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Hello folks,


I'm lucky enough to be a real life friend of Xochi's.

Thought you would want to know that unfortunately, Xoch has hurt her shoulder and will be in hospital for the next 2 or 3 weeks. I have not visited her yet but I am in the loop as to how she is doing. I know Xochi has many good friends on here who would wonder why she has dipped out of posting on cBB mid-stream. I know she was particularly enjoying this one 

I know Xochi posts frequently on The Ship but I could not get to it!.... so I hope Ship friends will get to see this too. 

I know you'll join me in wishing that Xochi feels much better very soon .  



I'll keep you posted on progress. 



Get well soon Xochi!!! 

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Oh no Green and Pink  


Poor Xochi - that's not good at all. And the fabulous one's absence didn't go un-noticed   


When you see her could you please tell her I'm asking for her and pass on my love and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery


I imagine that's all she needed.


Thanks for letting us know G & P and nice to see you back on here  


I'll look out for your updates  






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