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I'm not one for doing anything too time consuming or fussy but I might actually do something different this year.


Usually Xmas Eve I'd either have a takeaway or just do party food (mini quiches, vol au vonts, mini sausages etc) but am considering doing hot turkey (or chicken or pork...whichever I decide on for xmas day) stuffing and gravy sandwiches this year.


Xmas breakfast will be bacon sarnies.


Dinner I'm not 100% on yet so I'd like to hear what you fancy lot are having then I might steal some ideas

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Christmas Day is at my parents' this year and the 5 way email between myself, 3 brothers and dad has revealed that this year we're having turkey crown, roast lamb, roast beef and goose (I got lumbered with the goose) as well as all the trimmings. So I've now made up my mind that as well as the food (and desert, that's not food) I'm taking over, I'm taking 5 sleeping bags, the travel cot and my v pillow because it's now a mega sleepover. Especially now my dad has told me how much booze he got from Costco.
Originally Posted by suzybean:
Christmas Day is at my parents' this year and the 5 way email between myself, 3 brothers and dad has revealed that this year we're having turkey crown, roast lamb, roast beef and goose (I got lumbered with the goose) as well as all the trimmings. So I've now made up my mind that as well as the food (and desert, that's not food) I'm taking over, I'm taking 5 sleeping bags, the travel cot and my v pillow because it's now a mega sleepover. Especially now my dad has told me how much booze he got from Costco.

Awww what?  Can I come?  You's would have plenty of food and drink to cater to 4 more

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Ells:

EC those sausages look rank!  And you need a fried egg too.


I wonder if you are some kind of clairvoyant because that is exactly what I have had for my evening meal. Beans on toast with two fried eggs !  



Well, you'd be a fool not to add eggs to beans on toast.  In fact you'd be a fool not to add egg to most things!!



Smoked salmon and langoustine





Turkey and Pork

Pigs in blankets

Roast taties, mash taties

roast parsnips



cauliflower cheese

yorkie puds

2 or 3 stuffings.




Christmas Pud


Chocolate Cheesecake


and probably two others still undecided.


Cheese and Bics.


For twelve people .....served at four or five (or even six)

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


Smoked salmon and langoustine





Turkey and Pork

Pigs in blankets

Roast taties, mash taties

roast parsnips



cauliflower cheese

yorkie puds

2 or 3 stuffings.




Christmas Pud


Chocolate Cheesecake


and probably two others still undecided.


Cheese and Bics.


For twelve people .....served at four or five (or even six)

Get you, very posh 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


Smoked salmon and langoustine





Turkey and Pork

Pigs in blankets

Roast taties, mash taties

roast parsnips



cauliflower cheese

yorkie puds

2 or 3 stuffings.




Christmas Pud


Chocolate Cheesecake


and probably two others still undecided.


Cheese and Bics.


For twelve people .....served at four or five (or even six)

That's pretty much exactly the same as I'm having Soozy, 13 of us, at my sisters, having turkey in Turkey  No roast pork, although I will be taking a big ham and several other pork products with me! 

Originally Posted by Ells:

Ooh maybe Soozy will have us round instead.


(Good job I live way over in Ireland or you might start to worry that you'll get a knock at the door after breakfast)

Ells ours is a free for all at Christmas (and all the time really) our door is always open and our motto is always the more the merrier. I have twelve on my list but I know there could well be two or three more turn up (friends of my kids) they'll have had one dinner but know ours is always a good laugh. My son has dinner at 1 at his partners but saves himself for the REAL DEAL.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


Smoked salmon and langoustine





Turkey and Pork

Pigs in blankets

Roast taties, mash taties

roast parsnips



cauliflower cheese

yorkie puds

2 or 3 stuffings.




Christmas Pud


Chocolate Cheesecake


and probably two others still undecided.


Cheese and Bics.


For twelve people .....served at four or five (or even six)

That's pretty much exactly the same as I'm having Soozy, 13 of us, at my sisters, having turkey in Turkey  No roast pork, although I will be taking a big ham and several other pork products with me! 

You watch yourself through customs ..................................PORK in Turkey


I've seen Midnight Express ..........Turkish prisons are no picnic


How lovely you'll be with your sis. I'd love to have Christmas with mine but .....she has three kids with partners and eight grand children and it all gets complicated. Going down to see her tomorrow and staying overnight though and really looking forward to it!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

You watch yourself through customs ..................................PORK in Turkey


I've seen Midnight Express ..........Turkish prisons are no picnic


How lovely you'll be with your sis. I'd love to have Christmas with mine but .....she has three kids with partners and eight grand children and it all gets complicated. Going down to see her tomorrow and staying overnight though and really looking forward to it!

It'll be fine Soozy, always take stuff out, as does everyone else I know.

Enjoy your time with your sis

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


Smoked salmon and langoustine





Turkey and Pork

Pigs in blankets

Roast taties, mash taties

roast parsnips



cauliflower cheese

yorkie puds

2 or 3 stuffings.




Christmas Pud


Chocolate Cheesecake


and probably two others still undecided.


Cheese and Bics.


For twelve people .....served at four or five (or even six)

Yum yum that's like a hotel Soozy !

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

The usual veg and trimmings but definitely a turkey joint or crown. Turkey is too hard to cook 


Sherry trifle is tradition in our family for dessert.

I've never cooked a turkey 

Really? Good decision Aimee  



so true...its sh*t on a plate

Emily Airhead
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

The usual veg and trimmings but definitely a turkey joint or crown. Turkey is too hard to cook 


Sherry trifle is tradition in our family for dessert.

I've never cooked a turkey 

Really? Good decision Aimee  

It would only end up being a disaster knowing me 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):

The usual veg and trimmings but definitely a turkey joint or crown. Turkey is too hard to cook 


Sherry trifle is tradition in our family for dessert.

I've never cooked a turkey 

Really? Good decision Aimee  

It would only end up being a disaster knowing me 

I cook a large crown but never be afraid to cook a full Turkey Aims. Look up the Phil Vickery way's quick, delicious and (virtually) foolproof.

Soozy Woo

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