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Suppose it all depends on the geography of your town .

I hate Asda with a vengeance , but that's because it's on the wrong side  of the tracks.  The staff are the friendliest, and most helpful, but the clientele are grim.

Not Asda's fault......just where it is .
Morrisons is always full of older people  that have loads of time on their hands......I don't .......not their fault

Tesco are generally hated for their dominance, and I hate Tesco too.......Where to go

I always buy meat at my local butchers. and fruit , and veg at local shops,,,,,,,supermarkets ,  are too handy, but  a necessary  evil.
The nearest Asda is nice enough to look at but I'm sure there is a prerequisite that all staff must have ADHD, and even worse the checkout area is like a PMT apologists place of worship. The women bash the shit out of the fruit as they scan it through, growl at larger items like multipack toilet rolls, and God forbid if the barcode doesn't scan and they have to buzz for help.

The clientele is even worse, I don't think there's one person over 25 in there with all their own teeth.

I tend to stick to Tescos. (where I can eat the Krispy Kreme doughnuts round the shop and not pay for them)
Sainsbury's see also being ripped off
I've seen a few comments here about Sainsbury's being too expensive and it has confused me haha. At uni we tend to do our shopping at Sainsbury's as do all the the other students as its the closest supermarket we have. We tend to do a shop that will last 3 people 2 weeks and it costs ÂĢ40 which considering how much fruit and veg we buy is pretty impressive (ÂĢ7.50/person/week), so now I'm wondering whether our sainsbury's has to have lower prices as it is deemed a student supermarket- I know that the closest Asda to us has very low prices due to the area it is in, some fantastic bargains to be had if you trust leaving your car around there for an hour.
where I can eat the Krispy Kreme doughnuts round the shop and not pay for them
That reminds me of a bit by some comedian (can't remember his name) about people who walk round the supermarkets eating the produce off the shelves, then pay for the empty wrapper at the end... he said they treat the supermarket like a giant buffet
Not sure if it is classed as a supermarket but I cannot stand Ikea.  The layout of the stores forces you to walk round the entire thing.   Most checkouts are left un-manned and the Bargain Basement never contains any bargains.  I once tried to return an item where I had incorrectly selected the wrong sized table from the warehouse.......this item is still in its box in my garage 10 years later after I gave up waiting in the "returns" department.
Smarting Buttocks
I went into a Netto's (Newcastle) on recommendation of someone lesser than myself, lol .... and i honestly thought i was gonna die.
It was filthy - floor to ceiling rubbish i'd never seen before from Thailand (or somewhere) and a tannoy system screeching out messages to "Mike" to sort out a return.
Jesus - its was another world - no joking
I've seen a few comments here about Sainsbury's being too expensive and it has confused me
I've never thought of Sansbury's as being particularly expensive - I just think the quality of their fresh foods is very poor compared to some other supermarkets.  I think you get what you pay for with things like meat, fruit, and vegetables.
I think you get what you pay for with things like meat, fruit, and vegetables.
That said, I find M&S quality atrocious Its the only supermarket I have ever had to take meat back to cos it had gone off when I opened the packet - it was still in date, and its happened more than once. Their fruit and veg doesn't last 5 mins either
I don't often have problems with Waitrose food either.
Never had a problem with them Well apart from when they ask me to pay I think M&S is dead overrated though... apart from the  ready meals like I said, they have a very good steak and stilton pie

I used to get all my fruit and veg from the market, cos the quality was dead good, and it was loads cheaper. Haven't found a new one since I moved yet Not been looking that hard mind
I went into a Netto's (Newcastle) on recommendation of someone lesser than myself, lol .... and i honestly thought i was gonna die. It was filthy - floor to ceiling rubbish i'd never seen before from Thailand
I can't speak for Newcastle but there is no doubt that the alcohol buyer for Netto is sans pareil. Half price beer, including dog, and decent champagne at the same rate. If you look carefully there are bargains to be had in the bread, fruit and veg, confitures, and breakfast cereals. I can't imagine why people would waste money buying these items at expensive establishments like Asda, Sainsburys, and M&S. One has  to go to Morrisons for the salad bar, dips, and individual fresh buns.
Garage Joe
I went into Lidls once and I started itching the minute I walked through the door. There was sawdust all over the floor, and when I asked the assistant for a basket he handed me a cardboard box (Apparently everyone uses the stock boxes to do their shopping in?)

I didn't even buy anything, cos it just looked so dodgy and manky and just weird. The meat especially didn't look too clever. It was like a warehouse/car boot sale/ jumble sale.
I'm not a drinker so the beer or wine is not enough to get me back in there I'm afraid.

I have heard that their electricial stuff/ non perishable items are good value for money though.
I've just had this e-mail warning of a supermarket scam so thought I would share it here-

Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.
Here's how the scam works:
Two seriously good-looking, young men with foreign accents come over to your car and help pack your shopping into the boot. They then both start cleaning your windscreen. Their firm young bodies bulging out of their skimpy vest tops. It's impossible not to look!
When you thank them and offer them a tip, they'll say 'No' and instead ask you for a lift to another store, in my case,  Tesco's . You agree and they both get in the backseat.
On the way, they start undressing, and both get completely naked.
Then, when you pull over to remonstrate, one of them climbs over into the front seat and starts kissing you and pushing himself against you, while the other one steals your purse!

I had my purse stolen Nov 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, and 29th. Also Dec 1st, 4th, twice on the 6th, three times last Saturday and very likely again this coming weekend.

So Be Warned!!!

P.S. Lidl have purses on sale for ÂĢ1.99 each, Aldi are ÂĢ1.75 and look nicer.


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