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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Controversial thread...
Dame_Ann_Average I think the pope is the best for years and I'm an atheist He's at least admitted what went on and not judging anyone on their sexual preferences. That surely must be a good thing, I'm sure the catholic church will benefit from Pope Francis....or this priest, I love this video [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Good on him. Night Sprout Good on him? He, as the forefront of the Catholic Church is asking the world to forgive the priests who abused little boys, but yet the Vatican shuns gay marriage. Hypocrisy. It is Cinds. I just think this Pope is moving in the right direction is all. He did say, when asked on homosexuality - who am I to judge anyone. H e's generally taking a simpler, humbler approach to the Papacy. Got to start... [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Good on him. Night Sprout Good on him? He, as the forefront of the Catholic Church is asking the world to forgive the priests who abused little boys, but yet the Vatican shuns gay marriage. Hypocrisy. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Public urged to reset all passwords
El Loro Originally Posted by Supes: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: I can't remember half of my passwords as it is Saw something a friend posted this week suggesting she should change her passwords to 'incorrect' so every time she got 'your password is incorrect' she'd remember! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: I can't remember half of my passwords as it is Saw something a friend posted this week suggesting she should change her passwords to 'incorrect' so every time she got 'your password is incorrect' she'd remember! [ more ]
Ells Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Ells: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Nope, no one managed to get it. I don't know any Depeche Mode songs ( I am waaaaaaaaaayyyyy too young for that ) but didn't you once say your passwords are the first letter of the first word in the lines of a song or something like that? Yes, you are right, that is exactly what I do Good memory. Please don;t take this the wrong way Ells, not meant as a dig in... [ more ]
See all 70 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
15000 kids and counting
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Pengy: I haven't watched it because it would make me cry I do have a problem with our adoption service I fully understand why rigorous checks on perspective parents are needed due to abuse in the past however, they've gone too far the other way and most adoptive parents drop out of the process long before they are judged fit to adopt, I had a friend (I'm sure I mentioned it on here at one stage) whose sister and brother-in-law had two lovely little boys. Unfortunately... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by SazBomb: That's awful Pengy, and seems to go against what they were saying last week about trying to keep the kids within the family (e.g. grandparents, aunts) and then if that wouldn't work, adoption How tragic to cause that family more heartache I have a feeling Saz that they are starting to change their minds again as so many children who could be adopted are being left to wallow in children's homes because the matches are too stringent all they want is good loving homes [ more ]
SazBomb That's awful Pengy, and seems to go against what they were saying last week about trying to keep the kids within the family (e.g. grandparents, aunts) and then if that wouldn't work, adoption How tragic to cause that family more heartache [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
TEST: Which political party are you.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Parties you side with... 83% Labour on economic, healthcare, foreign policy, and immigration issues. Click here to see why 81% Scottish Nationals on economic, domestic policy, and healthcare issues. Click here to see why 80% Green on economic, domestic policy, environmental, healthcare, and transportation issues. Click here to see why 76% Plaid Cymru on domestic policy, healthcare, economic, and transportation issues. Click here to see why 63% Liberal Democrats on economic, healthcare, and... [ more ]
Garage Joe It may be that the mechanism concerned imagines that the Labour Party is the one of 1945 and onwards, trade unionism, nationalisation, and Nanny state, that we remember so well, sort of, rather than the current crock of sheight, we can do Thatcherism better than the Tories, corporate funded, besuited bunch of twats, if I may say so. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Garage Joe: Safari could not deal with so many redirections , apparently. So, what you need then is One Direction ! *EC refuses to post One Direction video* [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I have a job interview 'of sorts' tomorrow - help.
Garage Joe I seem to be in the same situation as EC. They tried to take our Final salary pension and we the monthly staff pushed for a strike with the support of our union. However under joint consultation we were undermined by the weekly staff and their bent full time official. In short they didn't know how pensions work. I also then took charge of my future. In the end it's down to getting a quality newspaper and reading the financial pages on a regular basis. [ more ]
Saint Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Hi all, thanks for your messages. Apologies, I went to bed early so didn't read them till after the interview. The interview went very well and it's a job that I would really like. It's a trainee position, which is perfect as it will help me develop my skills in the software they use. The guy seemed a little unsure about pensions himself , but they don't offer one at the moment for trainee's. The only issue I have is my age. He mentioned how he was expecting a... [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Pensions! I do feel for you a bit as I have in the past found them to be slightly confusing and as a process (especially as you move jobs) to be somewhat chaotic. At work this week we found out that they are changing from a final salary type pension to an average salary pension. Then you hear about all the people on the news and on financial websites that seem to have got fairly poor annuity rates when they come to retirement and buy an annuity. So a good few years ago I decided not to pay... [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Deana loses court battle to Conor.
kattymieoww Conor is a low life and a thug,shame bb ever had him on the show.His "followers" on facebook were racist sexist and vile before they put up privacy pages.I hope he fails in all he does. [ more ]
kimota I think she was poorly advised in pursuing this through the courts as it was said about her- not to her. It was hardly defamatory either- just vile, misogynistic and violent crap! [ more ]
Former Member Well Conor won this one but with his thuggish ways its probably not the last time he'll see a court. Hope he kept the 50k ... he'll be needing it for bail one day [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Ells Too many clothes but nothing to wear. That's always my problem!! I seem to have an abundance of 'going out' dresses which rarely get worn and not enough daytime clothes. Most days if I'm not leaving the house I will stay in my PJs or wear trackies or 'lounge wear'. When I am going out it all depends on where I'm going but mostly I'd wear skinny jeans, longline top and a longline cardi with either boots or, now that the weather is better, sandals. My main problem is when I'm going out for a... [ more ]
Garage Joe I have arrived at the country gent stage of patter-rened shirt, salmon or pairpul pullover, mustard or pastel cords, and boots. It's an age thing. [ more ]
Jen-Star If I'm leaving the house it's usually jeans of some sort... i can either pair them a t-shirt and a hoodie. or boots and less casual top, I will admit though i have more pj's and jogging bottoms + vest tops combos than anything else... cleaning = comfy lounge wear.... cooking = comfy lounge wear.... in for the evening = comfy lounge wear. Walking through the front door = 'proper clothes' I have most trouble deciding what to wear if I'm going out on the town for the evening. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Had to share this
Former Member Originally Posted by Jenstar: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Lovely video ...Slightly offputting that its an ad though? Feels like its messing with people's emotions to get them to buy an insurance product. I get what you mean Rog, but i just liked it so much despite that. Make's me want be a better human being Well said. If ads can speak to us and plant a seed in our minds, then I'm cynical cos I got ripped off while backpacking in Thailand ... where its set... wish I'd met that guy lol. [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Lovely video ...Slightly offputting that its an ad though? Feels like its messing with people's emotions to get them to buy an insurance product. I get what you mean Rog, but i just liked it so much despite that. Make's me want be a better human being [ more ]
El Loro ❤️
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Fun Test: What's the theme tune of your life?
Garage Joe It doesn't give the correct answers, peaches en regalia, shut up n ' play yer guitar, and the ever popular, Dumb all over. [ more ]
Kaffs Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Kaffs: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Sex and drugs and rock 'n roll Hit me with your rhythm stick! Yeah, that song got me preggers! Hahahahaha, oh god whenever I hear The Pet Shop Boys 'It's a Sin' reminds me of losing my virginity, but my Dad also caught us at it. :deflatedteensexualurgesemoticon: I think I'd be a born... [ more ]
Cinds Originally Posted by Kaffs: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Sex and drugs and rock 'n roll Hit me with your rhythm stick! Yeah, that song got me preggers! Hahahahaha, oh god whenever I hear The Pet Shop Boys 'It's a Sin' reminds me of losing my virginity, but my Dad also caught us at it. :deflatedteensexualurgesemoticon: I think I'd be a born again virgin for the rest of my... [ more ]
See all 47 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Runaround Sue.
Jen-Star Guessing Youtube is recommending this as a result of watching the OP lol [ more ]
Jen-Star ❤️
Former Member Originally Posted by jacksonb: The part that really makes me chuckle is she's getting into the car and more music comes on and she's out of the car like a rat up a drainpipe to dance some more. [ more ]
See all 48 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
if you could be PM for a day what would be your policies?
Cinds Originally Posted by Aimee: Originally Posted by Cinds: ALL snakes would be outlawed in the mainland UK. And all women would get an allowance for shoes. You forgot spiders even writing the word makes me Shriver Yes, but with all of our lovely new shoes, bought courtesy of the generous shoe allowance, we can stand on all of the spiders. [ more ]
Saint Biscuits to be restored to their original size !! [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by Cinds: ALL snakes would be outlawed in the mainland UK. And all women would get an allowance for shoes. You forgot spiders even writing the word makes me Shriver [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The new Danica!
~Sparkling Summer~ Can't say I like the body builder look but it must take a lot of discipline to achieve that, I wonder what made her choose that career path [ more ]
kimota Originally Posted by SazBomb: why do they always creosote themselves for these competitions? It brings out the muscle -definition! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by cologne 1: I'm afraid Danica is one of those people I'd like to slap all day long . I don't care if she's toned or rinsing blokes, she's an irritant. that made me giggle [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
The Boat Race....
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Hello to you too At this rate well be lucky to see the round robin stages of the world Tiddly-Winks championships, live! [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by fremsley: There are rumours they may be introducing outboards next year. 26.4 seconds flat! [ more ]
Garage Joe It would be more entertaining if it was between Sunderland and Teesside poly (in old money) alternate years Tees And Wear. Bit of aggro to add to the entertainment. [ more ]
See all 38 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Border Country: The Story of Britain's Lost Middleland
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Same here. I hadn't realised there had been a part 1! Link to part 1 on iPlayer in my post Fluffy. [ more ]
Former Member I've got 24 hr news on. I'm normally watching American motor racing at this time of night and posting on here but there's none on this week [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Same here. I hadn't realised there had been a part 1! [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
CD and DVD copying to be made legal from June 1st in the UK
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Videostar: Oh, wasn't it always legal to do that.? [ more ]
Videostar Oh, wasn't it always legal to do that.? [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Ells: EC your new avi looks like a turd. It's a lovably cartoon character called poopie So, it IS a turd! No. I made it up Thought I would carry on the Erin thought process. It's actually quite hairy. So it is! [ more ]
See all 30 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Toots,,,,,Kidney Transplant
Rexi Awww, thanks for coming in to keep us updated Toots xxx Onwards and upwards, look after yourself [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Tootall: Hi Peeps, Well i got out two months after my Transplant, its continued to be up and down with my Creatine levels going up and down. Unfortunately not enough downs, still getting biopsies and my latest one showing a bit of rejection. They changed a anti-rejection pill, going to see what that does, if that doesnt help they may try some steroid injections. Really miss you guys but i still find this place confusing lol ((Hugs)) xx Sorry its been such a tough road... [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Tootall: Hi Peeps, Well i got out two months after my Transplant, its continued to be up and down with my Creatine levels going up and down. Unfortunately not enough downs, still getting biopsies and my latest one showing a bit of rejection. They changed a anti-rejection pill, going to see what that does, if that doesnt help they may try some steroid injections. Really miss you guys but i still find this place confusing lol ((Hugs)) xx Good to... [ more ]
See all 149 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Anyone watching George Michael?
Cinds You just never know who you'll meet before they are famous. [ more ]
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Cinds: We went to see Symphonica, and like I've said before I'm not the fan, Mr C is. But boy oh boy can that man sing, it was brilliant. He has a voice like liquid velvet - voice of an angel. Many, many years ago before he became famous with Wham he used to DJ at a restaurant called the Bel Air in Northwood (Herts) I think. I remember going there and absolutely falling in love with the DJ. Who'd have thought [ more ]
Cinds We went to see Symphonica, and like I've said before I'm not the fan, Mr C is. But boy oh boy can that man sing, it was brilliant. [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Salad days
Former Member Originally Posted by Ells: I am embracing my salad loving cravings because I know they won't last long and I'll no doubt be craving junk soon I really do need more salad though, not sure how the OH is going to feel about another trip to Subway but it's all I want. Excellent good for you and babby [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Sits on the hate rocket bench Rocket is just posh weeds. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities I have no problem with a b it of rocket now and again. [ more ]
See all 46 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tax rebate question
Kaytee The easiest way to get a rebate is to ask the tax office for a tax return, once filled and processed the rebate should come automatically [ more ]
Aimee Thanks everyone [ more ]
El Loro Aimee, rather than wait for a tax repayment to be made which could take a long time it's best for your daughter to ring HMRC. If she's not employed at present she could ring now. If she's still employed wait until ahe gets her P60 from the employer which should be in the next few weeks. Phone number is 0300 200 3300 They are open Mondays to Fridays 8am to 8pm and Saturdays 8am to 4pm She will need to give her national insurance number. It would be useful if she has details of the employments... [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
So I'm home.
Kaytee Welcome home Rawky....hope you stay a while before you go off on your travels again [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: Thanks peeps. Still feeling the same, although I've just been offered an interview of sorts for a job. I say interview, but the guy just wants to know if I can "Meet up to discuss things further". So that's something i guess. Have a look at the seek teachers site [ more ]
Soozy Woo Good luck with the potential job. I'd think it's gonna take a good few weeks before you feel properly 'grounded' and then you'll know if you should stay or go. Keeping on a musical them here [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
OT: Poor Nigella..!
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Wasn't Johnny Vaughan banned cos he was an ex con. .he did time for murder or manslaughter I think.. I may have dreamt that so ignore me if I did As for the others I think I recall hearing on the news years ago they had to make special applications to enter.. again I may have dreamt that as well brain is no longer that reliable You could well be right, it was a long time ago, around the time he was doing the Channel 4 breakfast programme. [ more ]
Mount Olympus *Olly* Wasn't Johnny Vaughan banned cos he was an ex con. .he did time for murder or manslaughter I think.. I may have dreamt that so ignore me if I did As for the others I think I recall hearing on the news years ago they had to make special applications to enter.. again I may have dreamt that as well brain is no longer that reliable [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by cologne 1: How come Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger are free to travel to the US. they've actually been convicted of taking drugs. Maybe Nigella should use that to make them reconsider her entry. I once heard that Johnny Vaughn we barred for the same reason. [ more ]
See all 131 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Easter eggs
Soozy Woo Talking of foreign chocolate. I went on a school trip to Italy when I was 12 years old. It was all coach/rail/ferry travel. We stopped off as Basel station in Switzerland and I had the most wonderful chocolate bar I'd ever had in my life (I often wonder if it would live up to expectation now) - it was called Topsy .........absolutely divine! Anyone ever tasted it? [ more ]
Soozy Woo The kids break up on Friday. There is an Easter hat/bonnet comp. Finished Jacks last night .....................true to form it has just about everything on it. Real egg shells painted and glittered, chicks, bigger chicks, bunting, easter eggs, butterflied and flowers all on a little boys sun hat. Can't do pics - it's rather OTT but ........................if you're gonna do it - DO IT!!! [ more ]
~Sparkling Summer~ Thanks Erin, I love it I love all chocolate; dark, white and milk I may be popping in m&s later, I'll look to see if they have the butterfly egg in [ more ]
See all 26 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Farage v Clegg
SazBomb Originally Posted by Soozy Woo: An odious debate between two equally odious individuals. How are idiots like this speaking for us. I said last night that trying to choose between them two is like choosing whether you'd rather be shot in the face or set on fire [ more ]
Garage Joe On the other hand, anything that assists in the destruction of the yellow Tories is OK with me! My favourite bits were.... 1. Farrago said that the white working male was now the underclass. Indeed! My grandfather worked on the roads in the thirties and forties and regarded himself as the aristocratic working class. 2, clegg highlighting one of Farrago's leaflets. When dealing with mavericks you need a maverick. Step forward Ken Clark! [ more ]
Soozy Woo You're in a minority of two Carnelian. With you all the way on that^^^^. All this posturing as a 'man of the people' doesn't wash with me I'm afraid. As for Clegg .....................grrrrrrrrrr. An odious debate between two equally odious individuals. How are idiots like this speaking for us. [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Former Member Amazing. I guess dogs have quite musical brains? The doggy at the end wasn't bad either, and they're both gorgeous. [ more ]
Jen-Star Check out how clever this dog is! [ more ]
Former Member Re: Awwww [ more ]
See all 25 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Instant Karma!
Moonie Originally Posted by SazBomb: Originally Posted by Videostar: Whether the woman was winding up the other driver or not that doesn't give the truck driver the right to behave in a threatening manner, he got what he deserved. That is true, we all know there are drivers out there that like to wind up people for whatever reason, and he behaved like a first class twatwaffle . I just can't get over her using a camera phone to film it - surely she can't have been paying full attention to the road,... [ more ]
SazBomb Originally Posted by Videostar: Whether the woman was winding up the other driver or not that doesn't give the truck driver the right to behave in a threatening manner, he got what he deserved. That is true, we all know there are drivers out there that like to wind up people for whatever reason, and he behaved like a first class twatwaffle. I just can't get over her using a camera phone to film it - surely she can't have been paying full attention to the road, and given how aggressive he was... [ more ]
SazBomb Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: She probably filmed because he was driving up her bumper for a while, in case he hit her Honestly, if someone is tailgating me (especially that aggressively) my first thought isn't 'oh I better get my phone out turn around in my seat and film this'. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
GREASE is the word!
Garage Joe I agree. You can just tell sometimes. See also Titanic, Les Mis, and many others. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by cologne 1: I absolutely hate it , but my daughter and granddaughter have had nights in with pjs, chocolate and the rest for years watching it. I'm with you Col Surely it's hard to hate a film you have not seen Erin. What I have seen in trailers and clips through the years have been enough to convince me the film is not for me . [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by cologne 1: I absolutely hate it , but my daughter and granddaughter have had nights in with pjs, chocolate and the rest for years watching it. I'm with you Col Surely it's hard to hate a film you have not seen Erin. [ more ]
See all 22 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Garage Joe The boss has decided to renounce XP and go back to 7. [ more ]
cologne 1 I had to System Restore tonight and already it's not doing it and we're not even in April yet. [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by cologne 1: In that case, I won't worry too much. Thank you GJ. Cologne (and anyone else who is interested) have a look at the article below as it may answer and raise a couple of questions. [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
What did you get for mothers day?
Garage Joe One of the strangest gifts for Mrs Jer was a huge box of Tunisian dates. We were trying to encourage the grandchildren to eat dates during last year. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Ells: We went for a meal last night instead of today because it would be too busy was packed last night because there had been confirmations which I hadn't thought of! Then this morning my sons made me tea and half buttered toast and gave me a card saying from Caolan and Jamie and the baby whose name we don't know yet Thats sweet [ more ]
Ells We went for a meal last night instead of today because it would be too busy was packed last night because there had been confirmations which I hadn't thought of! Then this morning my sons made me tea and half buttered toast and gave me a card saying from Caolan and Jamie and the baby whose name we don't know yet [ more ]
See all 32 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I just knew it!!!!!!!!!
machel it is not that site, it was advertised on tv, a short name but I just can't remember [ more ]
Rexi Originally Posted by erinp: Some cracking deals there erin ... A whole £1.59 off a TV wall bracket [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by machel: I posted too close to Aimee and now my fridgefreezer has gone kaput! can anyone remember the online site that sells white goods at a discount? (thinks aimee might know ) ROFL You should know better Machel [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
mothers day
Soozy Woo My CD was Rod Stewar's latest Got lovely flowers from my other son and a lovely card. Daughter bought me a lovely bright Gerbera arrangement and an ornamental jar thing. She took me out on a little shopping trip and treated me to some new socks and nicks and the two of us are going out for tea tomorrow. Mum loved her assortment of bits and bobs and we all had a lovely dinner. I had a lovely card from our friend and regular Sunday dinner guest. He is in his seventies and on his own so we have... [ more ]
Garage Joe Yes! My mum 's a different matter. We surprised her with the whole family and took her out for lunch. We had an amusing afternoon of games and have just returned. One other thing I realised that may be different is that we have joint accounts, it seems daft giving money to a third party to buy a present for your partner. As charming Martin Lewis himself in his debonair mode observed, "you share bodily fluids, so what's the big deal about sharing money?" [ more ]
Rexi I have had a cacophony of mothers round to mine for lunch ... my mum, MIL, my sis, sis in law ... plus assorted husbands and children. we have had a lovely family day [ more ]
See all 33 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
I know here I go again, but what do you all think of gay marriage?
pirate1111 you might of noticed but im not the most PC person ever but gay marriage? yep, why not if you love someone & youre both happy to enter into marriage BRILLIANT! love is love innit [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Or maybe some 10th centuary monk had a few too many magic mushrooms? Eeeek! Look out for lightning bolts today EC Errr, OK, will do Roger. I mean... From Him up above You said the Bible was written by Monks off their heads on magic mushrooms! Haha Rog, that was... [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing: Or maybe some 10th centuary monk had a few too many magic mushrooms? Eeeek! Look out for lightning bolts today EC Errr, OK, will do Roger. I mean... From Him up above You said the Bible was written by Monks off their heads on magic mushrooms! Haha Rog, that was me, not EC! [ more ]
See all 49 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Kate O'Mara dies .
Cinds Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: She was great. Loved her as Patsy's sister in Ab Fab. R.I.P. Kate O'Mara xx That's my favourite too. [ more ]
Former Member She was great. Loved her as Patsy's sister in Ab Fab. R.I.P. Kate O'Mara xx [ more ]
Cold Sweat She had the role of screen villainess off to a tee… and those cheekbones! RIP [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
World Cup 2014
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: I quite like the Germans... they have their domestic league in order without any of the financial madness of the Premier League, and it actually seems to be run for the benefit of the fans there Don't know why but Spain annoy me... want someone to knock them off their perch for some reason I'm not keen on the Spanish side or the Portuguese, but I have always disliked the ex ManU player Ronaldo. I also think the more Latin a side is the more they like to... [ more ]
Garage Joe This will be the first competition since 2002 that we have missed being in Germoney. It's a great place to watch football and I hope they go all the way! [ more ]
Former Member I quite like the Germans... they have their domestic league in order without any of the financial madness of the Premier League, and it actually seems to be run for the benefit of the fans there Don't know why but Spain annoy me... want someone to knock them off their perch for some reason [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Watch this.
Soozy Woo Absolutely wonderful. I'll bet it's frightening at the same time though. Imagine living in silence for all of your life and then being bombarded by all the noises around you. When my eardrum burst a few years ago and I was virtually deaf (I only have about 30% in the other ear) - it was such an odd and horrible experience not being able to hear for about a month. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Sprout: It's brilliant, but it's a shame she's going blind with her condition Its an amazing clip. Poor lady, now she has that ahead of her She's been told to get out as much as she can and 'save' the sounds Very moving story. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: I had seen it yesterday, but its been on the news all day...amazing for her Yes, it's wonderful. Like I say...........even I had tears [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Happy birthday Ducky
machel Originally Posted by Sprout: [ more ]
Lori Happy belated birthday, Ducky! [ more ]
Ensign Muf Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Ensign Muf: Originally Posted by Sprout: Happy Birthday for next year Captain *salutes* Sorry I'm a bit early Ya lazy git! get one o yer own! It's the thought that counts, not the amount of thought you put into it! [ more ]
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