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Football came abuot because men were looking for a reason not to get stuck in and work.
The first footballs were inflated pig bladders and since the pig was traditionally killed in autumn that's when the footie season kicked off and lasted as long as the pigs bladder did. In the meantime the more capable members of society **coughs women coughs** got on with making sure there was enough food to last the community through the winter.
No it was a comment aimed at all footballers regardless of their nationality.. there's something about the game that brings out the wimp in both players and fans
Can't agree with that. You're spot on with the players but the fans are passionate and never say die. I reckon an English pub team would have given Germany as good a game as English players on 100k a week who can't pass the ball to a player in the same f*cking shirt gave the Germans today.
Can't agree with that. You're spot on with the players but the fans are passionate and never say die.
are you joking????????   i popped into the footie thread after your thrashing and you were all weeping and wailing like kids who had their sweeties taken away and blaming everyone from the ref to the person who sold the pies....and my bet is you still all will be the same for another 3 and a half years. 
are you joking???????? i popped into the footie thread after your thrashing and you were all weeping and wailing like kids who had their sweeties taken away and blaming everyone from the ref to the person who sold the pies....and my bet is you still all will be the same for another 3 and a half years.

Seriously, you're just not worth bothering with. Knock yourself out with your anti-English threads I will be ignoring them from here on in.

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