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Originally posted by cup:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by cup:

He would respect you and all barlo

Tis the way he has been brought up by his father.

Big Grin

yep.eeeee says i say 'how high?'...(about an inch it looked)..but i thought fur a man of dave's waistage...that was a bloody good effort.... Thumbs Up

He has come on leaps and bounds them 32 inch waist trousers will be held up by lisas dressing gown belt by the time he comes out,ON FINAL WEEK Big Grin

power t dave.

power t possee..... Thumbs Up
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
cheers pinky...we try our best!!!!...

all just a larf ... Thumbs Up Big Grin

I did do my three hail marys to St Vivienne last Friday as well. Big Grin

Seriously, yours is the first thread I check when I come on line. Still waiting for Queen Annie Sugden to come out in support of Dave.

it can be arranged.i'll speak to head of promotions dancers....

everyone who posts in it is a great laugh...and it's been so much fun...and dancers photo's are brilliant...
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Oooh eck, e'd be dead proud ter be compared ter a literally character!

Oh blimey they're all turning up. Eeker Once fracas gets here my ass is toast.

Sowwy. Frowner

don't be daft yer dafty.... Hug

Big Grin Bless him that Parsons Dave.

Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Oooh eck, e'd be dead proud ter be compared ter a literally character!

Oh blimey they're all turning up. Eeker Once fracas gets here my ass is toast.

Sowwy. Frowner

don't be daft yer dafty.... Hug

Big Grin Bless him that Parsons Dave.


say it....say it....say it.......

the lards prayer..........

our lard
oo is in tha bb howse
dave is his name
from dewsbury he come
his times not done
in bb howse and possee
give us this day
our daily curried spaghetti
and forgive tha bea who nominated him
thou he didn't nominate er
lead us not t tha crowd
but t tha final night
for this is tha possee
t power of dave
forever and ever

Originally posted by skive:
I was looking through some online excerpts of '1984' to find a suitable quote for my sig (to go with my avatar) and came across this:

â€Ē"Parsons was Winston's fellow employee at the Ministry of Truth. He was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms—one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the thought police, the stability of the Party depended."

Does this remind you of anyone? Big Grin Laugh

David!!!!!! Nod Laugh
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
say it....say it....say it.......

the lards prayer..........

our lard
oo is in tha bb howse
dave is his name
from dewsbury he come
his times not done
in bb howse and possee
give us this day
our daily curried spaghetti
and forgive tha bea who nominated him
thou he didn't nominate er
lead us not t tha crowd
but t tha final night
for this is tha possee
t power of dave
forever and ever


Amen petal Hug
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
tha has been consequenshals......

ski as seen errur o er ways an made us a luvly yerkshure pud and durnated surme kittuns t tha possee...

appen she as been pelted wi wee surked crumpets an all...

this is wha appens t tha treasuners...

howevur..tha possee as furgivun er fur er errur..

Translation for non-possee members:

These are the consequences.

I have seen the error of my ways and made them a lovely Yorkshire pudding and donated some kittens (not in the pudding I hasten to add).

I was pelted with crumpets soaked in urine and other stuff (including being made to run on a treadmill whilst having a trident poked in my arse).

This is what happens to traitors.

However the possee has forgiven me for my error and are in no way holding a gun to my head as I type joyous words about Parsons David.

Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
tha has been consequenshals......

ski as seen errur o er ways an made us a luvly yerkshure pud and durnated surme kittuns t tha possee...

appen she as been pelted wi wee surked crumpets an all...

this is wha appens t tha treasuners...

howevur..tha possee as furgivun er fur er errur..

Translation for non-possee members:

These are the consequences.

I have seen the error of my ways and made them a lovely Yorkshire pudding and donated some kittens (not in the pudding I hasten to add).

I was pelted with crumpets soaked in urine and other stuff (including being made to run on a treadmill whilst having a trident poked in my arse).

This is what happens to traitors.

However the possee has forgiven me for my error and are in no way holding a gun to my head as I type joyous words about Parsons David.



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