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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chris 'She's trying a totally different tactic vid
Saint The HM are so bloody precious, "Me nominated - how dare you !!! Let's discuss how wounded I am for the next 6hours" [ more ]
Saint Amen to that Pauline is weird/aggressive/OTT Steven plain creepy [ more ]
Former Member Chris is spot on about them all .Pauline must think we are fools !! I so want her out on Friday and if it's a double she can take Steven with her . [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2014 Highlights show (10 pm) & BotS (11 pm) chat thread. Monday 16th June.
Cinds Originally Posted by machel: Originally Posted by Ells: I've just watched it, I wasn't too annoyed with anything in particular (apart from Ash and Marlon being pigs) until Hateful Helen did that to Jale. How dare she? Jale reminds me so much on a girl I went to school with (she also looks so much like her!) and she got a hard time from the usual class bitches. Fast forward years later and we became good friends on facebook and she is one of the funniest people I've ever met. She isn't... [ more ]
machel Originally Posted by Ells: I've just watched it, I wasn't too annoyed with anything in particular (apart from Ash and Marlon being pigs) until Hateful Helen did that to Jale. How dare she? Jale reminds me so much on a girl I went to school with (she also looks so much like her!) and she got a hard time from the usual class bitches. Fast forward years later and we became good friends on facebook and she is one of the funniest people I've ever met. She isn't conventional (I don't think Jale... [ more ]
Ells I've just watched it, I wasn't too annoyed with anything in particular (apart from Ash and Marlon being pigs) until Hateful Helen did that to Jale. How dare she? Jale reminds me so much on a girl I went to school with (she also looks so much like her!) and she got a hard time from the usual class bitches. Fast forward years later and we became good friends on facebook and she is one of the funniest people I've ever met. She isn't conventional (I don't think Jale really is either) she doesn't... [ more ]
See all 347 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Helen :Complaints and even a petition
Cinds Originally Posted by Bethni: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Aimee: I wish they would take her pass to the final off her and see how big she thinks she is then I saw it suggested that they swap her pass with Jales automatic up for eviction every week. I would love to see that happen and the reactions. Me too ...she'd go ballistic ....mind you , she would only have to put up with it for one week at the most Wouldn't it be the most glorious thing to... [ more ]
Former Member Some are asking if Pauline is evicted will BB say the killer nom goes too. [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Cinds: Originally Posted by Aimee: I wish they would take her pass to the final off her and see how big she thinks she is then I saw it suggested that they swap her pass with Jales automatic up for eviction every week. I would love to see that happen and the reactions. Me too ...she'd go ballistic ....mind you , she would only have to put up with it for one week at the most [ more ]
See all 11 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Week two and Josie Gibson has her say.
cologne 1 Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Aimee: Josie took control over the house in her year Aye ...and from her bed . ...eating bogies. [ more ]
Aimee Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Aimee: Josie took control over the house in her year Aye ...and from her bed . True [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Aimee: Josie took control over the house in her year Aye ...and from her bed . [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Prepare yourselves BB viewers.
Baz It's horrendous , and compelling all at the same time Rawky [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo: I may just be joining you in the highlights thread tonight Haven't seen a single episode since launch night, and even then I switched off about 30 minutes into it. I've no clue what's going on, who the housemates are, who's been evicted, nominated etc. You might have to give me a run down of events... but I may lose interest again, so you've been warned. See you at 10pm i guess. Then I'm watching Penny Dreadful afterwards checkout the BB stickied thread ^^^ [ more ]
Xochi It's already a brilliant series Mr Gold! And only the second week! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Helen gets called to the DR(spoiler)
Baz Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*: Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts: A formal warning for that? F***ing get a grip BB! There is bitching in every series of BB ffs She has got a gang of people to exclude a HM and proceeds to call her disparaging names and belittle her to her face, as well as behind her back.. The former is most definitely mental bullying and the latter could be classed as bitching but of the highest order... whatever it is Helen has behaved atrociously to her and... [ more ]
Baz It's far too little , far too late They should at least have taken away her immunity [ more ]
Yogi19 Sorry BB, but warning Helen that she may receive a formal warning is too little, too late. [ more ]
See all 14 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Power Hm revealed but not by BB
Yogi19 Not much point in having a secret Power HM, if some plonker is going to shout over the wall and tell everyone who it is. [ more ]
Aimee I had a feeling that Jale would do something to lose her popularity I always wonder if anyone going in the house has ever watched BB before [ more ]
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Originally Posted by erinp: 4.11pm Jale wants to argue about Chris's actions as # SecretPowerHM . But he's not willing to admit anything. # BBUKLive This could be her downfall if she turns on Chris, he is one of the few friends she has in the house . Hmm....did she not say to Chris, in an earlier conversation, that she'd not say anything of her suspicions to the rest of the house? [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Belgium v Algeria
Madame Arcati Originally Posted by Bethni: What on earth was that Algerian thinking of with that hairdo?? It looks like he's painted his scalp and left a tuft of hair to stick up like a rooster There have certainly been some odd-looking hair-do's on display [ more ]
Bethni What on earth was that Algerian thinking of with that hairdo?? It looks like he's painted his scalp and left a tuft of hair to stick up like a rooster [ more ]
Bethni Re: Belgium v Algeria [ more ]
See all 28 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pauline temporarily left the BB house !!
Yogi19 The arrogance of the "nasties" is unbelievable. They truly think that they should not be nominated and only the HMs not in their clique should be nominated. It beggars belief. [ more ]
Baz Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: Pity they didn't lock the door behind her .....she and Helen would be gong through it with my boot up their rears !!!! Let me know if you'd like an extra hand - or boot. I think they are entitled to as many boots up their rears as we can muster Yogi What a truly dreadful pair... [ more ]
Yogi19 Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: Originally Posted by Yogi19: Originally Posted by Baz: Pity they didn't lock the door behind her .....she and Helen would be gong through it with my boot up their rears !!!! Let me know if you'd like an extra hand - or boot. I think they are entitled to as many boots up their rears as we can muster Yogi What a truly dreadful pair of women they are ! I'm more... [ more ]
See all 19 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Toya lets off some steam vid .
Former Member Originally Posted by Saint: Some adults aint adults They are kids with power Well said [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: School yard bully stuff... what age are they? She had no problem with Steven asking her if she was speaking about him but when Christopher thought she was speaking about the PH she goes off on one 'Why would he assume that'? ,she never asked Steven why he assumed she was speaking about him .Christopher is not in the 'in ' group so he is not allowed an opinion!! Exactly! [ more ]
Former Member 11.09am "You need to pipe down because it's too early in the morning." Toya isn't in the mood to argue with Christopher. Yet. [ more ]
See all 7 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Betting Odds - Week 2
Saint Steven and Pauline to go will suit me fine [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Pauline: 237/1 I'm loving this one Because of one of those little oddities when bookies don't refresh their odds regularly, SkyBET currently have Pauline on 80/1, with Tamara still on 50/1 to win! As for the 237/1 (now 256/1!): although I find Betfair the most accurate in following the flow of BB, when there's little or no money being placed on a HM you sometimes get very high odds like that. This also means that if someone was to suddenly place a... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Pauline: 237/1 I'm loving this one [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
O/T kate & gerry McCann...
jacksonb I'd say that when that one man was the fella leading the manhunt,it suggests he probably didn't do his job as he'd already decided what had happened and who was responsible,so no one bothered anymore about actually doing the investigating, added to that is the additional misery it caused grieving parents. In an ideal world the parents would concentrate solely on the hunt for their child,but I think most of us would want one small piece of justice for an injustice done to them. But I do... [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by pirate1111: McCanns to appear in Portuguese court over libel claims - *Telegraph* Kate and Gerry McCann are due to give evidence at the trial of a former Portuguese police chief who they have sued for libel are they right to do this? If I didn't know where my child was I think I'd be more interested in looking for her than concerning myself with the opinion of one man. They are supposed to have lots of supporters - why worry about those that aren't..? [ more ]
Soozy Woo Re: O/T kate & gerry McCann... [ more ]
See all 23 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Usa V Ghana
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Yes, but I've never passed out in my life I might as well just carry on and meet you for brekkie *looks for a mallet* Right, we meet again tomorrow with a pitcher full of Margaritas (I'm not drinking a pint of bitter when England play, ok ) fussy ok you're on..I don't like bitter...lager on a warm day is acceptable [ more ]
Former Member Night all thanks for your company [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average: I'm off folks....see you for the foreseeable future Night Dame, Bethni, Rog [ more ]
See all 256 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Next nomination revealed vid
Former Member Re: Next nomination revealed vid [ more ]
Former Member Marlon is up. Who saw that one coming? #BBBOTS #BBUK The fifth and final Power nomination on Big Brother UK has been revealed so who else will be facing eviction this week? On Friday night we watched as Chris R Wright secretly revealed as the new Power housemate, having been voted in by viewers via a poll on the app the evening before. But his identity as the Power housemate is being kept secret from the other housemates as he nominates alone. Over the weekend, Chris has nominated Pauline,... [ more ]
Saint YES PLEASE !!!! Pauline and Steven [ more ]
See all 8 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2014 Highlights show (9 pm) chat thread. Sunday 15th June.
Cinds Originally Posted by Cosmopolitan: Originally Posted by Cinds: Plus I think Pauline looks like Richard Gere. Does she like hamsters/gerbils too? I bloody hope not. But I am hoping that she will stick her bottom lip out and scream "I've got nowhere else to go!!!" When she gets evicted. [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Cinds: Plus I think Pauline looks like Richard Gere. Does she like hamsters/gerbils too? [ more ]
Cinds Had the whole lot recorded so caught up yesterday. My views at the moment are as follows: Marks voice does my head in. Cannot stand Helen or Pauline. Laughed like a loon at Steven crying after being nominated. Laughed even more at Tamara being evicted, they were all so sure it would not be her (as was she). I quite like Jale. Plus I think Pauline looks like Richard Gere. [ more ]
See all 312 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Dirty game playing begins vids.
Soozy Woo Originally Posted by Supes: Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: What does Kim hope to achieve by stirring things up? It could badly backfire and leave her as disliked as both Helen and Pauline currently are. I may be being extremely dim here, but I have absolutely no idea what the point of her doing this is She's done bugger all up until now except pull enigmatic/pained expressions and flick her hair. Perhaps she's upping her game - trying to make herself interesting. As far as viewers votes go... [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: What does Kim hope to achieve by stirring things up? It could badly backfire and leave her as disliked as both Helen and Pauline currently are. I may be being extremely dim here, but I have absolutely no idea what the point of her doing this is [ more ]
Videostar Disappointed in Kimberly...mean girl. [ more ]
See all 12 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Please do not nominate me vid
Former Member Originally Posted by Cold Sweat: All this is now doing is making me nervous at the thought that BB might apply a twist... and allow Pauline to escape! No question about it ,there is no eviction or a fake eviction . [ more ]
jacksonb Well that's stuffed Jale up for at least another week... [ more ]
Cold Sweat All this is now doing is making me nervous at the thought that BB might apply a twist... and allow Pauline to escape! [ more ]
See all 4 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Microwave experiment
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Jenstar: Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I got as far as the "shorting out the brain" bit and realised that this was bollocks. So I looked it up on snopes. Once again is your friend. Ahh all made up then Joe? There's a lot of it about Jen. Looked pretty real to me, but I don't always check with Snopes. I do for anything virus/Trojan related or scams. [ more ]
Jen-Star Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I got as far as the "shorting out the brain" bit and realised that this was bollocks. So I looked it up on snopes. Once again is your friend. Ahh all made up then Joe? [ more ]
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Originally Posted by Garage Joe: I got as far as the "shorting out the brain" bit and realised that this was bollocks. So I looked it up on snopes. Once again is your friend. [ more ]
See all 29 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
BB15:10 days in who do you like/dislike - and are you enjoying the show?
Cold Sweat Ashleigh & Jale - what an easy life these gits have... 9.30 on a Monday morning! [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Bethni: I like Chris, Jale and possibly Kimberly. DONT like Pauline, Helen, Steven, Mark, Toya. So-so with Christopher, Ash, Ashleigh, Marlon, Matthew, Winston, Danielle ( i need to see more of these ones to make up my mind) Exactly the same for me! Enjoyed the eviction and looking forward to the next one *fingers crossed its big momma P* . Enjoying Chris's cool handling of things and Jale's savvy reading of the nasties. Really disliking and shocked at the malice this... [ more ]
Ells I haven't seen the last 2 episodes yet but so far I am enjoying the series. It hasn't started off boring as usual and the games started straight away. I HATE Pauline and really dislike Helen. Not liking Toya at all but am liking Jale, Chris, perhaps Christopher, and I'm not sure about Marlon yet....I think he might be a sneaky one. The rest are all a bit dull. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Argentina v Bosnia-Hercegovina
Saint Bloody Hell Gary Lineker wearing Harry Potter glasses [ more ]
Moonie Originally Posted by Bethni: Originally Posted by moonie: Originally Posted by Bethni: Aww well.... all over for tonight Will there be more threads for Germany-Portugal? Yep, a thread for every game Bethni I shall reserve a seat then Goodnight Moonie, see you tomorrow Okies Goodnight [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by moonie: Originally Posted by Bethni: Aww well.... all over for tonight Will there be more threads for Germany-Portugal? Yep, a thread for every game Bethni I shall reserve a seat then Goodnight Moonie, see you tomorrow [ more ]
See all 246 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Pure praise for perfect Pauline vid .
Saint Originally Posted by moonie: Originally Posted by Saint: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Saint: We have a woman at work and grown adults hang on her every word Its fear with them and the housemates Oh no that must be awful Saint I liken her to Hitler You either go with her hatred or stand against it Its interesting to see what moral fibre is being displayed. Me? I would rather be shot than side with her Intestinal fortitude? I don't want to defecate on her !!! [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by Saint: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Saint: We have a woman at work and grown adults hang on her every word Its fear with them and the housemates Oh no that must be awful Saint I liken her to Hitler You either go with her hatred or stand against it Its interesting to see what moral fibre is being displayed. Me? I would rather be shot than side with her I intensely dislike the way she dismisses people she deems beneath her. Then had the... [ more ]
Moonie Originally Posted by Saint: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by Saint: We have a woman at work and grown adults hang on her every word Its fear with them and the housemates Oh no that must be awful Saint I liken her to Hitler You either go with her hatred or stand against it Its interesting to see what moral fibre is being displayed. Me? I would rather be shot than side with her Intestinal fortitude? [ more ]
See all 15 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Helen 'Be careful of him ' vid
Former Member Originally Posted by Jenstar: Are they talking about Marlon maybe? After the afro in a cup thing? I would say yes ,the Hms in the toilet are the Hms with the info [ more ]
Jen-Star Are they talking about Marlon maybe? After the afro in a cup thing? [ more ]
Former Member Helen on the war path, look at her body language when she comes out of the toilet after speaking to her posse . [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Nominated Hms for eviction so far are
Former Member Jale Pauline Steven Christopher and Ash to face the public vote .But what are we voting for? [ more ]
Former Member The fourth and final Power nomination on Big Brother UK has been revealed so who else will be facing eviction this week? On Friday night we watched as Chris R Wright secretly revealed as the new Power housemate, having been voted in by viewers via a poll on the app on Friday. But his identity as the Power housemate is being kept secret from the other housemates as he nominates alone. Over the weekend, Chris has nominated Pauline, Christopher and Steven and he made his final nomination this... [ more ]
Former Member Re: Nominated Hms for eviction so far are [ more ]
See all 13 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
France v Honduras
Former Member Bethni....been told to drag you in the Argentina fed. Not started yet though [ more ]
Dame_Ann_Average Originally Posted by Bethni: Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Bethni: I really like this thread....feels just like being in the studio with the punters There's others come's up too when the different matches start Oh good..... I would have been very lonely in here when Argentina kicked off the? we're here [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Bethni: Originally Posted by Sprout: Originally Posted by Bethni: I really like this thread....feels just like being in the studio with the punters There's others come's up too when the different matches start Oh good..... I would have been very lonely in here when Argentina kicked off the? Oh hell aye! [ more ]
See all 314 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Big Brother 2014 Highlights show (10 pm) &Bit on the Psych (11 pm) chat thread. Saturday 14th June.
jacksonb What, no BB daily thread... [ more ]
Former Member Big Brother Xtra @ BigBrotherXtra · 23m Bit on the side only got into the 300k - I've had more youtube hits! lol Big Brother Xtra @ BigBrotherXtra · 42m Big Brother hits the 700k figures, It's become the worst series since BB4! [ more ]
Cosmopolitan Originally Posted by Xochi: Originally Posted by Bethni: OoOoOoOo Razor tomorrow night Ooo! Really... make sure Cosi knows too! Thanks Bethni. And I'll remind all of Razor's Blades to tune in for the Belly Bountiful. *swish swish* Duly noted I'd like to hear what he thinks of Pauline... [ more ]
See all 320 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Chris needs you app vote
Videostar Originally Posted by Bethni: I wouldn't have chose Ash or Kimberly They're both quite nice and i don't have anything against either of them. I'd much prefer the vote to be between Mark and Toya . You think tryhard Ash is nice? we are talking about male smug twat Ash, right? [ more ]
Videostar Originally Posted by erinp: Something about Ash I don't like ,so if you want to throw a vote her way.... Ash's little smirks and grins, he laughs at others and has shown hints of nastiness...he reminds me of Kris, from BB9. [ more ]
Kaytee Nothing against either of as everyone has voted for Ash, I lobbed a vote Kimberley's way, just to be awkward [ more ]
See all 31 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Day 10 recap and HL show (spoiler)
Former Member Originally Posted by erinp: Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Thanks Erin xx Why are the nasties still sucking up to Pauline I do think they are scared to cross her ,if you do then she isolates you . That must be it - seems to have overriden the boos they heard. [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Thanks Erin xx Why are the nasties still sucking up to Pauline I do think they are scared to cross her ,if you do then she isolates you . [ more ]
Former Member Thanks Erin xx Why are the nasties still sucking up to Pauline [ more ]
See all 3 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Marks £5,000 has just gone down to £3586....
Former Member Originally Posted by Scotty: Get the Landlord in for a task Oooo, I like your thinking Scotty [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Scotty: Get the Landlord in for a task lol - brill! [ more ]
Saint Yeah - stick mini George Michael in a box and let him watch the £5000 go down to £3586 and given the chance to explain why If he can't ... it keeps decreasing [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Security info help
Former Member Ah ok [ more ]
Saint I have 2 Outlook accounts One I use a lot One I never use Its the one I never use and cannot remember the pass to that they are wanting an update for (terrible English - I know) So I don;t want to set up a new one [ more ]
Former Member Originally Posted by Saint: Roger that I'm fick - but my Bro works in IT and Avast is what he uses. I use the paid version but he says the free version is good enough. You may as well set up an entirely new Outlook [the new Hotmail] account ? Might as well - if you have to provide info? Hope you get it sorted [ more ]
See all 10 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Toya apologises to Jale. vid
Kaffs Are they really so thick that they don't realise all they're doing is giving Jale a ticket to the final? They saw her come in and tacitly decided to pick on(in their eyes) the uncool, fat kid. I expect they thought she'd be hanging on their every word hoping to be allowed into the 'cool gang' - they didn't reckon on the fact that Jale is no dummy is actually quite cool in her own way and they now need Mama P to tell them where to go now. [ more ]
Kaffs Jeezo... I don't know why fell out... and I don't know why she needs to explain herself to pauline before she apologises. [ more ]
Cold Sweat "I'm the bigger person" Where the heck did they find some of these egomaniacs? [ more ]
See all 5 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
England v Italy
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities Well it certainly makes it an interesting group to watch. Will definitely have me on the edge of my seat for the next ties. [ more ]
Crunchy Nuts Same old story. Midfield too slow, not so much in terms of running more in terms of ability to control and pass the ball. There was not enough movement off the ball, too many static players when Gerrard or Henderson received the ball. We don't know how to press against possession teams. Defensively clueless, why we left Ashley Cole at home I do not know. It would seem our players are too comfortable with only the premier league style and simply can't adapt to different types of football. The... [ more ]
MrsH ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Tamra's first day of freedom .
Crunchy Nuts Correct decision. She's fit but that's it. She's got nothing else about her, she's not even a bitch. [ more ]
Bethni Originally Posted by Roger the Alien: Originally Posted by erinp: She must be gutted that she went week one . Absolutely gutted Funny.... don't remember her having suspicions about Pauline in the house... She was still singing Pauline's praises to Emma, she couldn't understand the boo's from the crowd when Pauline's name was mentioned, then when Rylan asked her later she said she was scared of Pauline and thought the others were about turn [ more ]
Kaytee Did you notice last night that in her interview her opinions of other HMs were *Helen said..... and Pauline said.....*? Changed her tune sharpish when she saw which way the wind was blowing and that those *friendships* would do her no favours outside the house. [ more ]
See all 6 replies...
TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Who is the new Power Hm vid
Baz It's all BBs fault ....they are hardly subtle !!! I wonder if they actually want him caught !! [ more ]
Eugene's Lair Originally Posted by erinp: Wow; the bleeper was working overtime there! Marlon in particular put in a serious challenge for the "Potty mouth of the week" award - at one point, he was being bleeped almost every second word! [ more ]
Scotty ❤️
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Noms Bomb is back .
Baz I voted Pauline and Mark ...but agree with Cold Sweat ...I would have liked to have told them that I would have voted HeLen , giveN half a chance ! [ more ]
Cold Sweat I nominated Pauline and Steven. Shame there was no option to give reasons because i would have enjoyed telling them how much i would have really liked to nominate Helen and how unfair i think the free-pass to the final is. [ more ]
Former Member Hmmm are they trying to see what's gone wrong and why people were switching off in droves? Good! [ more ]
See all 3 replies...

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