking about. But we were... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: surely you have to change the way you cook Indian food - hasn't it got lots of oil in it? Yes and clarified butter. Butter and coconut oils are actually a lot healthier than a lot of their supposed healthy alternatives. It really depends on which alternatives you are talking about. But we were talking about food which contribute to increased fat and... [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dan and his boyfriend have split up
MrsH Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Completely O/T... But nowhere else to post it... and it is rather amusing: I had a feeling the twins might not entirely love the public perception of them! Could that possibly be DS? The use of 'picking on us' is so typical of their childish perceptions. Dan Neal Official ‏ @ DanNealOfficial <small class="time"> 10m </small> Just to say @ JackGlenny last tweet wasn't him. Seems his account has been hacked. # ... [ more ]
Xochi Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: Completely O/T... But nowhere else to post it... and it is rather amusing: I had a feeling the twins might not entirely love the public perception of them! Could that possibly be DS? The use of 'picking on us' is so typical of their childish perceptions. [ more ]
Cold Sweat Completely O/T... But nowhere else to post it... and it is rather amusing: I had a feeling the twins might not entirely love the public perception of them! [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Top Ten Jokes from the Fringe....
Saint Here's a joke i made up myself (honestly). So imagine i'm on stage - ok ... here goes. Apparently first impression can speak volumes. And people make their minds up very quickly. So - i know what you're thinking. I'm gay. Well - you're wrong ... i'm not gay. I know what you're thinking. I'm a virgin. Well - you're wrong . . . i'm not a virgin. I know what else you are thinking. You're thinking, "I bet he had to pay for it" Well - you're wrong again cos i didn't have to pay for it. I'm not... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: I saw the winner Number 1 was mentioned on an online news page and that's my fave. I also like 5 and 10 No. 1 was on our local news programme, must be a lad from these parts. I did not like his delivery. BTW I am eating a Wispa as I read this. [ more ]
Aimee Those dam wasps [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2013 U Tube Clips and NewsThread and Comments on Tweets [ may contain Spoilers]
MrsH Thanks guys [ more ]
Yellow Rose Mrs H and the other LUTers who spent their time sharing the updates all those past weeks did an amazing and time consuming job as always I only learnt in the last 2 weeks where they get the vids from lol so my input has been very small and my respect and thanks go to who deserve it [ more ]
kimota A big thank you to MrsH and the other LUTers for keeping this thread going! [ more ]
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