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My favorite times were:

This years bb's ignore the obvious task. I had tears streaming down my face at corin in the diary room with the custard pies and i didnt even like her. Mario and his grandad, his grandad made the best noises

When Sezer was evicted. Ohhhhh the joy I felt was overwhelming. NO JOKE i was air punching and dancing round the room, I was alone as well

The wonderful Shabby

And when Nadia won BB5, I was in floods when she won. For me some of the most genuine emotions we have ever seen from a winner.
Another vote for Maxwell's eviction - he so had it coming!

Cameron and Ray (BB4) sharing the reward room of pampering products - I was just crying with laughter

More BB4 - Lisa "I can kill a man with these 2 fingers" 

Craig's bizarre stalking of Anthony - class!

Tim BB3 - 'Comprondez!'   you wassock! 

The wonderful Jade - "Am I mingin' Big Brother?"

Grace hearing the 'Get Grace Out' chants

Sooo many - I'm nearly crying already - and I sooo miss that Channel 4 BB forum! 

Ah well, the end of an era - gonna enjoy all the programmes tonight with my codka! 
Ms Golightly
I am feeling all nostalgic, so please indulge me............

Darren overcoming his fear of chickens
Baby Juanita
Anna: "does anyone want a snog before the nominations?"

Bubble falling over the furniture
"Bubble, HOLD ME!" - the whole of that dance task was genius.
Helen and Paul
Brian and Narinder
Brian giving up Mr.Cow and Mr.Bear

Alex behind the door
The late-night raid on the rich side fridge, crawling around underneath sheets
Kate falling over whilst drunk and putting her jeans on

Ewar Woowar in the bedroom
Cameron going to BB Africa
Jon Tickle

Chicken Stu and Michelle
Dan, Stuart and Victor's 'Barney Jones'
BB burning Stu's cowboy hat

Craig and Anfonee
Craig to Maxwell whilst reading the rules "if you have more than five chins a.k.a. Maxwell please keep away from the pool area" (or words to that effect - I remember laughing loads at that)
The box task!
Science and Derek "you are the most annoying boy in Britain"
Derek saying he could see a monkey

Nikki 'WHO IS SHE? Where did you find her?!"
Sezer's eviction
The 'fake' argument when they were all dressed in geek clothes
DJ Spiral: "I'd do EVERYTING to you'

Ziggy and Chanelle
Carole "Not the facking piccalilli!!!"
Lesley 'keep calm and have a strawberry'

The food fight between heaven and hell
Mikey eating the scotch bonnet
The electric shock task

Can't do BB10 and 11 right now, or the celeb versions.....maybe I'll come back to those.

Wow I'm really sad it's all ending, even though it has to......I'm still sad.

Some left-field moments:

BB1: "If you live by the sword, you die by the sword".
BB2: Dean making roll-ups from banana skins.
BB3: Sandy peeing in the bin.
BB4: "Naughty tomato plant!"
BB5: Stuart's eviction reception. Best. Ever.
BB6: ".... . ._.. ._.. ___"
BB7: Aisleyne's mate convincing her that a piece of blue lace curtain was an appropriate eviction dress.
BB8: The unveiling of the washing machine!
BB9: Mikey and Darnell performing "Don't go breaking my heart."
BB10: Nana not making HLs!
BB11: Hmmm. I'll let you know in 12 months...

Eugene's Lair
Reference Katerina Today at 21:54:
 Aww yes, Stuart BB5's eviction reception.....I'd forgotten about that, Eugene. Thought it was so bittersweet, and yet he still embraced the moment and enjoyed it to the full.
What I found most remarkable about it was the reaction inside the house. The other HMs could hear the cheering, and Jason was convinced that it was because Stuart had been declared the winner!
Eugene's Lair

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