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Originally Posted by Ducky:

Oh...and while I'm here.....



YAY for Obama! 



I'll agree with that ^^^^ 



I'm still trying to weigh up if he was trying to keep a lid on things or he is concerned about a witch-hunt. I'm finding some of the rumours rather hard to believe and think its best to take them to the police, instead of touting them all over the internet...and I have to half admit through gritted teeth he had a point  I still hate him with a vengeance though 


Cags did a post in the related thread that summed it up for me.... 



I kinda know what you mean about what Cameron said Ducks...   its just there were other names on that list...   and whilst I don't know who the others were named I doubt they were all names of 'not quite out' politicians...  


so in a backhanded way, Cameron was the one that linked being gay with the allegations... 


that said...   that the politician I am thinking of has been implicated in the first place made me feel icky as I couldn't shake the feeling that someone somewhere decided that to be gay meant they'd obviously have some involvement.



The whole thing is becoming a right sodding mess now...   



slightly still on topic... 


I am soooo not having any of this voting for a police boss crap...  


Who the hell asked that we be able to do this?    I refuse to play ball..   Cameron can shove his police election where the sun don't shine!


Gawd..  if we were going to spend money on balloting, there are so many more important issues we could have had a referendum on

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

slightly still on topic... 


I am soooo not having any of this voting for a police boss crap...  


Who the hell asked that we be able to do this?    I refuse to play ball..   Cameron can shove his police election where the sun don't shine!


Gawd..  if we were going to spend money on balloting, there are so many more important issues we could have had a referendum on

Oh I soooo agree. I had originally thought about going and spoiling my paper with something like "why the hell should I do your job for you? I don't employ the manager of my local Tesco and I dont expect to have to do your recruiting - especially when my mother, who wouldn't recognise an Internet if it knocked on her door, is unable to formulate an opinion etc etc" ...


... but then, I can't be bothered, and I thought I would join the (probably about) 90% of non-voters

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

slightly still on topic... 


I am soooo not having any of this voting for a police boss crap...  


Who the hell asked that we be able to do this?    I refuse to play ball..   Cameron can shove his police election where the sun don't shine!


Gawd..  if we were going to spend money on balloting, there are so many more important issues we could have had a referendum on


what a pile of crap and waste of money....


Just to be clear, I didn't see the incident, and have no more knowledge of it than is in the article, so I could well have got completely the wrong end of the stick...... but I just think it was a low thing to do, to just hand him the list.


I have seen some of the links which have named people on the internet..... and I worry deeply how easy it is to muddy someone's name with very little evidence. 


So I think he was right to not look at the names. 


As for the gay thing, there are unfortunately lots of people out there who DO mix these two issues together, both through ignorance and (worse) I kinda like the fact he highlighted that too. 


Please don't expect me to watch a clip of what he said though.....I still can't see him on a TV screen without becoming irrationally violent.  



Hey there Velvet.  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

slightly still on topic... 


I am soooo not having any of this voting for a police boss crap...  


Who the hell asked that we be able to do this?    I refuse to play ball..   Cameron can shove his police election where the sun don't shine!


Gawd..  if we were going to spend money on balloting, there are so many more important issues we could have had a referendum on




Seriously. What the hell?

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Where did it come from?


Who decided we needed an election for this?   Why was it decided we needed an election on this?   





No idea Ditts ... I suppose someone somewhere said "well, if they want a referendum, we'll give them one"!!

"any old referendum will do...   as long as its on something they don't actually want a referendum on"


I have no none sweary words to say 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I think the police vote is an ar$e covering ploy in light of hillborough/riots of last year... ie any future mess ups they can say 'well you elected them!'



85 grand a year...they won't mind doing it Jen 

Bloody hell Well, I shall spoil my paper by scribbling out a name and voting for meeee then!!

Originally Posted by Rexi:



85 grand a year...they won't mind doing it Jen 

Bloody hell Well, I shall spoil my paper by scribbling out a name and voting for meeee then!!


an ex in-law of mine is standing in one area.... that's how I know what he'll be paid if he gets in  although even if I lived there, I wouldn't be voting for him 


Former Met Police Boss Says 'Don't Vote'

Sir Ian Blair tells Sky News that people should not vote in next month's Police and Crime Commissioner elections.

  • The former Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Ian Blair has encouraged people not to vote for Police and Crime Commissioners next month.

Sir Ian said the posts as designed were "very strange" because the police areas were too big for any individual to properly represent.

And amid fears turnout for the November polls could hit record lows, he told the Sky News Murnaghan programme he would recommend voters not to bother.

He said: "I've never said this before but I actually hope people don't vote because that is the only way we are going to stop this."

"I've always been someone who says vote."

Voters across England and Wales are due to go to the polls on November 15 to elect a Police and Crime Commissioner for each force area.

The Government has faced criticism for holding the elections in winter and not making enough efforts to publicise the elections and failing to offer candidates a free mail shot with their policies.

Sir Ian's comments come after a former senior police officer told Sky News that rank-and-file officers have serious concerns about the role and powers of Police and Crime Commissioners.

David Anthony, who was a Chief Superintendent with Greater Manchester Police, said that ex-colleagues were "really worried" ahead of next month's elections.

Policing Minister Damian Green says PCCs are 'a democratic voice'

This week the full list of candidates - who do not need to have policing experience - in the running to be PCCs in England and Wales will be published.

Mr Anthony said his former colleagues had "just seen their pay and conditions changed, their pension arrangements change; some of them are now going to have to work for an additional five years".

"They're seeing police numbers cut, they're seeing their back office changing out of all recognition, they're seeing their police staff colleagues made redundant and now they're reading and seeing that Police Commissioners are coming in on six-figure salaries, some with no policing experience whatsoever, to actually be in charge of them," he said.

"And they're asking the question 'what value can they add when they've never been involved in policing?'

"The elected commissioner by very nature will be a political appointment. Policing in this country has valued itself on being by consent and free from political bias. This is a major step towards actual political interference."

The idea of having directly elected individuals to oversee policing was a key part of the Conservative manifesto at the last general election.

Currently Chief Constables have to answer to their local Police Authority. The new PCCs will replace those authorities.

Every PCC will be required to swear an oath of impartiality before taking office. The role of the PCCs will be to decide priorities and budgets for police forces.

Policing Minister Damian Green said that PCCs would not be in charge of police operations.

He said: "What they are is a democratic voice so for the first time people will be able to vote for someone to represent their views on how their street should be policed, what sort of attitude they should take to antisocial behaviour, drug dealing, all those sorts of things that really worry people in their local area."

The Electoral Reform Society is predicting this election will see the lowest voter turnout of modern times. In a report entitled How Low Can You Go the society projects just 18.5% of people will register a vote.

It blames the Home Office for not giving people enough information on the elections.

It also says that winter elections have significantly lower turnout than those held in the summer.

The report also highlights "unrealistic eligibility rules", which it says could block some strong independent candidates.

Independent candidates are also hampered by a lack of funding and other party resources.

The report said an extremely low turnout "could unfairly advantage extremist candidates who would never succeed in winning over a bigger proportion of the electorate".


and...  AND....  AND...   ....


wasn't he on that This Morning promoting his other "this will fool them into thinking I am doing another good thing cos they are gullible like that" scheme... 


the training of supermarket dementia advocates!    He's actually bragging about how they will fund the training of VOLUNTEERS who will go round & train staff in shops about how to help a customer they think might be struggling around the shop cos they have dementia!!     Whilst he is slashing budgets for social & health care!      I am livid about the idea, and just so bloody offended he thinks we'll fall for it.


AND...   on the same day when they are bragging about how much more training & how much better equipped they are going to make the TA, so that the TA can make up a larger proportion of our armed forces...  whilst they are laying off existing soldiers who have been on active service with shoddy kit!




He just takes the absolute pish! 



So...  even if we take him on face value that he was genuinely concerned about allegations of paedophilia being pointed at someone just because of their sexual orientation...     I would still be struggling to keep my clapping hands from doing their clapping on either side of his head! 





DUCKY!!!  I blame you for my outburst...    I was pretty much comatose til you got me started on all this  (though it has been bubbling away inside me all day )

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I dunno how you politically passionate peeps do it all the time... 



this has been my first (& probably last) political outburst on the interweb & its left me drained & depressed 




*goes to find threads about puppies & perfume* 

All well your end

yeah, as well as I could hope for given the circumstances, she's no worse....   my fatigue & ranty mood is just cos I have had 2 manic days at work, and stupidly chased off a whole bottle of red wine last night...  making today even harder, & me even grumpier.


thank you for asking Erin      (how you doing?)

Originally Posted by Ducky:

You have no right to be comatose on one of the few evenings I can't be arsed I have no work to do!  

well..   I am wide awake now! 


MrD has just got in..  he had to go to a village parish meeting tonight - normally they have the courtesy to put him high up the agenda so he can do his pitch & then get home...    he was item no. 8 tonight, AFTER item no. 7 - Christmas lights! hahahahaha


then when he'd finished the chairman leaned over & said "can I have a word after the meeting..   I don't want to sling mud, but I have an issue with a neighbour who has a public right of way on his land - I need to discuss with you"  


this apparently was bugger all to do with a right of way...   more a neighbour dispute... MrD didn't eat before he went out..   he's just staggered through the door having the biggest diabetic hypo he's ever had!


And someone   ate the emergency diabetic hypo chocolate he had plotted up


tis fine...   I have thrown a jar of peanut butter at him & thrown his tea in the microwave 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I dunno how you politically passionate peeps do it all the time... 



this has been my first (& probably last) political outburst on the interweb & its left me drained & depressed 




*goes to find threads about puppies & perfume* 

All well your end

yeah, as well as I could hope for given the circumstances, she's no worse....   my fatigue & ranty mood is just cos I have had 2 manic days at work, and stupidly chased off a whole bottle of red wine last night...  making today even harder, & me even grumpier.


thank you for asking Erin      (how you doing?)

I am well cheers ,returning to the Gym on Monday!!

We have a special mass to attend for my mum(All souls) can't say I am looking forward to it ,but my mum would want me there. 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:


And someone   ate the emergency diabetic hypo chocolate he had plotted up





If he'd have bought something made with Nestle chocolate it would have been safe as houses...  but oh no..   he bought Cadburys Whole Nut!   AND TOLD ME ABOUT IT!


It was gone less than a week after he hid it up - which was in the summer.   I have replaced it, and eaten it again 3 times! 


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