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Who was it on C4 who used to start those very popular threads about men's flaws pretty much weekly? Someone here, I think.  I remember I had a sense of humour failure too on about week 10, especially knowing a man wouldn't have got past week 2 without being jumped on.

I do like those Harry Enfield sketches.  WIth their irony intact of course.    They ought to rerun the Fast Show series again.
I don't remember those weekly threads DanJ...but I'm sure they were funny

LOL, yes they were temps. Most of the woman bashing/pisstaking stuff is just 'old' and tired, and pointless and boring now, as most of it not relevant or current, and doesn't make sense, as many women work as hard, and in many cases, even harder than most men, and are equal and superior in many ways, including being safer drivers, (yes we are - deal with it!) But the threads taking the piss out of men seem somehow much funnier, because most of the stuff in them is true and relevant.

This is just MY take on things of course. I am sure someone will be offended by this, as there is always SOMEone who gets offended, but people say stuff on here that offends me almost every day. Guess you can't please all of the people all of the time!

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