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couldn't understand why people had problems with the forum when the changes were first made, and still can't.  Almost all of the forums I use have different layouts and features, but they still have the same purpose!
Because being fair, it was strange and when you first come over from a familiar forum it looks strange, didn't work too well and seemed to have a lot of different things that people were unfamiliar with.  Also it seemed at times that other FM's were almost on a crusade to make everyone like it, regardless of concerns that people had/have still

I have to say that most of the other forums I use are of a similar style to DS.  But I'm glad I made my concerns known and I'm also glad I stuck with it.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

I'm not going to deny that I wasn't overjoyed with the prospect of moving here, and I freely admit that once I got here, I had a nearly-flounce and threatened to leave. I didn't like this forum; it didn't work right, and it didn't feel right.
But, rather than head off into cyberspace (it's cold and lonely out there...) I stayed around, and tried to make a go of it, and now...well, I'm getting used to it.
It's not as bad as I thought it was, and the mods have given us most of the features we missed from the 'old' forums; most of the people I like talking to, and reading posts from, are here, so it's almost like old times. I'm still not inclined to use any of the features outside the forum (blogs, groups and walls aren't  not really my sort of thing), and if I were offered a straight choice between the old forum and this one, I know which I'd choose, but that's not going to happen, so I can live with this.
I like it and I like the extra features.  I wish it were more active, but you can't FORCE a person to post or start a thread.  (I have tried, it wasn't pretty.)

Everything changes, just look at the mobile phone you use now.  I bet it is nothing like the very first mobile you had.  There are probably features on it that you don't use, but it still gets the job done.

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