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i have been trying to watch the snooker for the last two nights and i have a teenager that keep's screaming at me to turn over to the crap, even though i told her before the judges did who would be through and i was right  you should always listen to your mother  and why they thought we needed to be shown the prostitute girl at every opportunity is beyond me
Sure they can sing but where's their song writing skills and ability to play instruments?
They're not looking for 'talent' they're looking for good-looking people to do dire cover versions.

I like the show but would like to sit here anyway to enjoy the huge variety of abuse I know is headed towards the show is that okay Cinds?
i'm sure someone's gran died and they was doing it for her
The one from Zimbabwe, she cried about 5000 times before actually making her speech that she was doing it for her mother during which she cried 50000 times then cried 1 million times when she got through to boot camp. She's been picked for the judge's house bit now so it's safe to say the whole studio is now just a river and unavailable for use.
I can't stand it.
It' s a sham. Contrived and set-up.
The judges seem to know next to nothing about singing and how to sing.
The performers are not original and are copy-cats of other people.
Most of them have uncontrollable vibrato-o-o-o-o-o-s and do that hideous melisma singing where they shift about a dozen notes instead of simply singing one.
Had a look at one of them on YouTube the other day and nothing has changed.
When Cowell says "that is the best  I have ever heard" he is lying because he says it to others too.
I also think it is an insult to viewers' intelligence.
I can't stand it. It' s a sham. Contrived and set-up. The judges seem to know next to nothing about singing and how to sing. The performers are not original and are copy-cats of other people. Most of them have uncontrollable vibrato-o-o-o-o-o-s and do that hideous melisma singing where they shift about a dozen notes instead of simply singing one. Had a look at one of them on YouTube the other day and nothing has changed. When Cowell says "that is the best I have ever heard" he is lying because he says it to others too. I also think it is an insult to viewers' intelligence.
its a show to line cowells pockets (as if he hasnt enough money) and to put more morons into the music buisness ( as if we didnt have enough already). oh and not to mention the newspapers picking up on some of them and giving pages to their sob stories not to mention the money they get from their warbling.
The performers are not original and are copy-cats of other people.
That's what they want. Sounding original won't even get you to boot camp. Worse still, turning up to sing a song you've written probably won't even get you an audition.

They want good-looking clones of popular artists who can sing in tune. That really is all there is to it.
I still like it and watch it, but it drives me mad.  They need to change the format and they need to concentrate on putting people through that can actually sing and not put some of the ridiculous acts through that patently cannot.

Each year, it is the "talent" is getting poorer and poorer.  I think he will probably ditch the UK version and concentrate on the U.S version.
It's shit.  I'm not even sure I enjoy the occasional time I see it and spend an hour shouting abuse at them anymore. 

That being said, good records have bugger all to do with whether the performer can write a song or play an instrument.  I revile people who talk about 'real instruments' and the song writing abilities of however is warbling away on a song.  Squillions of brilliant records have been made fronted by performers with no talent whatsoever in those directions and all it shows is the people who say it have no knowledge of music whatsoever.  Proles. 

First year I've not watched from the start and watched every act, was tired of the first few weeks spending more air time on the crap acts than those who have potential. Caught up on a repeat channel those who got to Boot Camp etc and there's for sure 2/3 who can sing. but noticed as always some who were put through are just fodder as they've no real ability at all but are there for the voters to get rid of so the few better ones stay longer.

Also noticed they did that old trick again of eventually calling back some who thought their journey had ended only to be told that although they auditioned as solo artists they'd been chosen to be part of a girl band and boy band. As they auditioned as solo artists isn't that how they thought of themselves? if they'd wanted to be part of a girl/boy band surely they'd have joined one, but, maybe when you're hungry for fame you'll take any path to get there.

Yellow Rose

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