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Lauren offline 1,084 Forum Posts Today at 11:44 AM Last Edited: Reference: What she did was disgusting. She should be prosecuted.This is going to follow this woman forever. The whole country knows who she is. But do I want her harmed? No I don't. To do so would make us no better than her. It really is bizarre, though. What on earth was running through her mind to do such a thing?
Dunno what was going through her head Lauren.  She obviously hasn't much of anything between her ears.  I doubt she has learnt her lesson, those kind of people never do which is why she needs to be punished.
I don't understand people a lot of the time (and despite my irrational but strong phobia of cats I do feel sorry for the poor thing)...but...seriously
I know
I like cats (and dogs, and most critters) and hate to hear of them being treated cruelly. But you're right - if some bloke in her neighbourhood got done for beating up his wife, I bet he wouldn't need a gang of PCSOs to protect his house from vigilantes.
I know this won't go down well with the majority on here...

But im finding it ridiculous how much attention this is amazes me how people actually care so much about a woman throwing a cat in the bin. From the floods in Pakistan, ebola in Africa to landslides in China, why should we give a sh*t about all the millions homeless, starving and dying from illnesses when we have a woman throwing a cat in a bin!

You have to love the media amplification in this country. If it weren't in the media, no one would know, and how the hell are these animal rights activists wishing her death, better than her? This country is scarily full of lynch mob maniacs.

The country is basically saying p*ss off Africa, we've got more important issues.... like a old hag throwing a cat in a bin.
But im finding it ridiculous how much attention this is amazes me how people actually care so much about a woman throwing a cat in the bin. From the floods in Pakistan, ebola in Africa to landslides in China, why should we give a sh*t about all the millions homeless, starving and dying from illnesses when we have a woman throwing a cat in a bin!
I think, what it is ( and bear with me cos it is difficult to put into words) is the complete lack of thought that she was causing suffering to a fellow creature.
Do you see what I mean?
For me, it is not so much that it was a cat - it was the fact that it was a life.
Shows disrespect all around and probably if she doesn't respect an animal's life,then she probably doesn't care twohoots about the other terrible things that are going on.
It is just a symbol of the attitude of many in society. I got into trouble on my local paper website the other day because of the fact that a local town had donated so much money to the floods. I applauded it and was shouted down by the charity begins at home brigade.

What I am trying to say is.. we are all on this earth and all life should be respected.
And now I sound like a tree hugger. 
Fairfax offline 5,535 Forum Posts Today at 4:41 PM Last Edited: Personally I'd like to drop her into a wheelie bin for 16hours and see how she likes it.
Me too Fairfax and alot more.

As for how much attention it is getting, why shouldn't it?  What she did was dreadful. Yes the cat is ok, but that is not the point.  It was a nasty and senseless act against an defenseless animal which caused suffering and could've led to the death of the poor cat.  Anyone who does something like this is beyond contempt and should not go unpunished.
I agree that what the woman did was very cruel and clearly would have completely traumatised the poor cat, but I do think the reaction has been totally over the top.  It seems extraordinary that half of the country is in uproar over this, and people have been making death threats against the woman.  Where were those people when this country invaded Iraq illegally and caused the deaths of countless civilians?
Just been reading a facebook group Death to Mary Bale

I'm still baffled how a woman of this age seemed to think what she was doing was a funny joke? As for the floods in Pakistan, earthquakes, and whatever other global disasters are happening..of course they are terrible, as it happens this country have given the 2nd largest financial donation (behind the US) to the Pakistan floods. (Quite something when we are minute in comparison to some other countries) so I wouldn't say their plight has been ignored
Karma_ offline 8,095 Forum Posts Today at 6:40 PM Last Edited: Just been reading a facebook group Death to Mary Bale I'm still baffled how a woman of this age seemed to think what she was doing was a funny joke? As for the floods in Pakistan, earthquakes, and whatever other global disasters are happening..of course they are terrible, as it happens this country have given the 2nd largest financial donation (behind the US) to the Pakistan floods. (Quite something when we are minute in comparison to some other countries) so I wouldn't say their plight has been ignored

So if people are concerned/angry/upset about what this woman did to this cat, does that mean they are not concerned about Iraq and Pakistan?  Why bring that into this debate?  Why can't people be outraged about this poor cat and Iraq and Pakistan?  Just because we are, doesn't mean that we are not concerned about situations elsewhere.
I dont want the woman killed or anything.. although if it was one of my cats I may feel differently   But yeah I am a cat lover and to me my cats are my kids so when people say "Its only a cat" that enrages me.

Ok it may have got out of control but at least thanks to the CCTV and FB this woman has been  found and will have to face the consequences
Reference: LL
Absolutely! So if people are concerned/angry/upset about what this woman did to this cat, does that mean they are not concerned about Iraq and Pakistan? Why bring that into this debate? Why can't people be outraged about this poor cat and Iraq and Pakistan? Just because we are, doesn't mean that we are not concerned about situations elsewhere.
So if people are concerned/angry/upset about what this woman did to this cat, does that mean they are not concerned about Iraq and Pakistan?  Why bring that into this debate?  Why can't people be outraged about this poor cat and Iraq and Pakistan?  Just because we are, doesn't mean that we are not concerned about situations elsewhere
 Caring for Humans AND non-human animals should be equal, IMO - none should be trivialized.
Sky offline 607 Forum Posts Today at 7:01 PM Last Edited: Reference: So if people are concerned/angry/upset about what this woman did to this cat, does that mean they are not concerned about Iraq and Pakistan? Why bring that into this debate? Why can't people be outraged about this poor cat and Iraq and Pakistan? Just because we are, doesn't mean that we are not concerned about situations elsewhere Caring for Humans AND non-human animals should be equal, IMO - none should be trivialized.
The mob "justice" and vigilantism the rags have whipped up means the woman needs police protection now...oh joy, then they can moan about tax money being wasted. All because people who pretend to hate thugs and thuggery want to give her a good kicking. Logic and reason nowhere to be found.
Too many complex and  interlinking factors for 'em to consider there Leccy, if I may say so.
Garage Joe

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