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Says it all really  

Josie has expressed her regret at nominating JJ this afternoon, after the boxer is confirmed to be facing the public vote.

During this afternoon's 'Nasty Nominations', the 25-year-old poured buckets of 'nasties' over JJ and Andrew. After all housemates had finished nominating, the 23-year-old was confirmed to have received the most votes alongside David, Jo and Mario.

Following Mario's win in the 'Save & Replace' task, Josie told John James that she regretted her choice.

Lying on the back of the sofas, Josie quietly said: "Sorry John. Sorry for doing that to [JJ]." John James replied: "It's alright." He then added: "I'm obviously closer to J than you are. There are some people that I would never have picked out there."

The Australian paused before saying: "I wish that you'd spoken to me about it beforehand." Josie replied: "I couldn't though, could I? My way of thinking was that I didn't want to be responsible for anyone going home." 

John James responded: "My way of thinking was that I didn't want anyone that I cared about going home."

Defending herself, Josie told him: "But the difference is that I care about everyone out there." He then said that she could have "ring fenced" certain people to make sure that they weren't chosen.

The Bristolian quietly said: "Yeah, I know," before telling him: "I wish I could just rewind today. If I could do it all again I would."

John James continued to criticise her actions, saying: "It's horrible. Nothing you do or nothing you say will take the guilt away from yourself." Josie sat silently before saying: "I don't think I'll be getting invited round your flat."



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The more I learn the more I feel  that he is a control freak,how he records his friends and mother,how he needs to control in the house,gawd I remember him saying his friends come to visit and he just leaves them and sleeps...EVERYTHING has to be on HIS terms.

It's classic signs Lee, he's always got to be right and in control, he's never going to make anyone happy, he's not happy himself unless he's in control
Reference: lee
don't tell me she is a submissive sort of person.
i don't think she was lee ....but blokes like john james have a way of manipulating people to their way of thinking..look how in one of their first rows he told her 'you made me do it'....he likes to control everything......and words things in a way that makes the other person feel bad and they end up apologising...........seen it in r/l happen to mates of mine.......strong independant women who become like timid mice around their bloke..........i know she fancies the pants off him........and i like josie....but god i hope she gets away from him once they get out
Dame I can't quote....Any road many folk do it,especially when in the grips and control of an abusive  control freak,the risk of not towing the line carries too high a price....Josie atm isn't in that situation,if she's any sense she'll be gone asap away from him.

I know Lee  I just hope her friends sit her down and talk her through some of this, there again I think he'll be off like a shot to be honest.
I really don't think she's as subservient as people think. She's trying everything she can to make him like her now, but I'm still adamant she isn't the total innocent party here. Sure, John James is a manipulative little shit who is VERY good at flitting between victim and persecutor, but in the beginning Josie very easily stood up to him whereas now it's quite cringeworthy the lengths she's going to to appease him and get his attention. And IMO that isn't because she's being fooled, it's cos she's in denial and desperate.
i don't think she was lee ....but blokes like john james have a way of manipulating people to their way of thinking..look how in one of their first rows he told her 'you made me do it'....he likes to control everything......and words things in a way that makes the other person feel bad and they end up apologising...........seen it in r/l happen to mates of mine.......strong independant women who become like timid mice around their bloke..........i know she fancies the pants off him........and i like josie....but god i hope she gets away from him once they get out
I know Spongee,tbh I saw enough ladies try and rebuild their lives after finally escaping the likes of him....He not only said to her she made him do it,he's said that to others as well,refusal to accept ANY responsibility for his actions and offloading it to the other person....Folk like him chip chip chip away at the other person, moulding them to become what THEY want them to be ,he's an emotional parasite she NEEDS to stop doing his dance right now!!
I really don't think she's as subservient as people think. She's trying everything she can to make him like her now, but I'm still adamant she isn't the total innocent party here. Sure, John James is a manipulative little shit who is VERY good at flitting between victim and persecutor, but in the beginning Josie very easily stood up to him whereas now it's quite cringeworthy the lengths she's going to to appease him and get his attention. And IMO that isn't because she's being fooled, it's cos she's in denial and desperate.
I'm shocked Karma,shocked to hear HER apologise to HIM for making her own judgement on something without seeking his approval,bog off Barbie Boy....Either she's more emotionally fragile than we know or it's he's a means to an end of some description.
see i think he's completely and knowingly keeping her hanging on...........he knows she fancies the arse off him........he dangles the carrot.'i love you jose'........'i bet you're a screamer in bed'.......the kissing the cuddling the hair stroking........the 'if you don't talk to me i'll leave'......the crying over her.........he's got her exactly where he wants her and he loves it........

occasionally he'll drop in a 'well even if you were my girlfriend i wouldn't care'.that makes her work harder to get his more submissive to him.he knows exactly what he's doing imo
see i think he's completely and knowingly keeping her hanging on...........he knows she fancies the arse off him........he dangles the carrot.'i love you jose'........'i bet you're a screamer in bed'.......the kissing the cuddling the hair stroking........the 'if you don't talk to me i'll leave'......the crying over her.........he's got her exactly where he wants her and he loves it........

Nail and head, he's the one that's kept it going, how many times as she said she'll move away from him, Then he starts, I don;t want that, I want to stay in your bed, I'm leaving if we fall out because I can't cope... the sooner she gets her head around how he's treating her the better. 
Yep totally agree he knows exactly what he's doing. But I think deep down she knows he isn't really interested, but is hoping that she's wrong. When it started getting more intimate with those 2 I could completely understand why she'd be confused, but now he's just playing games, her need to get his attention by making him jealous or her anger at him not sticking up for her against Sam says it all. She strikes me as quite a self-assertive person, and I would have thought had this all happened on the outside with some fella down the pub she would have told him where to get off ages ago. Of course I could be wrong but hmmm, I don't think so.

She needs to watch Sleeping with the Enemy
unfortunately dame josie won't be able to see it....not now at any rate..........maybe it'll be different when she gets out.........but atm his 'if you don't talk to me/share a bed with me i'll leave' stuff just makes her think he wants and needs's him getting her where he wants her though,more under his control.....

I know Spongey, and hopefully he'll be on the first plane out of here, it would be the best thing for her. She's definitely hanging on to no hope. Even if he was in the slightest interested, she'd be better giving the heave ho as soon as she looks back at the tapes.
hahahahaha....rewind to week 1 or 2 when JJ1 broke down in tears because Josie 'made him' loose his temper by simply standing up to him. Twonk!
I've done so much work on domestic violence/abuse/control (and still doing work on it) - so easy to spot the signs. There are those who are victims and those who like to play the victim. JJ1 is indeed the latter when it comes to emotional manipulation.
There may be another view - they are in a symbiotic relationship ...they need each other for the air time. Josie seems quite level-headed ....she deals with his tantrums quite effectively. Maybe she's just decided to let him do his thing...meanwhile she'll quietly do hers, suck her thumb and hug everybody - and win.
Kinda in the same field as what I was getting at.

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