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You know what I think it is Ditty? Men are just better at liking films than women
Certainly where I am concerned I would agree with that.    I am quite selective over what I would say is a good film...   & the initial test is if it can actually hold my attention .  I am rubbish with really long films (with the exception of Avatar...  I actually watched all of that... twice!)

 But Shutter Island could have been good... most of it was good... just the ending I had issues with.   Same with Inception. 

I like films that turn out to be nothing like you expect ...
I thought Scarface was gonna be about a nice old pensioner who'd had an operation after falling over his slippers or summa

The shower scene with the chain saw did my head right in....     I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to stuff like that in films! 

Funnily enough I can cope with violence & gore when its a different colour...   Like in Sin City!   

I am cowering behind my laptop now... cos hubby has Silence of the Lambs on...  and there has just been a gross bit!
Well it's a stupid word. It's pronounced peenis so where's the other e then? A bit like Venus, definitely an e missing there too. Some words really need to get their act together

That's 'cause English is a language which relies on stress for a lot of its meaning, and stress can change the length of syllables.

You want to switch to a language like Japanese, Prom. The letters there are always pronounced the same.
Three words for you to look out for. Two Worlds II.

The boy got Assassins Creed Brotherhood for Xmas, he says it's ace. Gran Tourisimo (or whatever you call it) has got the thumbs up as well. He's also been talking about Brink that's being released at the end of March, so one to watch out for. Off to bed, am knackeroonied and have got a bit of a busy one again tomorra. Syonara Christmassy ones!
There are so many words I cannot abide:

serviette, lounge, gusset, toilet, food...I could go on.

As for the C word it does not bother me at all as long as it is used in its proper context, that is as a name for female genitals. I object to it in every way as an expletive. It says far more about attitudes towards women than anything else - I mean how would it be if a word for male genitals was thought so hideously offensive it remains the last taboo as far as swearing is concerned? The word needs to be disempowered - I have a c***, I am not a c***.
As for the C word it does not bother me at all as long as it is used in its proper context, that is as a name for female genitals. I object to it in every way as an expletive. It says far more about attitudes towards women than anything else - I mean how would it be if a word for male genitals was thought so hideously offensive it remains the last taboo as far as swearing is concerned? The word needs to be disempowered - I have a c***, I am not a c***.

THANK YOU Cariad - some one else who feels the same way as I do concerning that word.
Have you seen the Vagina Monologues perchance because that was what dis-empowered the word for me.

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