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in my search to have a decent night's sleep I found this website where you listen to rain and thunder in a 30 minute loop. I love it because I've always loved the sound of rain. As a very young kid (2 or 3) I used to take a footstool and an umbrella out onto the balcony when it rained and just sit there, have goosebumps and love the sound and the feeling. Well, I found something close to the equivalent.
I manage to get to sleep last night without the 'magic' pill. Result.

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Originally Posted by Karma_:
I LOVE the sound of rain against the window when I'm lying in bed at night too! Waking up on a Sunday morning when you have no plans and it's lashing it down outside is bliss, cos you can get your cuppa and snuggle back down under the duvet.
Same here, but you can't beat a real storm in the south of France in a camper van, lying in this little space with lots of douvets listening to a real bit of weather thundering on the roof and all the windows open to feel the wind too. Heaven.

Not showing off, I had no money, just a bit of luck, but I remember some humdingers that summer.
cologne 1
Originally Posted by Baz:
I love the sound of rain when I am lying in bed nice and cosy... Trouble is it's not working tonight

It's not working for me tonight either, but that may be because I've had a jar or two and feel animated. Who knows, I might cave in any minute and listen to radio5 live, which makes me stay awake because I get involved.  I haven't had the 'magic' pill yet, which is a minor triumph.
cologne 1
When I was young we used to spend weekends on our canal boat..I've never felt so calm as I did there..we'd go to bed to the sound of the cows chewing their cud, we'd smell the night air with the windows open as the dew settled on the grass, hearing the night life waking, then in the early morning we'd hear the moor hens, swams and ducks calling to each other to see who'd survived the was pure magic....
Stocks! That's my worst bloody nightmare! 

I used to spend the summer hols staying with my grandparents on their small farm in Ireland. The livestock with their mooing and clucking woke me up at 2am in the morning! 

But Col  ... I bought a DVD of surf on a quiet beach a while back. It worked wonders too. In fact I should try it again. 
Originally Posted by Karma_:
I LOVE the sound of rain against the window when I'm lying in bed at night too! Waking up on a Sunday morning when you have no plans and it's lashing it down outside is bliss, cos you can get your cuppa and snuggle back down under the duvet.
Or on a dark winter's night when you're warm and cosy indoors
Cologne, you need to buy a sound machine, they have about 15 different sounds to pick from, from 'white noise', rain, thunder storms, waves on a beach (which we have on ), lots to try..... hubby is a light sleeper with kids getting up to go to the loo... it works for us... we have a 'sharper image' one but its american (we have a voltage adaptor) but google them, they may help you sleep.. I hate it if its not on now !
I have an example of how sounds can be perceived differently.
As part of a course, I once found myself in a relaxation classs.
We had a small mattress and a pillow each, laid down, closed our eyes, and listened.
The therapist/meditation woman in charge began to speak.
While other class members started to drift off to her decriptions of black velvet and sunsets, and other restful images, I found myself intensely tense - not relaxed at all.
I thought "If I have to listen to this woman's sibilant S one more time I'll go mad."
Not just sibilant, but ultra-sibilant, whistly, piercing sibilant esses.
Others started snoring. I took up my bed and walked out.
I love the sound of the rain and sleet against my window too. It`s a cosy feeling when you`re all tucked up in bed. I often get up to have a look then snuggle back under the duvet with a smile on my face.  

I`ve got a wee caravan overlooking the beach in a village not far from me. I love it when it rains. 
Sitting playing card games with the rain hitting the roof is bliss.
Originally Posted by stonks:
When I was young we used to spend weekends on our canal boat..I've never felt so calm as I did there..we'd go to bed to the sound of the cows chewing their cud, we'd smell the night air with the windows open as the dew settled on the grass, hearing the night life waking, then in the early morning we'd hear the moor hens, swams and ducks calling to each other to see who'd survived the was pure magic....
I bet it was stonks. That sounds wonderful to me.
Cologne, if you're bonkers then so am I and the OH. We have CDs of rain and storm sounds, plus others of streams and the sea. They're great to fall asleep to.

There's also a track by Brian Eno called "Discreet Music", which is designed to be listened to at a level where you can barely hear it. I recommend putting it on a loop at bedtime very very quietly - it cuts out other sound and puts me in a state where I'm very relaxed.

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