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You have been asked to present the award for the best long playing gramophone record of the last thirty years. Inexplicably the award is won by a washed up Lancashire Group. The lead singer (sic) arrives  to collect the award and proceeds to act like a spoilt child . Do you.....
a) Grab hold of him and knock him to the floor, after all a court would not convict.
b) Ignore him and let him make  an even bigger fool of himself?

Noddy chose the latter. What a hero! I couldn't have done that.

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No problem DD I`ve been reading Oasis` fans comments on youtube. They`re arguing that he threw the gong into the audience for his fans. They`ve not mentioned he threw the mic first
As I said, i loved Oasis, still do...but that stupid swagger and the cockiness.....that is why us Boltonians get offended when we get grouped with 'Rock & Roll' act is a little dated these days don't you think.....
The Devil In Diamante

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