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Just For FunUK Lounge
Hicky's Chat Room
Hicky Good afternoon Mollie & Baz. Oh dear Baz, nightmares, so scary, i think i told you about one i had some 5 years ago or so when i was dreaming someone had there arms around my neck, i usually sleep with the bed covers around my neck, anyway, the one way i know to get someone who is behind you with an arm around your neck is to throw them over your shoulder, well, i did that, and threw myself out of bed and i got wedged between the wall and the bed upside down, that was a shock, probably... [ more ]
Baz Afternoon Mollie and Hicky A crap night ….nightmares….and a crap start to my day , but it’s got a bit better now . I did go for a short walk this morning , but it started raining , so I had to turn back! Consequently , I’ve not done much today , just some washing , cleaned kitchen and fed wildlife . I hope everyone else is having a better day day than me. Mollie , I hope your day is going well . Thanks for the heads up about Asda …I ordered a couple of things . Im thoroughly enjoying teatime... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Celebrity Masterchef 2024
Baz 🤣🤣🤣🤣Yes ….and I hope she lasts longer than she did when she was in the jungle …which was only a week , if I remember rightly 🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰 [ more ]
El Loro She'll need to stop being a judge/critic whilst the celebrities are cooking, Baz And not be in her high heels [ more ]
Baz I was reading that earlier El ….I can’t stand her ….but I guess it’s the lesser of two evils. [ more ]
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General InterestScience and Tech Shows
'AI' (artificial intelligence).
suricat El Loro Said "I have Avast Business Cloudcare a/v on my computer. There's a computer shop very near here. Although that's open to the public, it also deals with providing computer support to businesses in the area and that a/v is through them. So not the free one which many people use though there are similarities. I'm aware that one of the scans provided is a boot time scan not that I've ever needed to use it. I assume that's similar to the one in Windows Defender." I've no doubt of that El... [ more ]
El Loro I have Avast Business Cloudcare a/v on my computer. There's a computer shop very near here. Although that's open to the public, it also deals with providing computer support to businesses in the area and that a/v is through them. So not the free one which many people use though there are similarities. I'm aware that one of the scans provided is a boot time scan not that I've ever needed to use it. I assume that's similar to the one in Windows Defender. If I discovered that windows update... [ more ]
suricat Thanks for your link El Loro, but after reading the 'site first page' I realised that these reportings are of "programmable 'intelligent interfaces'" (IIs that can be pre-programmed for a speciffic task!) and 'not' AI per se, perhaps we should call these 'applications' (APPS) PII . That said, because of my recent problems with my win 10 box, I begin to realise how our 'O/S es' (Operating Systems) can be modified by 'ROM' (Read Only Memory) within the 'boot' region by 'modifying' 'EEPROMs'... [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
MasterChef: The Professionals 2024
Baz Good thinking El [ more ]
El Loro Well done Dan You remember that a BBC spokesman said that this series would not be pulled as it was life changing for the chefs. That was the clue that Dan would be the champion as of all the contestants, it's been the most life changing for him. A nervous self doubting person at the beginning slowly becoming more confident, and now the champion. [ more ]
Rocking Ros Rose brilliant result night [ more ]
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TV ShowsBig Brother UK
Storm Darragh
Baz Glad it’s wasn’t too bad Kimota ….it was dreadful here …but everything is still in tact [ more ]
kimota Wasn't too bad here in London. A few trees down, but I did venture out to the gym and supermarket and by Sunday it was just breezy and wet. Hope no-one here's homes/ cars were damaged. 💖 [ more ]
slimfern ❤️ 🙏
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