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Originally posted by JacksonB:
charlie and rodrigo have virtually kept tied themselves in knots,bitten their tongues and kept a lid on it, for 12 weeks determined to show us they were the nice guys, the reason they got so angry,over nothing really is that they thought siavash had outplayed them for the title.
that's why rodrigo went on and on and on about siavash wanting to be seen as the nice guy, no matter how many times sophie and siavash explained it to him.
they were both spitting nails that 12 weeks hard graft had just unravelled, although it was their display of fury that has finally unravelled them

well done siavash.

Originally posted by JacksonB:
charlie and rodrigo have virtually kept tied themselves in knots,bitten their tongues and kept a lid on it, for 12 weeks determined to show us they were the nice guys, the reason they got so angry,over nothing really is that they thought siavash had outplayed them for the title.
that's why rodrigo went on and on and on about siavash wanting to be seen as the nice guy, no matter how many times sophie and siavash explained it to him.
they were both spitting nails that 12 weeks hard graft had just unravelled, although it was their display of fury that has finally unravelled them

well done siavash.

Well said Jackson and spot on. Nod
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by JacksonB:
charlie and rodrigo have virtually kept tied themselves in knots,bitten their tongues and kept a lid on it, for 12 weeks determined to show us they were the nice guys, the reason they got so angry,over nothing really is that they thought siavash had outplayed them for the title.
that's why rodrigo went on and on and on about siavash wanting to be seen as the nice guy, no matter how many times sophie and siavash explained it to him.
they were both spitting nails that 12 weeks hard graft had just unravelled, although it was their display of fury that has finally unravelled them

well done siavash.

You have hit the nail right on the head there Jackson!
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by brisket:
Senora, I like your reading of Lisa in tonight`s programme. Very astute.
Quite a contrast to the Lisa we saw in the first few weeks. (I wonder how difficult she has found it to keep a lid on her stroppy side.)
Speaking of `keeping a lid on it`, it strikes me too that Charlie has real aggression lurking
just below the surface.

Awww Thank you Brisket Hug
Charlie is very aggressive seen flashes of it when he wound up Rodrigo in the past, but tonight it came to the fore in a very unpleasant way.

It sure did, if he had any brains he'd have kept his nasty trap firmly shut as he could've worked out he was safe. Instead he had to try and belittle Vash and bring up about his cheating, repeateldly, whilst looking for the cameras.....I cannot bear the t**t!Shake Head
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by fz:
They are scared that siavash has pulled off a crowd pleaser by not nominating...if he has they face tough opposition, and they never had the bottle to do it too.....if marcus wins they also know he is tough nasty have just realised they arent there because they are wanted..they have not been tested and panic is setting in..sophie sussed it perfectly tonight.

So true.... they are pooing their pants now!
They are like a den of thieves!
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Just thinking about the mob mentality displayed in the HL show...Nothing wrong with being angry at Siavash's actions, but to behave like a pack of wolves is really something else.

Charlie by far the most angry, swearing, gesturing, name calling, getting personal.

Rodrigo incited the mob by going around telling everyone what Siavash has done. His behaviour really shocked me, he was my 2nd favourite after Siavash...Not anymore! I am begining to realise Noirin was telling the truth about him, he is awful. Both him and Charlie acted like two bitchy Queens.

David angry shouting, but not really making sense...Nothing new.

Marcus did what Marcus does best, he looked after number one.

Sophie went up in my estimations, she stuck to her guns, and supported her mate. She also spoke a lot of sense.

Lisa by far the most intriguing she sat she listened letting her foot soldiers dig even bigger holes for themselves, all the while taking in what was said during the argument. She is one devious woman. I had to laugh when she played peacemaker and she said let's all stop this, we'll see what happens tomorrow...But of course Lisa my dear, you've already worked out you're safe and Marcus & Siavash are up haven't you?

That is why she didn't kick off.

Whatever happens on Friday...Next week will be interesting.

You have summed the situation and in particular Lisa absolutely perfectly Senora! Well done! My thoughts too!
Why should they not be angry did you expect them to shake his hand ,or keep stoom when they found out what he had done,he could not give a toss about anyone in that house even Sophie who said she would never put him up yet he gets her put up,he thought he had it all worked out in his head who was up this week wrong again Siavash David is not up,so you will have to face the public vote along with Marcus who you have schemed and broke the rules to try and avoid this happening and for this I hope he leaves friday and I am no Marcus fan.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Why should they not be angry did you expect them to shake his hand ,or keep stoom when they found out what he had done,he could not give a toss about anyone in that house even Sophie who said she would never put him up yet he gets her put up,he thought he had it all worked out in his head who was up this week wrong again Siavash David is not up,so you will have to face the public vote along with Marcus who you have schemed and broke the rules to try and avoid this happening and for this I hope he leaves friday and I am no Marcus fan.

Marg, at the begining of my post I believe I said there is nothing wrong with being angry with Siavash, what I took exception to, is the mob mentality, the hypocrasy, and the downright nastiness of some the HM's actions.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Noty:
Agreed OP. Except for the Marcus bit, because he has always said that about Siavash, although I think his feelings have more to do with the Noirin debacle.

And agreed re Sophie, except maybe with a tiny bit of cynicism added that her not joining in was more savviness about how the public would perceive the group mauling.

Sophie was very perceptive last night, but I do think her loyalty to Siavash was 100% genuine, they have got on from day 1.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by fz:
They are scared that siavash has pulled off a crowd pleaser by not nominating...if he has they face tough opposition, and they never had the bottle to do it too.....if marcus wins they also know he is tough nasty have just realised they arent there because they are wanted..they have not been tested and panic is setting in..sophie sussed it perfectly tonight.

She did suss it perfectly Nod Not bad reckoning for someone who likes to put herself across as thick...still, she handled it brilliantly....

Earlier in the night, when Charlie & Sophie got called to the DR to be told that they would each receive a nomination if anybody refused to nominate....did you see the look of absolute panice on Charlies face...he was almost frozen when he thought they were going to be told they were up....
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by JacksonB:
charlie and rodrigo have virtually kept tied themselves in knots,bitten their tongues and kept a lid on it, for 12 weeks determined to show us they were the nice guys, the reason they got so angry,over nothing really is that they thought siavash had outplayed them for the title.
that's why rodrigo went on and on and on about siavash wanting to be seen as the nice guy, no matter how many times sophie and siavash explained it to him.
they were both spitting nails that 12 weeks hard graft had just unravelled, although it was their display of fury that has finally unravelled them

well done siavash.

Exactly Thumbs Up THEY have been the architects of their own downfalls, all in one night after all this time! Laugh
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by The Devil In Diamante:
Originally posted by fz:
They are scared that siavash has pulled off a crowd pleaser by not nominating...if he has they face tough opposition, and they never had the bottle to do it too.....if marcus wins they also know he is tough nasty have just realised they arent there because they are wanted..they have not been tested and panic is setting in..sophie sussed it perfectly tonight.

She did suss it perfectly Nod Not bad reckoning for someone who likes to put herself across as thick...still, she handled it brilliantly....

Earlier in the night, when Charlie & Sophie got called to the DR to be told that they would each receive a nomination if anybody refused to nominate....did you see the look of absolute panice on Charlies face...he was almost frozen when he thought they were going to be told they were up....

Yes DiD I did notice Charlie's reaction the "Action man" eyes were in full flow. I was Peeing myself laughing at him. Laugh
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Noty:
Agreed OP. Except for the Marcus bit, because he has always said that about Siavash, although I think his feelings have more to do with the Noirin debacle.

And agreed re Sophie, except maybe with a tiny bit of cynicism added that her not joining in was more savviness about how the public would perceive the group mauling.

Sophie was very perceptive last night, but I do think her loyalty to Siavash was 100% genuine, they have got on from day 1.

Yes, she's genuinely nastiness free. And she didn't just stay out of it, she spoke up for Siavash. Good girl Thumbs Up
The thing is, Siavash has never, EVER been punished by BB or had ANY repercussions for not nominating. Everyone else gets dragged into it whether they like it or not and at the end of the day, the HMs are left wondering what the hell BB will do to THEM because of HIM. No wonder they were angry and imo, they had every right to kick off at him because he keeps on doing it AND getting away with it.

This time though, he has got it all wrong and it serves him right to be up against a very strong contender ie Marcus and his punishment (a long time coming!!) is to be evicted on Friday. Goodbye and good riddance! Wave
Lord Lucan
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
The thing is, Siavash has never, EVER been punished by BB or had ANY repercussions for not nominating. Everyone else gets dragged into it whether they like it or not and at the end of the day, the HMs are left wondering what the hell BB will do to THEM because of HIM. No wonder they were angry and imo, they had every right to kick off at him because he keeps on doing it AND getting away with it.

This time though, he has got it all wrong and it serves him right to be up against a very strong contender ie Marcus and his punishment (a long time coming!!) is to be evicted on Friday. Goodbye and good riddance! Wave

I disagree of course, but you know what? It's your opinion and I'll leave it at that. Thumbs Up
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Just thinking about the mob mentality displayed in the HL show...Nothing wrong with being angry at Siavash's actions, but to behave like a pack of wolves is really something else.

Charlie by far the most angry, swearing, gesturing, name calling, getting personal.

Rodrigo incited the mob by going around telling everyone what Siavash has done. His behaviour really shocked me, he was my 2nd favourite after Siavash...Not anymore! I am begining to realise Noirin was telling the truth about him, he is awful. Both him and Charlie acted like two bitchy Queens.

David angry shouting, but not really making sense...Nothing new.

Marcus did what Marcus does best, he looked after number one.

Sophie went up in my estimations, she stuck to her guns, and supported her mate. She also spoke a lot of sense.

Lisa by far the most intriguing she sat she listened letting her foot soldiers dig even bigger holes for themselves, all the while taking in what was said during the argument. She is one devious woman. I had to laugh when she played peacemaker and she said let's all stop this, we'll see what happens tomorrow...But of course Lisa my dear, you've already worked out you're safe and Marcus & Siavash are up haven't you?

That is why she didn't kick off.

Whatever happens on Friday...Next week will be interesting.

I agree with all you have said 100% Valentine

Mad = Charlie, Rodders, David, Lisa and Marcus
Originally posted by Noty:
Agreed OP. Except for the Marcus bit, because he has always said that about Siavash, although I think his feelings have more to do with the Noirin debacle.

And agreed re Sophie, except maybe with a tiny bit of cynicism added that her not joining in was more savviness about how the public would perceive the group mauling.

Love your sig picture! And I also thought Darnell was robbed!

I would love to think Sophie is 100% genuine with the Vash but I sometimes thought her genuine feelings for Marcus were friendly and that they rubbed along and took the pee out of each other but had a mutual respect underneath, but she loathes him and if I hadn't heard that from her in the DR or in snippets she says to oter people, I would never have guessed.
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Noty:
Agreed OP. Except for the Marcus bit, because he has always said that about Siavash, although I think his feelings have more to do with the Noirin debacle.

And agreed re Sophie, except maybe with a tiny bit of cynicism added that her not joining in was more savviness about how the public would perceive the group mauling.

Love your sig picture! And I also thought Darnell was robbed!

I would love to think Sophie is 100% genuine with the Vash but I sometimes thought her genuine feelings for Marcus were friendly and that they rubbed along and took the pee out of each other but had a mutual respect underneath, but she loathes him and if I hadn't heard that from her in the DR or in snippets she says to oter people, I would never have guessed.

I think Sophie's underlying resentment to Marcus comes from way back into the early weeks when Marcus often referred to her as "Tit bird" and he said that Sophie and Karly were just pieces of meat. He was also a lot more aggressive, his creepiness with Noirin was well observed and commented on by Sophie and Lisa. Sophie knew she had to live with Marcus so just held things down.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Noty:
Agreed OP. Except for the Marcus bit, because he has always said that about Siavash, although I think his feelings have more to do with the Noirin debacle.

And agreed re Sophie, except maybe with a tiny bit of cynicism added that her not joining in was more savviness about how the public would perceive the group mauling.

Love your sig picture! And I also thought Darnell was robbed!

I would love to think Sophie is 100% genuine with the Vash but I sometimes thought her genuine feelings for Marcus were friendly and that they rubbed along and took the pee out of each other but had a mutual respect underneath, but she loathes him and if I hadn't heard that from her in the DR or in snippets she says to oter people, I would never have guessed.

High 5 like minded Big Grin Valentine

I have often thought this about Sophie as well. I think maybe though when he does something to piss her off, like when he told her off (quite rightly) for stealing his can, she mouths off in anger (or petulance) more than she really means.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Noty:
Agreed OP. Except for the Marcus bit, because he has always said that about Siavash, although I think his feelings have more to do with the Noirin debacle.

And agreed re Sophie, except maybe with a tiny bit of cynicism added that her not joining in was more savviness about how the public would perceive the group mauling.

Love your sig picture! And I also thought Darnell was robbed!

I would love to think Sophie is 100% genuine with the Vash but I sometimes thought her genuine feelings for Marcus were friendly and that they rubbed along and took the pee out of each other but had a mutual respect underneath, but she loathes him and if I hadn't heard that from her in the DR or in snippets she says to oter people, I would never have guessed.

I think Sophie's underlying resentment to Marcus comes from way back into the early weeks when Marcus often referred to her as "Tit bird" and he said that Sophie and Karly were just pieces of meat. He was also a lot more aggressive, his creepiness with Noirin was well observed and commented on by Sophie and Lisa. Sophie knew she had to live with Marcus so just held things down.

And I think Sophie is very easily led. She would be strongly influenced by Lisa and Karly's opinions
Originally posted by Noty:

And I think Sophie is very easily led. She would be strongly influenced by Lisa and Karly's opinions

I never thought I'd say this about Sophie of all people, but I do think she has grown (mentally I mean - I'm not calling her fat Big Grin) in the house and, while she was intially someone easily led, she has found her voice and her own opinions ... she is a lot more confident now than she was at the beginning and this was really evidenced by her defence of Siavash while the rest of the pack (including her 'pal' Rodrigo) were all viciously shouting him down ...

For the first time, I'm beginning to see her as a worthy winner ... Eeker
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Noty:

And I think Sophie is very easily led. She would be strongly influenced by Lisa and Karly's opinions

I never thought I'd say this about Sophie of all people, but I do think she has grown (mentally I mean - I'm not calling her fat Big Grin) in the house and, while she was intially someone easily led, she has found her voice and her own opinions ... she is a lot more confident now than she was at the beginning and this was really evidenced by her defence of Siavash while the rest of the pack (including her 'pal' Rodrigo) were all viciously shouting him down ...

For the first time, I'm beginning to see her as a worthy winner ... Eeker

Ms Shar Valentine Agreed Big Grin If Karly and Kris had stayed it might have been a different story though. However, Sophie is now my second place hope
Originally posted by Noty:

Ms Shar Valentine Agreed Big Grin If Karly and Kris had stayed it might have been a different story though. However, Sophie is now my second place hope

Same here Ms Noty ... Valentine

But my first place is not the same as yours ... I'm supporting The Vash ... I must go and find out what my fan club number is again, cos I lost my sig when I was faffing around ... Ninja
Originally posted by Shar:
Originally posted by Noty:

Ms Shar Valentine Agreed Big Grin If Karly and Kris had stayed it might have been a different story though. However, Sophie is now my second place hope

Same here Ms Noty ... Valentine

But my first place is not the same as yours ... I'm supporting The Vash ... I must go and find out what my fan club number is again, cos I lost my sig when I was faffing around ... Ninja

Nod Try Forum Lost & Found. I got my Good Judgement back from there. Liked Charlie until last night. Mad
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Just thinking about the mob mentality displayed in the HL show...Nothing wrong with being angry at Siavash's actions, but to behave like a pack of wolves is really something else.

Charlie by far the most angry, swearing, gesturing, name calling, getting personal.

Rodrigo incited the mob by going around telling everyone what Siavash has done. His behaviour really shocked me, he was my 2nd favourite after Siavash...Not anymore! I am begining to realise Noirin was telling the truth about him, he is awful. Both him and Charlie acted like two bitchy Queens.

David angry shouting, but not really making sense...Nothing new.

Marcus did what Marcus does best, he looked after number one.

Sophie went up in my estimations, she stuck to her guns, and supported her mate. She also spoke a lot of sense.

Lisa by far the most intriguing she sat she listened letting her foot soldiers dig even bigger holes for themselves, all the while taking in what was said during the argument. She is one devious woman. I had to laugh when she played peacemaker and she said let's all stop this, we'll see what happens tomorrow...But of course Lisa my dear, you've already worked out you're safe and Marcus & Siavash are up haven't you?

That is why she didn't kick off.

Whatever happens on Friday...Next week will be interesting.

Clapping very good and accurate post Senora - the roll-up hag will not be chuffed when there's no dosh PMSL Hug it gets better - and being in there - no dole money either i understand ?? not available for work you see - that will incl benefits.

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