Thee's always a domestic when Ducky's about
It's the company I keep Rexi.
Tyrants! The lot of 'em!
Thee's always a domestic when Ducky's about
It's the company I keep Rexi.
Tyrants! The lot of 'em!
...but I didn't do all that Toggle/Return/toggle/Click business!!!!!!!
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when you get stuck in the box....tell me what you do! IN DETAIL! (you can leave out the screaming like a girly bit)
Well, do you know, now I don't think I'm going to tell you
It's the company I keep Rexi.
Tyrants! The lot of 'em!
You poor, put down, trodden on thing
I'm off to make a toasted cheese sandra........ if Scatts Zebra posts while I'm gone, someone grab her legs till I get back!
Well, do you know, now I don't think I'm going to tell you
That is not the reply I was expecting.
Will you tell me for a cheese sarnie?
I'm off to make a toasted cheese sandra........ if Scatts Zebra posts while I'm gone, someone grab her legs till I get back!
What's in a toasted cheese sandra?
I'm off to make a toasted cheese sandra........ if Scatts Zebra posts while I'm gone, someone grab her legs till I get back!
What's in a toasted cheese sandra?
Silly Erin. Sandras obviously
Well, do you know, now I don't think I'm going to tell you
That is not the reply I was expecting.
Will you tell me for a cheese sarnie?
Well, do you know, now I don't think I'm going to tell you
That is not the reply I was expecting.
Will you tell me for a cheese sarnie?
What's in a toasted cheese sandra?
I'd love to say something exotic..... but Ditty's here now and she'd never believe me.
It's just toast with cheese inbetween. In other words a toasted cheese sandwich. BUT you have to Sandra with a cockney accent or it doesn't make sense!
Very good Zebra Posting Ditty Not quite to the standard of the live final.... you haven't upped your game, or given me a sob story, or even thanked those people who voted..... but I applaud your effort nonetheless.
I'd love to say something exotic..... but Ditty's here now and she'd never believe me.
Red Leicester would count as exotic for you Ducks
Red Leicester
Never heard of it
What's in a toasted cheese sandra?
I'd love to say something exotic..... but Ditty's here now and she'd never believe me.
It's just toast with cheese inbetween. In other words a toasted cheese sandwich. BUT you have to Sandra with a cockney accent or it doesn't make sense!
Sandra with a cockney accent
Yes. Like ...erm......Saaaarndraaa?
Cheese Saaaarndraaaa. Sounds a bit like Sarnie? I've called them Sandras for years....... I'm starting to wonder whether that's really for the best now.
Try again Pengy
still can't do it
By the way..... you have to write something in each pink line or they don't show up! You're not allowed to do naked zebra posting on here. American rules and all that.
Yes. Like ...erm......Saaaarndraaa?
Cheese Saaaarndraaaa. Sounds a bit like Sarnie? I've called them Sandras for years....... I'm starting to wonder whether that's really for the best now.
Sounds fun in your world,I have a vision of you making a Sandra.
nor me
I ain't tried............I'm a simple girl you see
still can't do it
Oh heck, its like learning to knit
Nooooooo! It's easier than that! Pengy and Dame just aren't willing to put in the seconds hours
Nooooooo! It's easier than that! Pengy and Dame just aren't willing to put in the seconds hours
oh feathered one..please in the simplest terms explain to a middle aged, tipsy woman in the simplest of terms ... much obliged
Oh heck, its like learning to knit
I need a dummies guide to zebra wotsit - as in explain it properly Duckster step by step
you put that so much nicerer than wot I did ^
Ok.... here goes...... CONCENTRATE!
Press the quote button on my post.
Then press the Toggle WYSIWYG wotsit in the bottom right corner of the reply box.
Then press the return (enter) key on your keyboard (that's the thing with lots of buttons with letters on) ONCE!
Next press toggle.
Then click right at the end of the text in the pink quote box.
Then press enter.....once or maybe twice...and another pink box should appear.
Write something in the box (no swearing at me).
Press enter/return again.....
..and repeat.
Nooooooo! It's easier than that! Pengy and Dame just aren't willing to put in the seconds hours
I'll give it a go, but i may drop a loop
Ok.... here goes...... CONCENTRATE!
Do you get many end of term gifts from your students Ducky?
Do you get many end of term gifts from your students Ducky?
No I don't.
Do eggs and flour on my car count as gifts?
you put that so much nicerer than wot I did ^
Now I got to concentrate or be told off
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