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Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

I dont know if any of you remember but my dad had a couple of operations for a brain tumour a while back, well its now returned & was told today its terminal.

I am in a really bad place at the moment and just dont know what to do.

Keep breaking down as life is just not fair, he is only 62, never smoked, drinks very little & was very fit.

not fair 

ahhh, no, I'm so sorry xx


  Awwww bless you and your family sweetie ...    If he is only 62, then you must be pretty young...    It is a bastard isn't it?  Some folk smoke and booze all their lives, and live to 90-odd, and then some - like you pop - do all the right things, and end up losing their life at a pretty young age.  Early 60s is WAY too young to die!  I hope they got the diagnosis wrong!  


.. and I know this isn't much help right now,you'll be in shock and totally devastated,  but might be worth thinking about .. when mum was ill and they were discontinuing treatment , we checked up on some of the medical trials that were happening.. she was put onto a drug trial and the meds she got, while we knew they were never going to be a cure, stopped the tumour growth awhile and meant she had a better quality of life, and a good bit longer than they'd predicted . 

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Oh man, that's shit.


I've been there clumsy, over a year ago with my Mum (she was only 55, brain tumour too).  I know exactly what you're going through right now.  I'm not sure if there any answers to any questions you have but I always be willing to try and answer them, so feel free.


Awww sorry Rawks.    55 is too young too!

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

I dont know if any of you remember but my dad had a couple of operations for a brain tumour a while back, well its now returned & was told today its terminal.

I am in a really bad place at the moment and just dont know what to do.

Keep breaking down as life is just not fair, he is only 62, never smoked, drinks very little & was very fit.

not fair 


You don't have to do anything, Clumsy it's all too raw right now.  I'm so sorry. 

Perhaps, when you've recovered from this initial devastating shock, you could plan just a few small things that you want to do with your dad...?  Doesn't have to be fancy or anything like that; spending time together can be a great comfort.


And try not to shoulder everything without giving yourself room to have an emotional '5 minutes'.  Perhaps a thread on here, or maybe a private pm with some of your closer forum friends where you can vent without having to worry about what you say?  It might help in some small way

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

appear to have double posted.. thanks for your replies

keep breaking down


he had 3 ops, 2 radiotherapy & 1 recent chemo but the tumour kept growing

he is such a good man, raised money for the hospital through bike rides & woulnd hurt a fly

devastated doesnt cover it

You can delete the other one if you want Clumsy.    it's up to you.  I think the delete content button is somewhere near the edit button.  Only one has posted on it.  Supes kindly offered her condolences  ...    


Such devastating news Clumsy, so sorry for you and the whole family and obviously your Dad.


I lost both of my parents to cancer, so I understand totally what you are going through.

You will be on a rollercoaster now ranging from despair to rage to pain so bad you can't breathe and all the time feeling that you have to keep your chin up for your Dads sake. Just be gentle with yourself and don't feel bad when you rage against the sheer unfairness of it all.


and come and chat to us when you need to. A hug is small comfort but please have one with my love

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

have deleted other thread, thanks supes for the post.. all lovely posts... sat here cuddling my dog, she hasnt got a clue why i am crying, poor thing


am going to go to bed with something to knock me out soon as i know i wont sleep as my head is pounding


thank you all 

Bless you sweetie.    Hope you are OK soon. xxx

Oh no that's awful news clumsy, no wonder your head is a mess I really wish that life didn't have cruel things such as this, it seems so unfair when it happens to the good people. Please remember that we're all here so anytime you need to talk to us, you can. I'll light a candle for you & your dad, I hope you can find a way to enjoy each other while he's still here
~Sparkling Summer~

Awwwww clumsy ................such awful news. What a horrible start to the year. I'm not sure I can say anything that hasn't been said. I lost my Dad when he was 58 - I now wish I'd said things and had 'those moments' but - it wasn't like that. The whole family were in denial and not accepting what was happening. It was right at the time - much as I'd loved (now) to have had heartfelt moments - it didn't happen.


Clumsy - you just have to do what you have to do and take each day as it comes ................there really is no right or wrong way.


It's bloody hard .............I know that - and my heart goes out to you 

Soozy Woo

Oh Clumsy! I'm so sorry about this news!


My mum died in June, but at a good old age. I know it's not a matter of year-scoring but I know how I would have felt if I was you.


As others have said, the main comfort I could give to my mum, and that gave me the most comfort after she died, was to spend time with her. I didn't do the big stuff, just gossiped and bitched about my brothers and their families as I always did with her! I felt it kept her attached to the family and the world as long as she was able to do so. I said goodbye to her only 6 hours before she died, having told her I'd be back up the 65 mile road the next day to see her again.


Keep it real Clumsy, as much as you can and however hard it seems. The time to grieve is later. Honestly. And share everything here during this and as long as it takes! 


My deep sympathy to you Clumsycat, that is shattering news  

Your heart is breaking... nothing worse than watching the one you love suffering, nothing.

I don't know if you are religious... even though I'm not especially, during past bereavment I found a little solace in reading the bible or going into chapel to say a quick prayer.

[ Although I remember feeling angry at God too, and maybe you do too. ]



thank you so much for all your kind words 


didnt get much sleep and kept breaking down, work have been great tho and been fine with taking these couple of days off, had to tell my mum today which was terrible as she has MS so its not great for her to be upset.

will check out those sites you have kindly suggested


you lot have been really great and I thank you from the bottom of my heart


god bless x


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