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Folk that are cruel to animals etc. vwry often go to other crimes.THe FBI profile them as such.No early concience to the suffering  or pain that an animal feels.
Bit like that evil monk Dave,that loved to shoot and kill foxes and crows etc.Okay Humane maybe control of so called "Pests" but Dave enjoyed it.. I hope he gets a good old crotch rot disease.
I really find it annoying that people who are concerned about this lovely, friendly little cat can be accused of not caring about bigger stuff in the world.
Of course we all care about the Pakistan floods. Of course we all care about children being abused, people getting murdered, etc.
Does caring about one subject automatically mean you don't care about others? No. And I've a feeling that people who care about one small, defenceless little animal are MORE likely  to also care about the bigger things, not less.
Demantoid online 11,229 Forum Posts Today at 8:07 PM Last Edited: I really find it annoying that people who are concerned about this lovely, friendly little cat can be accused of not caring about bigger stuff in the world. Of course we all care about the Pakistan floods. Of course we all care about children being abused, people getting murdered, etc. Does caring about one subject automatically mean you don't care about others? No. And I've a feeling that people who care about one small, defenceless little animal are MORE likely to also care about the bigger things, not less.
I really find it annoying that people who are concerned about this lovely, friendly little cat can be accused of not caring about bigger stuff in the world. Of course we all care about the Pakistan floods. Of course we all care about children being abused, people getting murdered, etc. Does caring about one subject automatically mean you don't care about others? No. And I've a feeling that people who care about one small, defenceless little animal are MORE likely to also care about the bigger things, not less.
That really wasn't what I meant but to be honest I'm past caring now.
I still stand by what I said earlier though. Basically, none of these viglilantes outside Mary Dale's house would be there baying for her husband's blood if he'd been done for beating her up.
Animals - Lemme at 'em..
Abused women - sorry, it's 'domestic' and we'll turn a blind eye.
ALL of us matter, whether it's the woman next door who's getting the crap kicked out of her on a daily basis, or whether it's 'only a cat' being chucked in a bin to die.
Reference: katty
Feckin' rabbits are eating my vase of flowers that I have on my hearth..The buggers pretend to sleep ,then when I go for piss..they are on them!

Those are bliddy terrible. Tell them off and tell them I saId so!  
On the hamster front, Motley has gone bald between his ears and, after three or four days of  limited activity, suddenly started to climb the ladders like crazy last night. Maybe he knew it was BB final night and he wanted to say goodbye to the house...
Anyway,  I took his ladders away because he was staggering and I had the feeling he might try to climb them when I wasn't around, fall backwards and get his leg caught. Now, he's spending most of his time in the 'fur pocket' (a fur-filled toy we got them when they were younger) downstairs, where he can be comfy and I can keep an eye on him
Gray (his sister in the other cage) still thinks she's 6 months old and is still climbing all over the bars. They are both well over two and a half years old now. Gray has always been into climbing so she's kept herself fit. She's lovely and tame as well
Aww  no Isadora..I meant it a nice way! Maybe I  should have posted a smillie.  See , letters on a screen,can't truly convey emotion.Best wishes to your friend.
LOL its okay Kitty - I suddenly realised that it looked like I was glad the cat was in the wheelybin cos the end story made my friend smile and then I got all mixed up

I am loving the story of your rabbits though ....What do they look like? My sister has a cornish rex called Digby and he is the best!
Aww old boy "Elwood" was still trying to climb the bars the day before he died.A last hurrah! I  say."Jake" has grown so much,he's still a baby but he's still a bit skittish with noise etc., Still no bites! he's been in the hamster ball,though,I  feel if they don't like it I won't put them in it.Useful for ten minutes of cage cleaning etc.

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