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Can someone clear this up for me? I thought the whole argument was that she had no pizzas therefore she had her crisps. But on the HL she clearly had pizza. I don't actually care by the way, I'm just pretending to.
She got 2 small pizzas, and some crisps to make up her nutrition value. Everyone else got a LARGE pizza each. She offered her pizza's to everyone and kept the crisps for another day.
She got 2 small pizzas, and some crisps to make up her nutrition value. Everyone else got a LARGE pizza each. She offered her pizza's to everyone and kept the crisps for another day.
Why couldn't she have a large pizza like everyone else? Did she get two small vegan pizzas or two small vegan slices? I'm not arguing with you I'm just confused as to how she became some sort of martyr then later the undiscovered child of a nazi war criminal.
Why couldn't she have a large pizza like everyone else? Did she get two small vegan pizzas or two small vegan slices? I'm not arguing with you I'm just confused as to how she became some sort of martyr then later the undiscovered child of a nazi war criminal.

Bb got the pizza's for her. She didn't order them. They were 2 small pizzas (4 slices per pizza). A Large pizza is something like 10 slices. Guess the crisps were to make up for the 2 slices everyone else got.
She got two (looked medium to me) pizzas and a big bag of crisps.

She ate one of her pizzas, after removing anything interesting from both of them (like sweetcorn) and then wanted to save her big bag of crisps, until they had bread, as she wanted a crisp sandwich. All the other housemates wanted some crisps, which I'm sure BB would have expected to happen, but she offered them the other pizza, which was basically pizza base with tomato paste on.
Did she get two small vegan pizzas or two small vegan slices?
I think she got two small vegan pizzas. Obviously BB have absoloutely no idea what she may or may not eat ...............I think they were probably hedging their bets. as it was - she picked all the stuff off of one of them and nibbled a bit. The crisps were probably just in case she wouldn't eat the pizzas. For a trainee doctor the girl certainly has a very unhealthy diet and a very unhealthy attitude towards food.
Soozy Woo
I hate to report that having read the replies (thanks everyone by the way) I am still none the wiser on Crispgate. She had some pizza like everyone else and also kept her crisps which she apparently wanted to share in sandwiches?

It's all so confusing. I'm glad I'm not in there. I'd have killed all of them by now except Ben and Corin and would be typing this from a prison cell (assuming they let me take my PC in).
I hate to report that having read the replies (thanks everyone by the way) I am still none the wiser on Crispgate. She had some pizza like everyone else and also kept her crisps which she apparently wanted to share in sandwiches? It's all so confusing. I'm glad I'm not in there. I'd have killed all of them by now except Ben and Corin and would be typing this from a prison cell (assuming they let me take my PC in).
Bit baffled myself, what I can see... she got given pizza, but she gave most of it away and was then put under pressure by Josie later to also share her crisps. I think on LF today though she caved in and share them after Ife did the same as josie. Don't know why she was given crisps in first place, think BB did it to cause an arguement.
Reference Prometheus Today at 01:25:
 I hate to report that having read the replies (thanks everyone by the way) I am still none the wiser on Crispgate. She had some pizza like everyone else and also kept her crisps which she apparently wanted to share in sandwiches?
At the risk of repeating what other FMs have said:
The HMs all shared large pizzas laden with meat and cheese toppings, except for Sunshine who got 2 small vegan pizzas (basically just a base, tomato paste and some sweetcorn) and a big bag of crisps. As far as we can tell, BB gave her the crisps to compensate for the otherwise comparatively low calorie content.

As soon as they saw the crisps, Shabby and Caoimhe started bitching at the table about why they didn't get any crisps, and why Sunshine should share hers. Sunshine only ate one of the pizzas, and shared the other with the HMs. She kept the crisps because she wanted to wait until they got bread so she could make crisp butties which she would share with other HMs. Steve and other (boy) HMs agreed this was a good idea.

However, Josie later "advised" Sunshine to share the crisps, otherwise she might look "mean" (this despite the fact that Josie knew she'd already shared one of her pizzas.)
Josie then went and bitched to Shabby and Co, falsely claiming that she'd convinced Sunshine to share the crisps (and failing to mention that she'd always intended to anyway) and complaining about how mean Sunshine was.
Caoimhe and Shabby then proceeded to demand crisps all night...

In summary: as well as having their own meals, certain HMs expected to have a share of Sunshine's meal as well just because she was given something different.
Eugene's Lair
Hmm, I beg to differ, Eugene.

Sunshine did not originally say that she would share them with everyone the next day and she offered the pizza base to people when they asked for some crisps, which they didn't want, because they just wanted some crisps. The blokes ate the other pizza later, after which JJ asked for some crisps and Mario told them that Sunshine was keeping them for the next day and to leave her alone.

Josie told her how it was looking i.e. quite tight, and then Sunshine petulantly said that everyone could have the crisps, which is what Josie said to the others in the garden. By this time, however, Sunshine had decided that she was still going to save them for the next day and only those who had been nice to her would get some!
Reference Blizzie Today at 03:13:
Hmm, I beg to differ, Eugene. Sunshine did not originally say that she would share them with everyone the next day and she offered the pizza base to people when they asked for some crisps, which they didn't want, because they just wanted some crisps.
The thing is though - why should the other HMs expect to have any of Sunshine's meal in the first place? They'd already had their meal.
This was just the worst example of a problem that's been there since the start: the other HMs are continually helping themselves to Sunshine's vegan supplies, ignoring the fact that she can't snack on their food.

I do take your earlier point suggesting BB gave her different food to create arguments, but I supsect it had more to do with:
(a) Compensating for the rather meagre pizzas (even with the sweetcorn they really weren't that substantial compared with what the others got); and
(b) Ensuring that Sunshine got something that they knew she would definitely eat, bearing in mind her rather faddish eating habits (which are another discussion entirely).
Eugene's Lair
I just think they all saw the crisps and thought "Yay!", as they've been living on chick peas and rice, and were really excited by the junk food offering!

Some of them dealt with it quite well and some got really quite cross about it, but I do think Josie is coming in for some harsh criticism, as I feel she couldn't understand Sunshine not sharing them, but just let her know how it was looking to others and laughed about it in the garden, rather than bitching rabidly, as it is being made out on here.

I also think, from what I saw, that Sunshine's two pizzas were quite substantial for one person, and the crisps were definitely a ploy by BB to get an argument going.

As for her eating habits? Seriously worrying!
Reference Blizzie Today at 04:09:
 but I do think Josie is coming in for some harsh criticism, as I feel she couldn't understand Sunshine not sharing them, but just let her know how it was looking to others and laughed about it in the garden, rather than bitching rabidly, as it is being made out on here.
Although Josie talked about how other's might see it, I think it was pretty clear that what she meant was that she saw it that way. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but I thought Josie's tone went way beyond that of a "friendly warning". Lines like "You will look like a nice person" (subtext: "you don't look like a nice person") carried a lot of undercurents: I certainly wouldn't have been happy if she'd spoken like that to me.

 Josie did bitch about it in the garden - she said to the others that she couldn't believe how "tight" Sunshine was, rather confirming that she'd been telling Sunshine how she felt rather than how anyone-else did. And if she really had Sunshine's best interests in heart, why did she immediately go and boast about what she'd done to the others?

This isn't the first time that the other HMs have felt entitled to Sunshine's crisps, and if I do have a criticism of Sunshine, it's that she hasn't cracked down enough on it in the past. However, the other HMs should all know by now about her eating requirements, and that crisps are one of the few things she'll happily eat. Knowing that and still suggesting that she share her food with everyone-else (who don't have the same dietry restrictions) is bad form, IMO.
Eugene's Lair
the other HMs are continually helping themselves to Sunshine's vegan supplies,
well somebody has to eat them  Sunshine won't

she refused to eat any of the basic supplies. .she will only eat what she wants to eat ..or rather what she fancies eating and strops if she doesn't get what she wants. .BB specifically putting her name on the crisps was done to stir up trouble I am sure. .they normally just write 'Vegan' on her stuff.. ..

basic rations are perfect for a vegan yet she 'didn;t like them'  yet had previously said she likes humous. .made form chick peas. .

She is not a vegan in the true sense .she is a girl with a very serious eating disorder..

She actually expanded on her, now cured in her eyes, disorder yesterday. .she said that at one point in her life she felt she wasn;t worthy of food at all. . becoming Vegan  and thereby pretending to be eating properly again, but in reality limiting her diet to only a few things all of which are unhealthy if not balanced with other foodstuffs,  it may/has delude her into thinking she is cured. .clearly she isn't..

The problem is that not ALL the HM's know of her eating problems and just see her as The Vegan not the person with a problem around food.. think she has told Ben and Mario about this..
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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