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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Mission accomplished
Starfleet Admiral hoochie ❤️
cologne 1 Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie): Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x: it's OK though, he's auctioning the selfie for charity ! I wasn't shocked at him doing it, because he's a total idiot..I was more shocked at Obama...Michelle didn't look too pleased It was the way Cameron was straining over to get in the picture Dame. But yes pathetic from Obama - what was he thinking? any opportunity for a... [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by velvet donkey: Nope and welcome back you bugger I'm away again, I couldn't sleep, gonna try again [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Observer's Xmas #1 quiz
Garage Joe Alas! A lot of us older folks care deeply about DID choices. We like to predict them. This Sunday's was a bugger. More depressing than the previous continuing adventures of Darrell. [ more ]
Carnelian Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: 7/10 ........was confident I'd get 10 hey ho ......who cares what bl**dy Cameron chose for his Desert Island Disc He chose "Ernie, the fastest milkman in the West" not because he really thinks it's any good but because he needed something in his list that said 'Call me Dave has a sense of humour' and something for the older generation. How many men in their mid 40s who claim to 'like' The Smiths and The Jam, would chose a crappy novelty record like Ernie by... [ more ]
Eugene's Lair 8/10, although I admit that some of my answers (especially Q9) were guesses... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
X Factor 2013
Angel Just been on iTunes .... Sam Bailey is number 1 Well done, lovely Sam xx [ more ]
MrsH But now the votes have been counted, the stats examined - and we can now reveal the percentage of votes for each of the live shows... They're very interesting, we're sure you'll agree... Week 1 Flash Vote Saturday Sam Bailey 23.4% Nicholas McDonald 23.3% Rough Copy 18.4% Abi Alton 9.2% Hannah Barrett 5.3% Tamera Foster 4.9% Kingsland Road 3.7% Sam Callahan 3.5% Luke Friend 3.4% Miss Dynamix 1.8% Lorna Simpson 1.6% Shelley Smith 1.5% Overall Vote Sunday Nicholas McDonald 23.5% Sam Bailey... [ more ]
MrsH ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ken Dodd: Funny?
Former Member Michael Kinane shoulda been done for murder on Rock Of Gibraltars last race. Top miler [ more ]
Former Member Doddy 1 - HMRC 0 Still no Lester Piggott. Who's no Pat Eddery. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by Sprout: Isn't this a case of time/we all move on though? What we once found funny we don't any more? Isn't Doddy quoted as saying if you don't like a joke there'll be another one along immediately after? I know my parents went to see him 'live' - they never got out of the auditorium until 4 hours later..! He's well known for his lock-ins. So I suppose if you like him, he's value for money if nothing... [ more ]
See all 35 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
whats the worst thing youve done when drunk?
Former Member Cologne and Kaytee are neck and neck for Wildest Night Out so far [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Kaytee: I loudly heckled a comedian ( who shall remain nameless) in a nightclub, he heckled back that if I thought I could do better then do it myself. I apparently (can't remember) barged onto the stage,pushed him aside and launched into a song, dance and stand up a standing ovation (allegedly) and fell of the stage because I overbalanced when attempting a was my hen night too Brilliant [ more ]
Scotty ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by velvet donkey: It's not a good look on a ten stone Japanese Akita that's givin you the eye. Oooh, that did make me giggle Wheezes too [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by velvet donkey: It's not a good look on a ten stone Japanese Akita that's givin you the eye. Oooh, that did make me giggle [ more ]
Former Member It's not a good look on a ten stone Japanese Akita that's givin you the eye. [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Are You Smart
Yellow Rose Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Yellow Rose: Aha!! I just got the second one, put the two 3's facing each other and it's an 8, wooohoo!! I'm getting smarter (has anyone already said that) 1 out of 3 is good for me if any... [ more ]
Syd Originally Posted by Rexi: Mine went quite a long way I can see it's bent nose now [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Syd: Originally Posted by Rexi: Originally Posted by Syd: Good ere innit...want to make paper aeroplanes? Haha!! i went to a 'singalonga Christmas Carol' concert at the Royal Albert Hall yesterday and the conductor said that he had been asked by the RAH staff to request that at the end of the concert the audience didn't turn their songsheets into paper airplanes. it was like giant confetti at the end Oh I love a rebellion Me too Mine went... [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
off topic- (work problem- advice need)
*bubbles* thanks guys buzzin to be back a was on such a low last week av never bin so pleased to be up for work in the mornin. am gona try n do me shits on me dinner brek even if it's just a quick job that a hav to finish off later wen a get home. at least if a do it on me dinner am not ristrictd to me work a can go off to a mcdonalds n use thers. thers a hole town of shitin oppatunaties out ther man. feelin posative. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Ells: Happy crapping Bubbles. Just keep to your own floor this time. [ more ]
Ells Happy crapping Bubbles. Just keep to your own floor this time. [ more ]
See all 44 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
2014 Summer Holiday
pirate1111 OH booked ours about 6weeks ago im still not sure where/when we're going how long for i know we're going with another family who have strange twin teenage daughters who i call the 'Krays' [ more ]
Rexi Gran Canaria at Easter agin, methinks. It was so lovely to be in 30 degrees heat in the middle of that horrid weather that we had here earlier this year. Then Spain in the summer, villa with pool. And probably a trip to Northumberland with a friend. We watched that programme on a Monday night with Robson Green and it looks like an amazing place [ more ]
Former Member Long well endowed must be truly massive. [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Light Bulbs
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie): Nice crackling sound effects Muf I can almost smell the wood. .. very relaxing. I could Rog! [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I am going to spend the next few hours in John Lewis caressing light bulbs. [ more ]
James Love that fire Muf. I will have to get my real flame fake coal fire going again now for the Christmas week. Hang the expense! Meanwhile [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Saint Noted *just to keep im quiet* [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Just in case you missed it. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Pengy: Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: There is a very simply way to tell if an email from Amazon is genuine or not. Ama waiting me too *passes James some popcorn* The email sender address will be "something" for example: [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
*The Daily Sin scoops again*
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Farley Hatpin: Love it! I told that Captain not to set sail on Friday 13th We are all stuck in the middle of nowhere watching icebergs float on by now. At least there is a decent bar on this barge/ Pour me another Crabbies bartender! with flying duck contraptions dropping from the sky [ more ]
James Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: uploads picture Love it! I told that Captain not to set sail on Friday 13th We are all stuck in the middle of nowhere watching icebergs float on by now. At least there is a decent bar on this barge/ Pour me another Crabbies bartender! [ more ]
Starfleet Admiral hoochie ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
christmas shopping...
Former Member Originally Posted by hagatha twisty: I ordered gift wrapped perfume from the perfume shop, the wrapping is shocking! I don't dare give it to my friend like that, I'll have to wrap it again myself I'm presuming you ordered online? See I would never gift wrap something I couldn't see. But obviously you didn't know what the wrapping would be like [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie): Originally Posted by Sprout: Oh, I've never had any problems with Hermes Rog Mind you, I've never had Tesco deliveries either Theres no way of contacting Hermes - not by phone or email - nothing Sprout . I think its shocking that Tesco can't even ring them. I was in contact with Tesco Direct about 10 times I think... all they did was email them and got no reply back. Oh blimey! [ more ]
hagatha twisty I ordered gift wrapped perfume from the perfume shop, the wrapping is shocking! I don't dare give it to my friend like that, I'll have to wrap it again myself [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The HMS Newmark
Former Member Bleedin hell is this rustbucket still afloat? [ more ]
Izzy Gonyett Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett: Blimey!!! Did you have to call in the guys who bought up the Mary Rose to salvage this ship? I found her for the salvage arrghh! It be all mine! The legend of the c'tains gold be true I tells ya!!! Good luck with that!! Oh and MrsB said that if you find her handcuffs, can you apologise to the skeleton wearing them, she forgot he was there when the ship was abandoned [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Izzy Gonyett: Blimey!!! Did you have to call in the guys who bought up the Mary Rose to salvage this ship? I found her for the salvage arrghh! It be all mine! The legend of the c'tains gold be true I tells ya!!! [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
How into Dec the 25th are you (quiz)
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Your goodwill is seriously flagging. Watch It’s a Wonderful Life on repeat, then come back and do this quiz again. [ more ]
Garage Joe No point me doing the quiz! [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: my results You’ll be visited by three Muppets tonight who will show you the error of your ways via flashbacks and catchy songs. Enjoy! I think thats the best one so far [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
2013 Murrrdurrr Mystery
Starfleet Admiral hoochie Probably the best idea for your sanity Cinds - this is the most disorganised one yet! [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Ducky: Originally Posted by Cinds: I would love to play. What do I need to do, and how often do I need to be here? You'd need to be here most nights for approximately 10/11 days ...... but Hoochie is good at being a bit flexible to cover for the odd absence. We usually do a "round" of clues per night, but we can do two rounds in one evening if we need to. Basically, Hoochie sends you "clues" that you have to post in the conversation.....usually in response to another... [ more ]
Scotty ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Help me!
Lori Oh, and although it looks like you've figured it out, the ads and the underlined links are not us. [ more ]
Lori Based on the time you guys were reporting Will and robots, I'd say you experienced another hotfix. We're still tinkering to improve performance. Sorry about that! [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Ha! The funny thing is I've got an adblocker but obviously I'd done something to over-ride it I'll make a note of your recommendation Sezit, just in case I do something stoopid again at some point [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
It's not very
suzybean Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie): W.T.H.!! Is that a real magazine Suzy? I think it's a mock-up Rosie. I do enjoy a good neb at 'Take a break' and that kind of thing at the GPs though. I'm nearly done with everything Christmassy now. I can't wait to see my mother-in-law's face light up when she sets eyes on her deluxe leopard skin shopper on wheels that I finally managed to pick up from East Street Market. She's going to be over the moon and can direct all her glee at... [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by jacksonb: Come on Mildred - you can do better than that. What about that pic of your at the works party? You are obviously the one on the right with the look of disdain [ more ]
jacksonb Re: It's not very [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Can I have a rant please?
suzybean Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: awww that's so sweet Suzy. . you can't get any better medicine than lovely happy grandkids I bet It is very lovely, and they have been really good therapy for her (even the teenagers). If all of our family are there at the same time there's sometimes a queue to jump in to grandma's bed I've even been known to get in when we've run out of seats awww that sounds lovely.. Ah... [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Originally Posted by suzybean: Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: awww that's so sweet Suzy. . you can't get any better medicine than lovely happy grandkids I bet It is very lovely, and they have been really good therapy for her (even the teenagers). If all of our family are there at the same time there's sometimes a queue to jump in to grandma's bed I've even been known to get in when we've run out of seats awww that sounds lovely.. [ more ]
suzybean Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: awww that's so sweet Suzy. . you can't get any better medicine than lovely happy grandkids I bet It is very lovely, and they have been really good therapy for her (even the teenagers). If all of our family are there at the same time there's sometimes a queue to jump in to grandma's bed I've even been known to get in when we've run out of seats [ more ]
See all 77 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Masterchef: The Professionals 2013
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: I'm going to start listening to you I'll slap you with a soggy octopus if you don't [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: vanilla feckin spuds.... That's Sussex Vanilla Spud to you oh bugger orf you! To Sussex..? [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average thanks for the fabulous company...see you all at the next one [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I'm going to bed and there is nothing you can do about it
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Oh I hate to be practical. I don't know what skills you have but if not then do consult Google or summat before you plane and rehang doors. ( or is just me as a newly married 21yo way back when? We laugh about it now but ) I would give myself about 6.5 out of 10 for the job. Took my time and did a small amount at a time, tested and adjusted accordingly. [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Night then, Happy days off. [ more ]
Garage Joe Oh I hate to be practical. I don't know what skills you have but if not then do consult Google or summat before you plane and rehang doors. ( or is just me as a newly married 21yo way back when? We laugh about it now but ) [ more ]
See all 17 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fashion ?
SazBomb Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~: ^That^ is what's known as a 'No Dad' i.e. "No dad, please don't wear that" [ more ]
MrsB Originally Posted by Ducky: She soooooo better give us a fez picture!! is the ONLY thing that will console me during my grieving period for the official hottie in the fez Would you like me to include my little Rory in his red bow tie in this picture of festive jolliness??!!! I had best have the pic taken before Dr Who is on the tellybox because I will be a red eyed blubbering mess afterwards!!!! [ more ]
MrsB Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by MrsB: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy: Originally Posted by MrsB: I know MrB has bought me some things from the BBC Dr Who shop for Crimbo...I know that one is the 50th anniversary in 3D....not sure about anything else....and I wouldn't be upset if that tuned up. would look fab with a white shirt, jeans and boots...and my... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
EC - Don't you want me baby
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Cinds: I did notice the hike in ticket prices. But yes, we got front row seats. Did you get some? I did. But they went fast. I was lucky enough to get the row behind the one I wanted. [ more ]
Cinds I did notice the hike in ticket prices. But yes, we got front row seats. Did you get some? [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Did you get a ticket Cinds? [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
More Hatie Kopkins Opinions
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Yogi19: I find her pathetic! Constantly adopting contentious views/swimming against the tide/ being argumentative, all to create drama. IMO, people like her are simply attention seeking trolls and the best way to deal with her, is to ignore her. Don't watch "The Apprentice" or any of the other shows she's appeared on, so I'm glad to say I've largely managed to avoid her. I do get the impression though that she's a classic "Glenda Slagg" character (all the FMs who read... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yogi19: I find her pathetic! Constantly adopting contentious views/swimming against the tide/ being argumentative, all to create drama. IMO, people like her are simply attention seeking trolls and the best way to deal with her, is to ignore her. Amen to that Yogi Well said Yogi [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Yogi19: I find her pathetic! Constantly adopting contentious views/swimming against the tide/ being argumentative, all to create drama. IMO, people like her are simply attention seeking trolls and the best way to deal with her, is to ignore her. Amen to that Yogi [ more ]
See all 16 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities The study of baubles - 'Baubology' [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Jenstar: Hope you and the kittens have fun Col. EC the word is a strange one, i tend to just call them balls Yes so does my mother. I can still hear the sound of her voice coming from the kitchen "EC stop playing with your balls and hang them on the tree, that's a good boy". I agree that bauble is a strange word. [ more ]
Jen-Star Re: Bauble [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Christmas Shopping
Ells I spent HOURS last night online getting the kids Christmas day and Boxing day outfits, new trainers/shoes, coats etc and my Mum and mother in laws presents sorted. I'm tempted just to do the last few pressies online aswell and not actually go near town for anything other than groceries! Knowing my luck though the clothes and all will come and nothing will fit so I'll have to take them all back and find something else. [ more ]
Saint Ckin2u for her only £14.99 at Savers for 100ml [ more ]
Saint Quality Street box o chocs. ASDA £5 Co-op £4 [ more ]
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