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We have three in the family. What a coincidence that all of them failed after the last iTunes update. None of them will sync properly and One of them won't play any more.

 I never throw anything away and brought out of retirement a couple of old Sony 2GB walk persons. This got me thinking and I did a bit of research. Argos are doing a 160 GB MP3 player. About Β£135. Of course all the iTunes contents can be dragged and dropped. Problem solved! Apple have really shot themselves in the foot IMHYCO. 

Anyone else affected or is this all Greek to you.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I love a bit of Greek! 

The last itunes update lost all but FOUR of my playlists   The music is still there but I've now got to re-do everything manually apparently.  There are 'fixes' but they confuse the hell out of me and aren't for those of us with limited ability.  It's a monumental balls up.  Mr Cos recently bought me another ipod to add to my collection.  I've yet to set it up.  

Meanwhile, I'm playing around on Spotify...which has automatically imported those measley 4 play lists from itunes....  

Cosmopolitan posted:

I love a bit of Greek! 

The last itunes update lost all but FOUR of my playlists   The music is still there but I've now got to re-do everything manually apparently.  There are 'fixes' but they confuse the hell out of me and aren't for those of us with limited ability.  It's a monumental balls up.  Mr Cos recently bought me another ipod to add to my collection.  I've yet to set it up.  

Meanwhile, I'm playing around on Spotify...which has automatically imported those measley 4 play lists from itunes....  

There is not answer to that 

Last edited by Moonie

I have been running an Apple iPod touch for about three years now and love it. The battery lasts me a week on my commute to and from work. Think I am going to sell my IPod Classic 160GB and my iPod Touch 64GB and buy an iPod Touch 128GB.


If I were you I would sell all your unwanted iPods on ebay or such like. The price of them rose when they were discontinued which also means the non workers did too.


A repairer may see an opportunity and buy them.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Madame Arcati posted:

I have a Panasonic portable CD player and I consider meself to be sophisticated and hip when using it.   When I drag it out on train journeys,  I can tell from the glances that I draw from my fellow passengers that I am striking the right  trend- setter note, technology-wise

 I like your style, Madame 

I still maintain that my old sony walkman [ tape of course ] had the best sound quality. If it hadn't broken I'd probably still be using it. Always moving with the times, me.  


Ah yes.  The good old cassette player.  Mine was an Aiwa (?), green in colour and I loved it dearly and even found winding the tape forward with a pencil when it got stuck oddly therapeutic.  Then it started to chew up the tape and then came the day when it packed up altogether.  A terrible day.  Terrible.

Actually, when I say it was an Aiwa, well it still is as I have it tucked away at the back of a cupboard somewhere.  Couldn't bear to throw it away.


Madame Arcati
Madame Arcati posted:

Me too, Roger.  Had to use the facilities in M&S earlier today.  Forced to choose  between pushing a large button or a smaller one in order to achieve a flush.  I was in there for ages unable to decide.  It was a proper dilemma, Rog.  In the end I did the old 'Dip, dip, dip' routine.

Give me a lavatory with a chain anyday

Madame Arcati posted:

Me too, Roger.  Had to use the facilities in M&S earlier today.  Forced to choose  between pushing a large button or a smaller one in order to achieve a flush.  I was in there for ages unable to decide.  It was a proper dilemma, Rog.  In the end I did the old 'Dip, dip, dip' routine.

Give me a lavatory with a chain anyday

Or a loo with a 'pully' handle 


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