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including being safer drivers, (yes we are - deal with it!)
And who would have seen loads of accidents in the rear view mirror if only they'd looked or, indeed, realised that their cars are just one moving thing in a 3D space of lots of others. 

It's the same in Tescos driving trolleys.  "Ooo, a nice cake.  I'll just put my trolley right here, in the middle of the aisle on a very busy day, to have a look!"  And my favourite.  "Right, I've packed my bags at the front of this long queue at lunchtime on a working day.  Now, where did I leave my purse? Was it at the very bottom of this large bag?" You know it's relevant. 
"Ooo, a nice cake. I'll just put my trolley right here, in the middle of the aisle on a very busy day, to have a look!"
Gah!  That annoys the bloomin heck out of me!!!  I hate when people do that, no consideration for anyone else and to make it worse they examine each and every jar of whatever it is they've picked up so they can calculate their weight watchers points and see if they'll have enough extra to make up for the chocolate chip biccies they've just loaded into the trolley

*and relax*

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