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That Wyndmomhahdman thing just takes the piss. If it's pronounced Windham, then spell it like that FFS. Whoever made that up was just being anal for no reason!

Leccy the Marylebone thing I agree with. I used to pronounce is 'Marry-le-bone' but I got corrected by some snooty client who said it was 'Marl-lee-bone'. Why have the 'Y' in it then? And the Southwark thing grates me aswell. Why the need for the 'W'?

The funniest thing is when you get the odd American person who will ask for directions to 'Ly-ses-ter- Square (for Leicester Square). There was a tourist once who was sooooooo RUDE! I was standing in Shaftesbury Avenue and he came stomping up to me with his hairy mother and said 'Oi You!' So I said 'What' and he pointed at his map and demanded to be sent to Oxford Street (which is just round the corner), cos he not only caught me at the wrong time of the month but was extremely obnoxious I sent him on the the train to Piccadilly Circus and told him to look for a tall fella called Nelson 
I'd always wondered about that one (in my head I read it as South Wark.. but know I have never ever heard that said.. so it must be wrong! )
People who live round there REALLY despise when you question it, solely cos they think they're fantastic for being able to live on the Southbank overlooking the dirty Thames that has God knows what or who floating in it!
I hate the of/have thing too and I despair at the amount of people who say " I 'pacifically' asked for..."        There was also a news reporter on our local radio station who referred to Alan Sugar as the government's enterprise 'tee-zar'        I'm pretty sure journalism isn't the career for that girl...
But whilst we're on about mispronunciation, the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajokull  caused great hilarity amongst the icelandic people, because not one of our british news presenters could pronounce it correctly   I know this because I have a couple of icelandic friends, now I know it really is a difficult word to pronounce, however for presenters and broadcasters to get it wrong is inexcusable, they have the whole worlds technology at their fingertips, and they can't be bothered to get it right!  

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