Do you think so hun? I'm not sure I could have tbh. It's one thing to say something to someone who is deliberately making a noise and being thoughtless and anti social but quite another to complain either to or about people who may have no control over noises they make etc. The people making the noise probably weren't even aware that they were doing it or, if they were, had no control over stopping it.
I don't know really. The only experience I have is of escorting a group to a pantomime each year. Not exactly Joseph and his coat I grant you. Having said that, we as a nation are not very good at meeting things face on and complaining. I assume that if there was an organised group then there was some form of caring facility available. Disabled people also have the capability of bad behaviour and like us also need boundaries. They deserve the dignity of that, otherwise we end up with spoilt disabled person, and that's a nightmare. Trust me!