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Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Who will employ her now after this?

They need a wrecking crew to destroy a house in Derby at the moment.

Wasn't that destroyed in a fire?   I know, I'll get me coat 

Ther house is still standing, it's a burnt out empty shell, but it's like Elton John...still standing.

They are going to demolish it and the adjacent house too..

Best for everyone all round I think 

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Life ... its a learning experience that can be harsh.

I wish her well and hope this is a wake up call

She will probably be a Commissioner in ten years time 

One hopes that they'll go into her background a bit more than what they appear to have done here then  


This begs the question that if at interview you are asked "At any point have you posted remarks on Facebook or Twitter that would be considered inappropriate or prejudiced in a anyway" and you answer no, should the employer be allowed to have access to your account to verify your response?


Otherwise I cannot see how an employer can be any more thorough.


Given the amount of correspondence some people make, I can see why employers would not want to have to make these kinds of searches.


Making a declaration before employment is the usual way these things are done, the penalty if found to be untrue is discipline or dismissal.


Are we expecting the Police to trawl through individuals social network accounts during the employment process?


Frankly, yes. It is done routinely these days in HR departments in many places pre-employment. This was a high-profile appointment and they had a duty of care to ensure she was the right person for the 'job'. 


Seriously?, are you telling me HR  department now request access to individuals social network accounts to verify that they do not post inappropriate comments?


I do find that hard to believe because as has been said, there are data protection issues. Unless the individual hands over access rights, Facebook for example will not grant access to any UK authority or business. Now I know that to be fact as it is something I learnt just this week.


If the comments are posted in such a way that they're available for public consumption on FB or Twitter, as in this case then yes EC. Those are the checks than can easily be made. I personally know the daughter of a friend of mine who got caught out in this way.

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Who will employ her now after this?

They need a wrecking crew to destroy a house in Derby at the moment.

Wasn't that destroyed in a fire?   I know, I'll get me coat 

Ther house is still standing, it's a burnt out empty shell, but it's like Elton John...still standing.

They are going to demolish it and the adjacent house too..

Best for everyone all round I think 


Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Life ... its a learning experience that can be harsh.

I wish her well and hope this is a wake up call

She will probably be a Commissioner in ten years time 

One hopes that they'll go into her background a bit more than what they appear to have done here then  


This begs the question that if at interview you are asked "At any point have you posted remarks on Facebook or Twitter that would be considered inappropriate or prejudiced in a anyway" and you answer no, should the employer be allowed to have access to your account to verify your response?


Otherwise I cannot see how an employer can be any more thorough.


Given the amount of correspondence some people make, I can see why employers would not want to have to make these kinds of searches.


Making a declaration before employment is the usual way these things are done, the penalty if found to be untrue is discipline or dismissal.


Are we expecting the Police to trawl through individuals social network accounts during the employment process?


Frankly, yes. It is done routinely these days in HR departments in many places pre-employment. This was a high-profile appointment and they had a duty of care to ensure she was the right person for the 'job'. 


Seriously?, are you telling me HR  department now request access to individuals social network accounts to verify that they do not post inappropriate comments?


I do find that hard to believe because as has been said, there are data protection issues. Unless the individual hands over access rights, Facebook for example will not grant access to any UK authority or business. Now I know that to be fact as it is something I learnt just this week.


If the comments are posted in such a way that they're available for public consumption on FB or Twitter, as in this case then yes EC. Those are the checks than can easily be made. I personally know the daughter of a friend of mine who got caught out in this way.


Ah yes, the public comments. But I guess there are those comments just in the private circles too. I still think that the amount of effort that it could take to "screen" potential employees is prohibitive to employers.


If someone makes 20 posts per day, multiplied out that can become a massive amount of information to wade through. That's if they just use say Facebook, but if they use Twitter as well - 


Do you just screen the employee that is the preferred candidate? If so, there could be an added delay to the start date along with the added costs of screening the social network posts. What if they have been making similar comments over emails to friends. Well one might say that they are not in the public domain, but they could be if one of your so called friends decides to leak a few emails !!!


To me, making a declaration pre employment is a reasonable way to do things. This young girl has clearly been stupid and it in some ways goes along with her age and probably her peer group. But she has been found out and is now out of a job. As far as I'm concerned that's the declaration working, her position was untenable. I don't think a big deal should be made of this - we have the right result.


Don't cha love debates Xochi? 


You certainly got my brains working overtime.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Sprout:

Thing is, it's not just the written word, it's the spoken word too. I had to tell the cleaner at work off yesterday for using the 'P' word  


A similar thing happened to me a few years ago. One of my colleagues used the "N" word and a slang name for Chinese in the same sentence. I had to take issue with him on his inappropriate language and we were in a meeting of 10 people at the time, fortunately another colleague quickly supported me which was appreciated by me. I also reported him to our line manager. I was then subjected to a period of accusations by this person - I think trying to exact some revenge on me for doing the right thing. 


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

I do indeed enjoy a debate EC!  


But a declaration pre-employment is just as likely to obfuscate the truth about a person. And would only result in the same scrutiny needing to be done were bad things to leak out in the way you suggest anyway.  

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Life ... its a learning experience that can be harsh.

I wish her well and hope this is a wake up call

She will probably be a Commissioner in ten years time 

She will probably be on TOWIE in two weeks time!

Oh, please: don't joke about that!

I can just imagine Dirty Desmond trying to get her on CBB as we type!

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Saint:

Life ... its a learning experience that can be harsh.

I wish her well and hope this is a wake up call

She will probably be a Commissioner in ten years time 

She will probably be on TOWIE in two weeks time!

Oh, please: don't joke about that!

I can just imagine Dirty Desmond trying to get her on CBB as we type!

Oh! Someone used the HR word. Allow me to rant. They were of course the natural enemy of Trade Unionists during the nineties and noughties. The bastards would bully the weaker employees into signing any old load of bollocks. Whilst they were a worthy adversary I beat them in the end. In my workplace, they were the lowest of the Low.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

It might have been an idea to keep her. She seems to have all the attributes we don't like about ppl and could therefore be a good conductor.

Not with your thinking there Col? 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

It might have been an idea to keep her. She seems to have all the attributes we don't like about ppl and could therefore be a good conductor.

Not with your thinking there Col? 

Are they not looking for someone who knows what goes on in kid's heads? You've got me completely paranoid now that I've got the wrong end of the stick.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Oh! Someone used the HR word. Allow me to rant. They were of course the natural enemy of Trade Unionists during the nineties and noughties. The bastards would bully the weaker employees into signing any old load of bollocks. Whilst they were a worthy adversary I beat them in the end. In my workplace, they were the lowest of the Low.

Are you sure you're in the right thread GJ?

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

It might have been an idea to keep her. She seems to have all the attributes we don't like about ppl and could therefore be a good conductor.

Not with your thinking there Col? 

Are they not looking for someone who knows what goes on in kid's heads? You've got me completely paranoid now that I've got the wrong end of the stick.

No, I'm not saying that. i just couldn't get my head around what you said initially  

Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

It might have been an idea to keep her. She seems to have all the attributes we don't like about ppl and could therefore be a good conductor.

Not with your thinking there Col? 

Are they not looking for someone who knows what goes on in kid's heads? You've got me completely paranoid now that I've got the wrong end of the stick.

I think I'm with you Col really wouldn't be right to have a swotty little goody two shoes. In all honesty some of the things she tweeted were clearly a bit ooooooh er but - she's young - kids show off - TBH - I'm not sure if it was a really good idea in the first place.

Soozy Woo
I'm quite firm on this. It's quite simple, if someone is extremely offensive then I ignore them, if it keeps up I let 'em go. Never reported, never made a fuss. As Mo said, "why go out if your way to be offended?" One of my favourite local stories previous to today's electronic social media, concerned a qualified nurse at the big Hospital. It was all over the local paper that she had appeared showing her Ant and Dec in a gentleman's art pamphlet. The management had gone ballistic. After the initial amusement, and a feeling of, "where's the harm!" I found myself thinking, "how do they know these things?"
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Alas no. I can't. I quite like it here. I can give you a cryptic clue though. I 'm good at them but.

Actually - thinking about it and knowing how' fond' you are of the pair - I think I've worked it out. Those crossword exercises you set do come in handy sometimes in helping me think outside the box

Soozy Woo

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