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According to this there is a 13th Zodiac sign, called Ophiuchus, which now included changes most peoples Zodiac signs. I was originally a Gemini but now a Taurus.

Here's a list of the changes:

Capricorn: Jan. 20 – Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 – March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18 – May 13
Taurus: May 13 – June 21
Gemini: June 21 – July 20
Cancer: July 20 – Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10 – Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16 – Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30 – Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23 – Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29 – Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17 – Jan. 20

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Dame, I think its pronounced O-Fee-you-chus Its a semi naked man wrestling a snake

thanks Rawky, it's made me feel worse, I have a phobia with snakes.... the man I don't mind though 
panic over - 6th paragraph down

"However, Parke Kunkle’s discovery only addresses sidereal zodiac, that is based on constellations. Therefore this change only concerns people in the East. Westerners adhere to tropical zodiac that is fixed to seasons (equinox to equinox). In conclusion, your zodiac sign has not changed."

hope this helps
"However, Parke Kunkle’s discovery only addresses sidereal zodiac, that is based on constellations. Therefore this change only concerns people in the East. Westerners adhere to tropical zodiac that is fixed to seasons (equinox to equinox). In conclusion, your zodiac sign has not changed."
That's OK then - I like being a fish not (whatever an aquarian is) 
I seem to remember this being around ten years ago. Ophiuchus has been a constellation by rights  for some years but ignored by the horroscope industry. 

What Wiki says about it
Despite crossing the ecliptic, Ophiuchus is not included in standard astrological zodiacs, which divide the ecliptic into abstract 30-degree segments (for twelve equal signs), which are named after the constellations but do not map to the stars in the sky. If the signs did follow the stars, Ophiuchus would be a thirteenth member of the zodiac.

Makes a mockery of even the pseudo science of astrology, really.

I'm an Aries now. When I was little I misread the tiny text in my dictionary with the horoscopes and originally thought I was an Aries, but when I corrected myself I didn't like the Taurus cos it was a bull

Reference: Garage Joe
It's all a load of rubbish though to be fair all us Aries peeps think that. (The old ones are the best)


Reference: Karma
I'm still a Virgo 

And there's the proof!  
Therefore this change only concerns people in the East. Westerners adhere to tropical zodiac that is fixed to seasons (equinox to equinox). In conclusion, your zodiac sign has not changed.

Exactamundo. I'm too old to change now
Reference: Supes
OMG Bliz, thought I recognised you when I had my 'fish pedicure' the other day...Hope you enjoyed nibbling my feet

 You mad woman! 

Actually, you tasted a bit like Hamburger. 
I refute this100%.  Even if there 'has' been a new starsign made up/discovered, it doesn't alter the fact that you were born under a particular starsign, X amount of years ago....(this new one has only just been discovered/announced so does not affect anything historical (IMO.).  If someone was born on Feb 23rd 1980 or whatever, they are a pisces, and this 'new starsign' makes no odds.  It may affect future people born, ie: a child born Feb 23rd next year could be an aquarius, because they are being born after all this but people born years ago, were born under the particular starsign of the time.  I mean, if your birthdate was March 3rd 1984, and an extra month was suddenly whacked in between January and February, your birthdate wouldn't suddenly be April 3rd 1974!

So it's a load of rubbish IMO.  Sure, make people born from now on have the 'new starsigns,' but anyone born under the old ones, gets to keep it, as that is the starsign that they were born under.  You can't just change or erase history FFS.  I am and always will be a Libra.
This is what Jonathan Cainer has to say on the subject:

News update: There's lately been a lot of talk about 'new dates' for the zodiac signs and even a 'new sign'. This, though, is nothing 'new'. It's the same old nonsense that gets trotted out every 20 years or so by astronomers who think the twelve signs of the zodiac must be the same as the 12 constellations (or star groups). Actually, they're not and may never have been - although once they correlated more closely. 'Aha,' they think, 'Astrologers must be too stupid to notice this.' So without doing any more research, they issue a press release or write a book.


I still consider myself an Aries *rams thread*

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