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I was in a supermarket 2 weeks ago, this woman with her grand-daughter ,who was about 2 , was having a bad time with her as she was taking a full tantrum, The woman was screaming at her, then put her in a trolley. The child was still screaming so she punched her with a closed fist, a few times. I left my shopping and went over to her and words were spoken i can tell you!! The shop was full and not ONE person said nothing. Now had that been a cat......i think the world has gone mad , all this for a cat and people turn their backs on small children being battered Dont get me wrong, i dont condone what this woman did, i am an animal lover myself. But what a strange world we live in
Reference: demantoid
I really find it annoying that people who are concerned about this lovely, friendly little cat can be accused of not caring about bigger stuff in the world. Of course we all care about the Pakistan floods. Of course we all care about children being abused, people getting murdered, etc. Does caring about one subject automatically mean you don't care about others? No. And I've a feeling that people who care about one small, defenceless little animal are MORE likely to also care about the bigger things, not less.
I totally agree.  I am sick and tired of this same kind of pious attitude from some, that people who were incensed by this putrid woman's act of cruelty, don't care about Pakistan, Haiti, the starving in Africa and the soldiers dying in the middle east etc etc etc.  What a narrow minded way to think and what a presumptious sweeping generalisation. 

People who abuse animals are naturally very cruel, cold, callous people, and it's a well-documented fact that many serial killers start off with hurting animals.  So God knows what this hideous woman has done before.  Maybe threatening the woman with death is a bit OTT, but some people under-estimate the passion that some people feel towards the care of animals, and how it makes you SO angry when someone hurts and/or causes great distress to a small defenceless animal like this little cat Lola. 

Saying it's 'only a cat' is all well and good, but like I heard someone say the other day, 'why not smash Mary Bale in the face with a baseball bat,' after all, it's ONLY a stupid callous fat old bag.'  This was someone else's words; not mine, but this is just an example...  Moreover, I can't believe how much she resembles Rose West... strange that.

Finally, I find it laughable that people are so utterly incensed by someone's throwaway comment simply saying 'jog on,'  What a load of fuss about a small, relatively innoffensive comment.  Some people are just too sensitive.  I have seen far worse comments on here; some from the people who are so outraged at the 'jog on' comment!
Finally, I find it laughable that people are so utterly incensed by someone's throwaway comment simply saying 'jog on,' What a load of fuss about a small, relatively innoffensive comment. Some people are just too sensitive. I have seen far worse comments on here; some from the people who are so outraged at the 'jog on' comment!
Are you having a fecking laugh?
you werent tho, wish you had been , i did phone the Police tho and its ongoing...i will not let it go
No without doubt you did the right thing (I'd have just jumped in and thought about the consequences afterwards when I in a cell - and the mum would have ended up being the victim which wouldn't have solved anything), just hope that Social Services do something.

It angers me senseless that there's couples out there who pay thousands upon thousands for IVF treatment and may never end up having kids, and you get women like that who push these kids out and don't give a shit about them
It angers me senseless that there's couples out there who pay thousands upon thousands for IVF treatment and may never end up having kids, and you get women like that who push these kids out and don't give a shit about them
Its just so unfair isn't it, people who would make the most wonderful parents who can't have kids, and then there's people who seem to keep having them with no thought and just dont seem to give a crap
all this for a cat and people turn their backs on small children being battered 
By this it makes it look like you're saying it's the same people who are disgusted by the way the cat was treated that turned their backs on a child being punched. If the woman punching her child had been caught on film and publicised I bet it would have got the same coverage
if I were there I'd have probably put the mother through the window.
same here Karma. There's a thing in this country now about "not getting involved" and in some cases I agree with that. Gangs fighting in the street, drunks fighting outside a pub etc but where kids are concerned I think maybe people should get involved more.
Cagney, i dont mean that at all. Children get battered every day in life , but its a You tube world we live in, and this sort of thing goes world wide . Had i got the camera from the shop and put it on You Tube, it probably wouldve went all over the world. The fact was i was in a huge supermarket, on my own, and not ONE person said nothing . It happened there and then, the poor child was crying and probably sore with being punched. I am not saying people care more about cats than children. I certainly wouldnt put a child being thumped on you tube, i am not that sick...
Finally, I find it laughable that people are so utterly incensed by someone's throwaway comment simply saying 'jog on,' What a load of fuss about a small, relatively innoffensive comment. Some people are just too sensitive. I have seen far worse comments on here; some from the people who are so outraged at the 'jog on' comment!
Finally, I find it laughable that people are so utterly incensed by someone's throwaway comment simply saying 'jog on,'  What a load of fuss about a small, relatively innoffensive comment.  Some people are just too sensitive.  I have seen far worse comments on here; some from the people who are so outraged at the 'jog on' comment!
Why am I not surprised you find it laughable,given the *throwaway* comments you made I guess to expect anything else would be completely unrealistic....I expect the usual poor me pity me reply,now THAT is laughable.
Reference: cockney chick
Finally, I find it laughable that people are so utterly incensed by someone's throwaway comment simply saying 'jog on,' What a load of fuss about a small, relatively innoffensive comment. Some people are just too sensitive. I have seen far worse comments on here; some from the people who are so outraged at the 'jog on' comment!
I'm so sensitive to animal suffering as well as human suffering that I did all I could to avoid the story of what the woman did so I never knew till 2 days ago what she actually did, as despite my protestations someone I know was determined to let me know what she did. I'm so relieved the cat is still alive but for people like her I've no understanding at all, she may as well live on a different planet to me. I deal with animal suffering regularly because of human behaviour and attitude, many humans sicken me.

While scrolling very quickly to get to the last page I saw mention of human suffering, e.g Pakistan. I'm a member of a huge site with tens of thousands of members that brings all current issues to light from around the world, whether humanitarian or animal related of all the species around the world. The average person has no clue what's going on in this world with cruelty beyond belief, whether towards humans or all animal species.
Yellow Rose
If you want to use it in the context of the thread then only say it to people with walking sticks or wheelchairs Joe
I am aware of the subtext Saz! I've been around these forums for a few years and like you found that offensive. However I find the term annoying also, and assume that the further North one goes it gets worse. When anyone has used it to me in the past (in the other place) I have found it patronising and dismissive.
Garage Joe
Finally, I find it laughable that people are so utterly incensed by someone's throwaway comment simply saying 'jog on,' What a load of fuss about a small, relatively innoffensive comment. Some people are just too sensitive. I have seen far worse comments on here; some from the people who are so outraged at the 'jog on' comment!
The term itself is a colloquialism and is, in itself, nothing. However, the context in which it is used can speak volumes, which it did in this instance.
In case you missed yesterday's news, this from the BBC:

A woman from Coventry who was filmed dumping a cat in a wheelie bin has been charged with animal cruelty offences.

Mary Bale, of St Michael's Road, has been charged with causing unnecessary suffering to a cat and of not providing the animal with a suitable environment.

The incident happened in August and the RSPCA said it was taking the 45-year-old to court under the Animal Welfare Act of 2006.

She is due to appear before Coventry Magistrates Court on 19 October.

The RSPCA said it had served Ms Bale with a court summons on Sunday.

El Loro
Has this been posted yet?  Twitterrrrrrrrrr......
[Couldn't be bothered looking back]

Just passed a shoe shop. Threw one of the sample shoes outside on top of a bus. Why do I do these things?     2:58 PM Aug 25th  via web  
In Tescos now. I've put some frozen sausages in with the cereals. They'll probably go off. I draw no pleasure from this.     3:00 PM Aug 25th  via web  
It means I'll have to carry the bags most of the way home, but this trolley's going in the canal.     3:24 PM Aug 25th  via web  
No.35 hasn't taken her milk in. Really feel like pouring it through the letterbox for her. What am I like?     3:48 PM Aug 25th  via web  
Just kicked the head off next door's gnome. For a joke. Who's laughing now though? Not me. Not me.     4:40 PM Aug 25th  via Twitter for iPhone  
Just realised I've still got the black ball from the social club pool table in my coat pocket. Don't even know why I wanted it.     7:31 PM Aug 25th  via Twitter for iPhone  
Took the rubbish out. Before I knew what I was doing, I'd swung the bag round and flung it over the fence. I think it's in their tree. WHY?     about 23 hours ago  via Twitter for iPhone  
Lovely coffee at Brenda's, but as soon as she left the room I couldn't help tipping it down the back of her telly. Regretting it already.     about 12 hours ago  via Osfoora HD  
If they don't want people to do what I've just done in the gallery, they shouldn't sell pens in the gift shop. Sat on coach now. Bit lonely.     about 8 hours ago  via Osfoora HD  
Waiting for a relief coach at the services because some of the tyres were flat. I can feel some of the church social ladies staring at me.     about 5 hours ago  via Osfoora HD  
No answer at Brenda's. Thought she might come over, what with her telly being bust. Bit of company.
   11:25 PM Aug 26th  via Osfoora HD  

Her across the way came looking for her wind chimes earlier. I told her I didn't have them. I don't. They're on her roof, where I threw 'em.
   11:38 PM Aug 26th  via Osfoora HD  

All your compassion and support have got me through another tough day trying to be a better person. Nighty night loves.
    12:41 AM Aug 27th  via Osfoora HD  

At my niece's birthday party. The cake's in the pond. It's not going down as well as I thought.
    11:50 AM Aug 27th  via Osfoora HD  

Brenda's given me another chance. She's in the toilet and the replacement telly is just staring at me. This is killing me.
    5:44 PM Aug 27th  via Osfoora HD  

Accidentally walked off with Brenda's new telly remote. My car ran over it while I was bringing it back. I'll pop the bits through her door.
    10:36 PM Aug 27th  via Osfoora HD  

There's a rude word on the window of this cafe written in squirty ketchup. I think the owner thinks I did it. I know I did. Embarrassed.
    10:25 AM Aug 28th  via Osfoora HD  

The dripping word I'm sat under is something I'd never say or type. People are looking in. This is the tensest egg bap I've ever eaten.
    10:38 AM Aug 28th  via Osfoora HD  

Trying to relax at the cinema. I like to stand quite close to the screen, but people are complaining. Why can't they let me be?
    1:53 PM Aug 28th  via Osfoora HD  

I'm glad Arnold Schwarzenegger is trying to ban impersonations. That lady on Channel 4 News sounded nothing like me.
    7:26 PM Aug 28th  via Osfoora HD  

Took in next door's washing for them earlier because it looked like rain, but now it has writing on it. Might not mention it.
    11:36 PM Aug 28th  via Osfoora HD  

At church. Enjoyed the sermon, but kept showing the vicar the finger every time I caught his eye. Not sure he 'got' it. Mortified if not.
    10:26 AM Aug 29th  via Osfoora HD  

Invited Brenda round for a Sunday roast. Went well. She didn't finish her dessert so I poured it into her handbag. She can have it later.
    7:56 PM Aug 29th  via Osfoora HD

Watering next door's houseplants while they're away, but I only have a rough idea how far I threw their keys after I waved them off. Why me?
    about 20 hours ago  via Osfoora HD  

In next door's porch. I can see a couple of the plants from the letterbox, but the hose isn't reaching very well. I don't need this.
    about 18 hours ago  via Osfoora HD  

In next door's lounge. Got in by putting the gnome through the front window. All the plants are watered now. Quite pleased.
    about 13 hours ago  via Osfoora HD  

Having a quiet drink at the social club with Brenda. Her handbag smells quite bad now. Hope no one thinks it's me.
    about 11 hours ago  via Osfoora HD  

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