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It's "would've" that's caused it.  People see/hear "would've" and think "would of" rather than twigging it's "would have" contracted.

I find it far less annoying than "chimley" which makes me twitch.

Or "as" for "has" which is spreading like an epidemic. Still, I have to double check affect/effect every bloody time so I'm no one to talk
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I also say innit instead of isn't it.

ta instead of thanks

pooter instead of computer

shoot me now!

I say innit for comic value and ta as an acceptable abbreviation of thank you. I haven't managed 'pooter' but I know you know what the word is it's just misunderstanding the very basics of English that gets my goat. If I had a goat. Oh fekk, I've become what I hate 
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
I say innit for comic value and ta as an acceptable abbreviation of thank you. I haven't managed 'pooter' but I know you know what the word is it's just misunderstanding the very basics of English that gets my goat. If I had a goat. Oh fekk, I've become what I hate 

actually...  though I have committed the sin of typing 'could of' on here..   in reality I say could've or could have.   I am aware of the correct usage..    

and I have always used there, their & they're correctly..    til the last year or two on here.. when every now & then I notice I have used the wrong one!

like I said earlier...   I think its because when I am on here its my downtime..   relaxing time (supposedly)..    so faux pas's do happen!  

(ok...  I have no idea if the plural of faux pas is correct with an apostrophe s..      feel free to correct me if that is wrong..   I don't think I have ever needed to refer to multiple faux pas before! )
Originally Posted by Prometheus:
gets my goat. If I had a goat. Oh fekk, I've become what I hate 
If you pop over to the Malawi/farting thread you can steal my Dad's goat.
It's nee botha.

Deadly serious for a second, I would fluppin' LOVE to be taught about punctuation, I have not got a clue about commas, semi colons make my brain melt.  I was not taught this stuff at all.  I wasn't taught any of my era they only cared about spelling and ideas (good things, but not the only things) and it does my bloody head in when I hear about "lefty dumbed down teaching" coz all my schooling was under Thatch and they can take their lefty teaching method bollox and shove it.

I am still waiting to have capital letters explained to me, I figured that one out for myself.
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Leccy Endellion:
, I have to double check affect/effect every bloody time so I'm no one to talk
oh that one is tricky!!

and, if I am writing something formal then I will stop to consider which I should use...   I will proof read what I type..

but I don't see the need for formality on here 
Yep. Well you know me, can't type for (I typoed that as trype, how apt! ) for love nor money, so I'm not arsed so much on here, I think forums (fora!-for the pedants ) are an informal "chatting" style of communication.
I know perfectly well which there, their or they're to use ........but my typing fingers work faster than my brain sometimes and mistakes happen.

I'm a self confessed compulsive edit addict though, so when I notice, I change it quick, but I imagine some people may type the wrong one and just think sod it.....I don't think you can always assume they are unaware of the correct usage.

As for "pacific" I'm not sure I've seen anyone type that in error .....(I'd love to though! ).. but I know I find it damn hard to say "specific" in RL.  I have to pause to think it through before I say it, not because I don't know what it is..... but just because my mouth refuses to play along!  I have the same problem with "Statisitics" and it's one of the main reasons I gave up my childhood dream of being a Statistician.
Me and the little 'un have this routine.  He says " I brought" I say "No, you took"...he says "I'm bringing" I say "No, you're taking"...he stamps his foot, sighs and asks me to explain the difference.

I can't.

I can't explain it, I KNOW but I have no idea how the frick I know, or even why.  If I ever get stabby/shouty over my horrendous education, it's times like this.  Thank God I was only ever let loose on primary kids in a classroom coz I'd be stumped with older bairns.
Back in the day I was taught Linguistics at Uni by David Crystal. Even then he was incredibly relaxed about these things and saw language and spelling as an ever shifting thing. In fact I believe, even at his age now, he has embraced the revolutionary impact on language and communication of text speak! 

I flunked Linguistics.
Originally Posted by Ducky:

As for "pacific" I'm not sure I've seen anyone type that in error .....(I'd love to though! ).. but I know I find it damn hard to say "specific" in RL.  I have to pause to think it through before I say it, not because I don't know what it is..... but just because my mouth refuses to play along!  I have the same problem with "Statisitics" and it's one of the main reasons I gave up my childhood dream of being a Statistician.

phenomenon   <-   I really struggle to say that..

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