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Just thinking about the mob mentality displayed in the HL show...Nothing wrong with being angry at Siavash's actions, but to behave like a pack of wolves is really something else.

Charlie by far the most angry, swearing, gesturing, name calling, getting personal.

Rodrigo incited the mob by going around telling everyone what Siavash has done. His behaviour really shocked me, he was my 2nd favourite after Siavash...Not anymore! I am begining to realise Noirin was telling the truth about him, he is awful. Both him and Charlie acted like two bitchy Queens.

David angry shouting, but not really making sense...Nothing new.

Marcus did what Marcus does best, he looked after number one.

Sophie went up in my estimations, she stuck to her guns, and supported her mate. She also spoke a lot of sense.

Lisa by far the most intriguing she sat she listened letting her foot soldiers dig even bigger holes for themselves, all the while taking in what was said during the argument. She is one devious woman. I had to laugh when she played peacemaker and she said let's all stop this, we'll see what happens tomorrow...But of course Lisa my dear, you've already worked out you're safe and Marcus & Siavash are up haven't you?

That is why she didn't kick off.

Whatever happens on Friday...Next week will be interesting.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by vrmaryport:
Shake HeadI don't understand it really, they know who they've nommd and therefore m and s are up for public vote. So horror of horros charlie's got one nom, a cub has been attacked. Surely only a flesh wound, not necessating the pack to attack and howl. It was idiotic and the HL showed them for all they are worth which is imo zilch.

Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
For the life of me, I don't know why Siavash didn't give Charlie a smack in the mouth. Ninja

He showed remarkable restraint..I would have fly kicked Charlie, making sure my feet were aimed squarely at his mouth.

Eeker Carefull SR entering Charlies mouth would mean mean sending in SAS to enter and find you. Laugh Must be all sorts of crap in there that could cause you damage. Laugh
Senora, I like your reading of Lisa in tonight`s programme. Very astute.
Quite a contrast to the Lisa we saw in the first few weeks. (I wonder how difficult she has found it to keep a lid on her stroppy side.)
Speaking of `keeping a lid on it`, it strikes me too that Charlie has real aggression lurking
just below the surface.
Charlie and Rodrigo seem to be terrified of being up for eviction. Charlie had no right to mention Siav's gf, nothing to do with noms, he was angry because he knew he had at least 1 nom from Siav's decision.

Rodrigo seems depressed about eventually having to leave the BB house, does he have no life outside of it that he wants to get back to? His boundaries about so much are strictly defined, no room for compromise
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by brisket:
Senora, I like your reading of Lisa in tonight`s programme. Very astute.
Quite a contrast to the Lisa we saw in the first few weeks. (I wonder how difficult she has found it to keep a lid on her stroppy side.)
Speaking of `keeping a lid on it`, it strikes me too that Charlie has real aggression lurking
just below the surface.

Awww Thank you Brisket Hug
Charlie is very aggressive seen flashes of it when he wound up Rodrigo in the past, but tonight it came to the fore in a very unpleasant way.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Essex Angel:
For the life of me, I don't know why Siavash didn't give Charlie a smack in the mouth. Ninja

He showed remarkable restraint..I would have fly kicked Charlie, making sure my feet were aimed squarely at his mouth.

Eeker Carefull SR entering Charlies mouth would mean mean sending in SAS to enter and find you. Laugh Must be all sorts of crap in there that could cause you damage. Laugh

Senora Reyes
They are scared that siavash has pulled off a crowd pleaser by not nominating...if he has they face tough opposition, and they never had the bottle to do it too.....if marcus wins they also know he is tough nasty have just realised they arent there because they are wanted..they have not been tested and panic is setting in..sophie sussed it perfectly tonight.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Charlie and Rodrigo seem to be terrified of being up for eviction. Charlie had no right to mention Siav's gf, nothing to do with noms, he was angry because he knew he had at least 1 nom from Siav's decision.

Rodrigo seems depressed about eventually having to leave the BB house, does he have no life outside of it that he wants to get back to? His boundaries about so much are strictly defined, no room for compromise

He has to make friends with the " Queen" to be able to stay here. Laugh Glad she doesn't watch. Ninja or does she? Ninja
Originally posted by fz:
They are scared that siavash has pulled off a crowd pleaser by not nominating...if he has they face tough opposition, and they never had the bottle to do it too.....if marcus wins they also know he is tough nasty have just realised they arent there because they are wanted..they have not been tested and panic is setting in..sophie sussed it perfectly tonight.

Sophie was an absolute gem, and is now my 2nd favourite.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
Laugh I was killing mesself at her -lisa- sat head in her lap trying to choke herself not to speak. She did flap at saying leave it now. Soooo funny. Does she think we don't know her.

Big Grin and all because she knows she is safe now, she'll have to dig deep to turn on the charm.

She almost had a coronary the night before when sophie wouldnt eat the pickled catfish. Big Grin
[QUOTE]Originally posted by vrmaryport:
So horror of horros charlie's got one nom, a cub has been attacked. Surely only a flesh wound, not necessating the pack to attack and howl. QUOTE]
A few weeks ago when Charlie`s name was read out as being up for eviction (before BB changed everything because of rule breaking), Charlie had a very interesting reaction then, which certainly included panic.
Last night if one single nomination can cause such a reaction in Charlie, I dread to imagine what several votes would have done to him.
He couldn`t handle the situation well.
But - as he has told us previously - he has always got what he wanted in life, which explains a lot.
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
Laugh I was killing mesself at her -lisa- sat head in her lap trying to choke herself not to speak. She did flap at saying leave it now. Soooo funny. Does she think we don't know her.

Big Grin and all because she knows she is safe now, she'll have to dig deep to turn on the charm.

She almost had a coronary the night before when sophie wouldnt eat the pickled catfish. Big Grin

PML! Laugh
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Charlie and Rodrigo seem to be terrified of being up for eviction. Charlie had no right to mention Siav's gf, nothing to do with noms, he was angry because he knew he had at least 1 nom from Siav's decision.

Rodrigo seems depressed about eventually having to leave the BB house, does he have no life outside of it that he wants to get back to? His boundaries about so much are strictly defined, no room for compromise

He has to make friends with the " Queen" to be able to stay here. Laugh Glad she doesn't watch. Ninja or does she? Ninja

I reckon that mealy mouthed little fun void twit would make an excellent footman...imagine him in the knickerbockers and white socks running behind the carriage tugging his forelock.
Originally posted by brisket:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by vrmaryport:
So horror of horros charlie's got one nom, a cub has been attacked. Surely only a flesh wound, not necessating the pack to attack and howl. QUOTE]
A few weeks ago when Charlie`s name was read out as being up for eviction (before BB changed everything because of rule breaking), Charlie had a very interesting reaction then, which certainly included panic.
Last night if one single nomination can cause such a reaction in Charlie, I dread to imagine what several votes would have done to him.
He couldn`t handle the situation well.
But - as he has told us previously - he has always got what he wanted in life, which explains a lot.

Yes I do remember him saying he always got what we wanted...Pity its not going to work for him this time. He is a terrible influence on Rodrigo.
Senora Reyes
BlushWhat will he be like when he does eventually get evicted? S'pose it's going to be a last minute and he's out of the door without being able to think much. But if it's before the last night and a surprise!???? Will he be able to control himself. I reckon he'll be an angry fella exiting the house. Don't know how much they prep them between leaving the crowd and coming into the studio. He may need a fair bit.
Originally posted by vrmaryport:
BlushWhat will he be like when he does eventually get evicted? S'pose it's going to be a last minute and he's out of the door without being able to think much. But if it's before the last night and a surprise!???? Will he be able to control himself. I reckon he'll be an angry fella exiting the house. Don't know how much they prep them between leaving the crowd and coming into the studio. He may need a fair bit.

He'll need sedating. Big Grin
Senora Reyes
charlie and rodrigo have virtually kept tied themselves in knots,bitten their tongues and kept a lid on it, for 12 weeks determined to show us they were the nice guys, the reason they got so angry,over nothing really is that they thought siavash had outplayed them for the title.
that's why rodrigo went on and on and on about siavash wanting to be seen as the nice guy, no matter how many times sophie and siavash explained it to him.
they were both spitting nails that 12 weeks hard graft had just unravelled, although it was their display of fury that has finally unravelled them

well done siavash.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
charlie and rodrigo have virtually kept tied themselves in knots,bitten their tongues and kept a lid on it, for 12 weeks determined to show us they were the nice guys, the reason they got so angry,over nothing really is that they thought siavash had outplayed them for the title.
that's why rodrigo went on and on and on about siavash wanting to be seen as the nice guy, no matter how many times sophie and siavash explained it to him.
they were both spitting nails that 12 weeks hard graft had just unravelled, although it was their display of fury that has finally unravelled them

well done siavash.

Clapping Siavash showed remarkable restraint,I'd have lamped them both.However keeping calm just infuriated the pair of eejits all the more,hence Charlie's playground like insults.Oh and I hope Rodrigo gets deported back to brazil.

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