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Reference: Prometheus
Not for me. They changed dramatically after the third one. Very different takes on the original concept to the point they became almost unrecognisable as Hellraiser films, but still excellent.
I think I went off them after the one with the guy with the big camera for the eye. He looked a bit like someone I knew at the time - I kid you not.
Only when Batman's having a right go at one. That was the funniest episode of Batman ever
I know not of what you speak. You have some odd tastes. BTW assignment sent off, word count on the button. I'z a happy bunny He'd better bloody give me some good marks otherwise I'm gonna go round there and land him one right on the nose
Your assignment will be fine you're a right clever clogs on the quiet
I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted

Just don't forget to come on here and brag in an annoying fashion when you've passed it so we can all give you a big (hug)
Oh damn he's gone all compassionate. Gun please!

(But ta muchly you old git x )

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