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Oh yes, yes, yes please short hair.
Or even a medium length perm (if they still do 'em.)
But not long hair that is constantly played with, stroked, fondled and tossed.
My idea of hell would be in a locked room full of video screens all showing adverts for shampoo and other hair products.
For some reason they all have long hair, tossed extravagantly, in slow motion. It drives me daft!
One of my biggest pet hates ever is long-hair tossers.

So yes, Prom, short hair is a good look. 

(Kate Middleton needs hair advice in my opinion.)
Often suites women who are good looking anyway and have the bone structure for it.  On older or plainer women it can look a bit harsh and sometimes a bit masculine - i.e. Shirley in EastEnders.  Agnes Dyne, Sarah Harding,  Kiera Knightley and Charlize Theron all have looked good with short hair and not in the least bit masculine.  Also suits Emma Watson IMO.
It depends on the style if it is long or short if you have long hair and it is always tied back no style just sat there so to speak I dont like it,the same with short hair depends on the shape of your face and style of the cut,unless you are really young looking I dont like long hair on the older woman it ages them,my hair is short and that is the way it is staying 

I dont like most celebrities with long hair who wear hair pieces it is so false and quite tacky looking
Demi Moore's hair in Ghost was nice and really suited her, Katie Waissel looks like she's had her hair cut by the council.

I've had short hair, shaved on one side with long bit on the other side (salt n pepa/ hip hop days ), curly hair, patterns at the back, a bob with a concave at the back and it's been every colour under the rainbow.

The last 6 years it's been longer and until last weekend it was down my back like Rapunzel Now it's layered and sawted.

EDIT: I haven't actually answered the question in hand. Yes, short hair does look good on some women. I couldn't have that elfin pixie thingy cut though cos I've got a head like a football. You have to have a squarish head and squarish pointy face to carry it off.
Last edited by Karma_
Some women suit short hair, some long, depending on bone structure and shape of your face whether your hair it's fine or thick.
Ife from this years BB looked stunning with the shaved head (and the long hair wig too actually, the biatch ) and there is a girl I see on the tube quite a bit who has a shaved head and she looks great too

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