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So, obviously, you've been separated from your nearest and dearest for a couple of weeks.  I suggest you write your letter home to them, in view of the fact you'll be home in 4 days.  


Xochi to George Clooney.


Oh! Georgie!  You can't imagine how low class it's been for me to engage with these so-called 'FMs'. They want me to eat meat products. London is seriously a third-world city these days. I can't shop for my famous CD because the shop at Piccadilly Circus has closed down! 

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Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

So, obviously, you've been separated from your nearest and dearest for a couple of weeks.  I suggest you write your letter home to them, in view of the fact you'll be home in 4 days.  


Xochi to George Clooney.


Oh! Georgie!  You can't imagine how low class it's been for me to engage with these so-called 'FMs'. They want me to eat meat products. London is seriously a third-world city these days. I can't shop for my famous CD because the shop at Piccadilly Circus has closed down! 

ROFL Xochi

Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

So, obviously, you've been separated from your nearest and dearest for a couple of weeks.  I suggest you write your letter home to them, in view of the fact you'll be home in 4 days.  


Xochi to George Clooney.


Oh! Georgie!  You can't imagine how low class it's been for me to engage with these so-called 'FMs'. They want me to eat meat products. London is seriously a third-world city these days. I can't shop for my famous CD because the shop at Piccadilly Circus has closed down! 


Dear Mum

Have you enjoyed watching me doing a bit of acting?....You always said I was the worst attention seeker you,d ever seen. I have hogged the cameras at every opportunity and BB have been great, letting me cry,rant and rave to my hearts content. I think that I have this show in the bag,everyone I,ve met on the outside at rehearsals says so.See you Friday

Love Rylan



Tricia to her kids:


Hi darlings missing you lots.  Have you seen mummy on telly?  I've been doing lots of weird and wonderful things which have been hilarious.  I've been getting up to lots of jolly japes with the others to make sure I make the HL cuts.  I'm so funny I bet I'm on them every night.  The others think I'm so funny and a great singer as I sing to cheer them up.  No sleeping for me 


See you soon 


Razor to his partner,


Hello babe you missing me? More to the point are missing a good banging from me? I miss you, you're gonna need a crash helmet for that headboard..

There was a proper fit bird in 'ere called Lacey, I fancied her a bit, but she wer'nt having it,I used to wind her up rotten cos she didn't fancy me..and what wiv a name like Banghard???

Anyway I'll be home on Friday, get loads of food in, beers and that, for me and the lads, I'll see ya when I get home.


Love ya, Razor..

Senora Reyes

Spencer to his Mum


Dear mum 


Heidi and I are really stirring it up in the BB house, as Endomol wanted. It's easy playing the villains when you're as practised at it as we are, and your housemates are as unlikeable as this lot. There's this lanky guy who has a ridiculous painted-on beard. He really doesn't like us, as we get nearly as much attention from the cameras as he does.


This man-mountain of a guy who used to play soccer, tried to bully me but a quick threat about calling security from Heidi quickly made him back down. I wasn't scared anyway!


Anyway we will finish the show on Friday and do a few interviews. We will then be leaving this godforsaken country (Heidi doesn't feel safe without her handgun) and be heading back to the greatest country in the world, the good 'ol U.S.A! I am sure all the press will be waiting for us as we are the greatest reality stars EVER!


Lots of love 



Heidi to Spencer's mum


Hi there Mrs Pratt!


I hope you've been watching us on this stupid show from England. We've done so well that we're sure to win! The other people who visit the house in between their normal jobs are sure we hate them. Good thing too, because we do! Hahaha! 


I've been looking after your darling boy and making sure he doesn't pick up any horrible illness and not a drop of alcohol has passed our lips so our judgement is unimpaired. 


Not long until we leave this show. Looking forward to seeing you again because you're like a mother to me now mine has disowned me.


Air kisses, Heidi xxx


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