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I had to pick up some supplies in  "Sa Sheels" today. Since my port of call was next to a Green Supermarket, I thought I would nip in for some bread. Dear me! Travelators to get to the top with some squawky woman shouting out instructions, tranquilised sand-dancers with push-chairs staggering about the place with no sense of purpose or direction, and the bread about a hundred meters away at the other side of the shop. Very expensive. Never again. We obviously don't get out much and this was a completely new shopping experience for me. Do people really enjoy this?

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I had to pick up some supplies in "Sa Sheels" today. Since my port of call was next to a Green Supermarket, I thought I would nip in for some bread. Dear me! Travelators to get to the top with some squawky woman shouting out instructions, tranquilised sand-dancers with push-chairs staggering about the place with no sense of purpose or direction, and the bread about a hundred meters away at the other side of the shop. Very expensive. Never again. We obviously don't get out much and this was a completely new shopping experience for me. Do people really enjoy this?
That's got to be Asda Joe, I hate, hate, hate the shop with a passion and even more since they've built a new one. And the other one I hate even more than them is Morrisson's (they made me redundant after 30 years service)

That leaves the only other shop we've got in the town that's easy enough for me to get to is Tesco
Asda with out doubt, dreay and depressing and very verry dirty with out side covered in people's spat out gum, yuk!
My favorite is Sainsburys with out a doubt;  many things are a lot cheaper than dirty Asda, plus Sainsbury I use is always so lovely and clean and no horrible music that gives me a blinding headache.
hate tesco as they are way way to powerful and sell rotting fruit people have stuck their fingers in, diagusting. I do so like to vote with my feet!!
It was terrible. Not even the greeter could make us smile. We were traumatised by the time we met him, and that was outside.
Yeah, I can imagine. I've never heard a good word said about that particular store yet. It's too far away from bus routes if you've got heavy bags seems to be the one resounding complaint at the mo. Oh, and it scares me a bit. When it's full you can feel the floor shaking under the weight
Where is the M&S ? I could see a Debenhams but I don't really know the place well. Obviously I go to the Tedco centre, other than that I know the fabulous row of eating establishments and the funfair.
It's in the main street just off the market square heading towards the river  but there again, it's only a small one. The row of eating places heading to the fair is Ocean Road
hmmm, hard to tell really... they all have good and bad. Waitrose has lovely food, but I don't half feel ripped off when I walk out My nearest big supermarket is a huge 24 hr Asda and its ok, can be a bit nightmarish at a weekend, especially after pay day But I feel the savings I get there make up for it Tesco, fine really... fruit and veg can be a bit ropey. Sainsbury's see also being ripped off
Nearly every fish ready-meal has cheese in it.
Nearly every meat ready-meal has garlic in it.
But worse than the goods are the staff.
A few are charming, courteous and friendly, with a smile, a please and a thank you.
But many more simply are not happy in their job and cannot be bothered.
I once asked an assistant (who specialised in the wine section) about a certain bottle - and the answer was "Ooh I don't know; I don't drink." !!!!

An inner toilet door has been stuck to the floor, immovable, for 3 or 4 years, exposing the inner toilet to passers-by.

There is often no paper, the toilet bowls themselves are not just stained they are encrusted and would need scraping or replacing. Some doors have no locks.

Upon asking an assistant about something she audibly "tutted" and said something like "Oh dear I'll have to go all the way up there.

A management problem methinks.

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