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Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
It's "would've" that's caused it.  People see/hear "would've" and think "would of" rather than twigging it's "would have" contracted.

I find it far less annoying than "chimley" which makes me twitch.

Or "as" for "has" which is spreading like an epidemic. Still, I have to double check affect/effect every bloody time so I'm no one to talk
My gran used to say chimley.....Dropped H's really get on my nerves tbh,I hate that.
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

phenomenon   <-   I really struggle to say that..

Abominable......till someone told me to think "a bomb in a bull"


someone told me to say..   pheno men on    

it kinda plays with the flow of what I am saying though.

I only use the word when talking about two things..    

flying ant day   &     laydees synchronising
Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
Me and the little 'un have this routine.  He says " I brought" I say "No, you took"...he says "I'm bringing" I say "No, you're taking"...he stamps his foot, sighs and asks me to explain the difference.

I can't.

I can't explain it, I KNOW but I have no idea how the frick I know, or even why.  If I ever get stabby/shouty over my horrendous education, it's times like this.  Thank God I was only ever let loose on primary kids in a classroom coz I'd be stumped with older bairns.
'Take away' and 'bring to'?

It does depends on the speaker's choice of emphasis, however.

You could say, "I am going to bring a bottle with me", or "I'm going to take a bottle with me", but you wouldn't ask someone to 'take a bottle', if you wanted them to 'bring a bottle.
If we're going down that road..........I remember back in the day when I had to go round the classes and read for the various teachers.........I was the only one who knew the word colnel   testament to what my mam taught me eh? she used to be washing floors on her hands and knees and had me following behind her reciting words   god bless ye mam
Originally Posted by Issy:
I love the word Hyperbole.. Soozy and it is one that I do try and use in conversation..

Hello btw - haven't seen you for a while - hope all is well. 
Hi All's well - just decided to take a bit of a break. Sometimes you say the wrong thing with no malice intended and there are on or two who are on your back. At the mo I'm just dipping in and out.
Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
'Take away' and 'bring to'?

It does depends on the speaker's choice of emphasis, however.

You could say, "I am going to bring a bottle with me", or "I'm going to take a bottle with me", but you wouldn't ask someone to 'take a bottle', if you wanted them to 'bring a bottle.
Ooh is that it, take away and bring to? I will remember that (the daughter has got it, and to be fair she is not as geeky as I've no idea why he doesn't grasp it)


Right, if someone could just cement punctuation, effect/affect and explain colons and semi colons to me, in a way that sinks in, I'd be set
Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Right, if someone could just cement punctuation, effect/affect and explain colons and semi colons to me, in a way that sinks in, I'd be set
As I remember - a colon is used to prefix a quote or at the start of a list (within a sentence).

A semi colon is a bit more tricky but I think it links two short sentences together. Something like that.
Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Right, if someone could just cement punctuation, effect/affect and explain colons and semi colons to me, in a way that sinks in, I'd be set
As I remember - a colon is used to prefix a quote or at the start of a list (within a sentence).

A semi colon is a bit more tricky but I think it links two short sentences together. Something like that.
Cheers for that, I just stick them where I think they look right, which is usually not right.
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Right, if someone could just cement punctuation, effect/affect and explain colons and semi colons to me, in a way that sinks in, I'd be set
As I remember - a colon is used to prefix a quote or at the start of a list (within a sentence).

A semi colon is a bit more tricky but I think it links two short sentences together. Something like that.
That's what I thought too. So, for example:

^^Using it like that to start off bullet points or a LIST.

A semi colon is a bit more tricky but I think it links two short sentences together. Something like that.

Me too but I can't be arsed to go through my course book to show an example (I saw one the other day).
Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
I cannot get my head round "chauffeur" I know WTF it says and I know how to pronounce it. I bloody know, but my mouth doesn't. I always want to rhyme it with chicken chasseur, I KNOW it doesn't. I bloody know how to say it....but it's like a driver-tic. I can't help it

I just say shofa Posh peoples say sho-ferrrrrr

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